File: box/coby.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "errors"
   5     "io"
   6     "io/fs"
   7     "os"
   8     "path/filepath"
   9     "runtime"
  10     "strconv"
  11     "sync"
  12 )
  14 // cobyHeader is the first output line
  15 var cobyHeader = []string{
  16     `name`,
  17     `bytes`,
  18     `runes`,
  19     `lines`,
  20     `lf`,
  21     `crlf`,
  22     `spaces`,
  23     `tabs`,
  24     `trails`,
  25     `nulls`,
  26     `fulls`,
  27     `highs`,
  28 }
  30 // cobyEvent has what the output-reporting task needs to show the results of
  31 // a task which has just completed, perhaps unsuccessfully
  32 type cobyEvent struct {
  33     // Index points to the task's entry in the results-slice
  34     Index int
  36     // Stats has all the byte-related stats
  37     Stats cobyStats
  39     // Err is the completed task's error, or lack of
  40     Err error
  41 }
  43 func coby(w writer, r io.Reader, folders []string) error {
  44     // show first/heading line right away, to let users know things are
  45     // happening
  46     for i, s := range cobyHeader {
  47         if i > 0 {
  48             w.WriteByte('\t')
  49         }
  50         w.WriteString(s)
  51     }
  52     // assume an error means later stages/apps in a pipe had enough input and
  53     // quit successfully, so quit successfully too
  54     if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
  55         return err
  56     }
  58     // names has all filepaths given, ignoring repetitions
  59     names, ok := findAllFiles(uniqueStrings(folders))
  60     if !ok {
  61         return multipleErrors{}
  62     }
  63     if len(names) == 0 {
  64         names = []string{`-`}
  65     }
  67     events := make(chan cobyEvent)
  68     go cobyHandleInputs(names, events, r)
  69     if !cobyHandleOutput(w, len(names), events) {
  70         return multipleErrors{}
  71     }
  72     return nil
  73 }
  75 // cobyHandleInputs launches all the tasks which do the actual work, limiting
  76 // how many inputs are being worked on at the same time
  77 func cobyHandleInputs(names []string, events chan cobyEvent, r io.Reader) {
  78     // allow output-reporter task to end, and thus the app
  79     defer close(events)
  81     // permissions limits how many worker tasks can be active at the same
  82     // time: when given many filepaths to work on, rate-limiting avoids
  83     // a massive number of concurrent tasks which read and process input
  84     permissions := make(chan struct{}, runtime.NumCPU())
  85     defer close(permissions)
  87     var inputs sync.WaitGroup
  88     for i := range names {
  89         // wait until some concurrency-room is available
  90         permissions <- struct{}{}
  91         inputs.Add(1)
  93         go func(i int) {
  94             defer inputs.Done()
  95             res, err := cobyHandleInput(names[i], r)
  96             events <- cobyEvent{i, res, err}
  97             <-permissions
  98         }(i)
  99     }
 101     // wait for all inputs, before closing the `events` channel
 102     inputs.Wait()
 103 }
 105 // cobyHandleInput handles each work-item for func handleInputs
 106 func cobyHandleInput(path string, r io.Reader) (cobyStats, error) {
 107     var res cobyStats
 108 = path
 110     if path == `-` {
 111         err := res.updateStats(r)
 112         return res, err
 113     }
 115     f, err := os.Open(path)
 116     if err != nil {
 117         res.result = resultError
 118         // on windows, file-not-found error messages may mention `CreateFile`,
 119         // even when trying to open files in read-only mode
 120         return res, errors.New(`can't open file named ` + path)
 121     }
 122     defer f.Close()
 124     err = res.updateStats(f)
 125     return res, err
 126 }
 128 // cobyHandleOutput asynchronously updates output as results are known, whether
 129 // it's errors or successful results; returns whether it succeeded, which
 130 // means no errors happened
 131 func cobyHandleOutput(w writer, rescount int, events chan cobyEvent) (ok bool) {
 132     results := make([]cobyStats, rescount)
 134     // keep track of which tasks are over, so that on each event all leading
 135     // results which are ready are shown: all of this ensures prompt output
 136     // updates as soon as results come in, while keeping the original order
 137     // of the names/filepaths given
 138     resultsLeft := results
 140     for v := range events {
 141         results[v.Index] = v.Stats
 142         if v.Err != nil {
 143             ok = false
 144             w.Flush()
 145             showError(v.Err)
 147             // stay in the current loop, in case this failure was keeping
 148             // previous successes from showing up
 149         }
 151         n := countLeadingReady(resultsLeft)
 153         for _, res := range resultsLeft[:n] {
 154             if err := cobyShowResult(w, res); err != nil {
 155                 // assume later stages/apps in a pipe had enough input and
 156                 // quit successfully, so quit successfully too
 157                 return true
 158             }
 159         }
 160         resultsLeft = resultsLeft[n:]
 162         // flush output-buffer only if anything new was shown
 163         if n > 0 {
 164             w.Flush()
 165         }
 166     }
 168     return ok
 169 }
 171 // cobyShowResult does what it says
 172 func cobyShowResult(w writer, res cobyStats) error {
 173     if res.result == resultError {
 174         return nil
 175     }
 177     var buf [64]byte
 178     w.WriteString(
 179     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 180     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.bytes), 10))
 181     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 182     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.runes), 10))
 183     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 184     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.lines), 10))
 185     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 186     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.lf), 10))
 187     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 188     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.crlf), 10))
 189     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 190     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.spaces), 10))
 191     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 192     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.tabs), 10))
 193     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 194     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.trailing), 10))
 195     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 196     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.nulls), 10))
 197     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 198     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.fulls), 10))
 199     w.Write([]byte{'\t'})
 200     w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], uint64(res.highs), 10))
 201     _, err := w.Write([]byte{'\n'})
 202     return err
 203 }
 205 // uniqueStrings ensures items only appear once in the result, keeping the
 206 // original slice unchanged
 207 func uniqueStrings(src []string) []string {
 208     var unique []string
 209     got := make(map[string]struct{})
 210     for _, s := range src {
 211         if _, ok := got[s]; ok {
 212             continue
 213         }
 214         unique = append(unique, s)
 215         got[s] = struct{}{}
 216     }
 217     return unique
 218 }
 220 // findAllFiles does what it says, given a mix of file/folder paths, finding
 221 // all files recursively in the case of folders
 222 func findAllFiles(paths []string) (found []string, ok bool) {
 223     var unique []string
 224     got := make(map[string]struct{})
 225     ok = true
 227     for _, root := range paths {
 228         // a dash means standard input
 229         if root == `-` {
 230             if _, ok := got[root]; ok {
 231                 continue
 232             }
 234             unique = append(unique, root)
 235             got[root] = struct{}{}
 236             continue
 237         }
 239         _, err := os.Stat(root)
 240         if os.IsNotExist(err) {
 241             ok = false
 242             // on windows, file-not-found error messages may mention `CreateFile`,
 243             // even when trying to open files in read-only mode
 244             err := errors.New(`can't find file/folder named ` + root)
 245             showError(err)
 246             continue
 247         }
 249         err = filepath.WalkDir(root, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
 250             if err != nil {
 251                 return err
 252             }
 254             if d.IsDir() {
 255                 return nil
 256             }
 258             if _, ok := got[path]; ok {
 259                 return nil
 260             }
 262             unique = append(unique, path)
 263             got[path] = struct{}{}
 264             return nil
 265         })
 267         if err != nil {
 268             ok = false
 269             showError(err)
 270         }
 271     }
 273     return unique, ok
 274 }
 276 // isZero enables branchless-counting, when xor-compared bytes are used
 277 // as indices for it
 278 var isZero = [256]byte{1}
 280 // counter makes it easy to change the int-size of almost all counters
 281 type counter int
 283 // cobyStatResult constrains possible result-states/values in type stats
 284 type cobyStatResult int
 286 const (
 287     // resultPending is the default not-yet-ready result-status
 288     resultPending = cobyStatResult(0)
 290     // resultError signals result should show as an error, instead of data
 291     resultError = cobyStatResult(1)
 293     // resultSuccess means result can be shown
 294     resultSuccess = cobyStatResult(2)
 295 )
 297 // cobyStats has all the size-cobyStats for some input, as well as a way to
 298 // skip showing results, in case of an error such as `file not found`
 299 type cobyStats struct {
 300     // bytes counts all bytes read
 301     bytes int
 303     // lines counts lines, and is 0 only when the byte-count is also 0
 304     lines counter
 306     // runes counts utf-8 sequences, each of which can use up to 4 bytes and
 307     // is usually a complete symbol: `emoji` country-flags are commonly-used
 308     // counter-examples, as these `symbols` need 2 runes, using 8 bytes each
 309     runes counter
 311     // maxWidth is maximum byte-width of lines, excluding carriage-returns
 312     // and/or line-feeds
 313     maxWidth counter
 315     // nulls counts all-bits-off bytes
 316     nulls counter
 318     // fulls counts all-bits-on bytes
 319     fulls counter
 321     // highs counts bytes with their `top` (highest-order) bit on
 322     highs counter
 324     // spaces counts ASCII spaces
 325     spaces counter
 327     // tabs counts ASCII tabs
 328     tabs counter
 330     // trailing counts lines with trailing spaces in them
 331     trailing counter
 333     // lf counts ASCII line-feeds as their own byte-values: this means its
 334     // value will always be at least the same as field `crlf`
 335     lf counter
 337     // crlf counts ASCII CRLF byte-pairs
 338     crlf counter
 340     // name is the filepath of the file/source these stats are about
 341     name string
 343     // results keeps track of whether results are valid and/or ready
 344     result cobyStatResult
 345 }
 347 // updateStats does what it says, reading everything from a reader
 348 func (res *cobyStats) updateStats(r io.Reader) error {
 349     err := res.updateUsing(r)
 350     if err == io.EOF {
 351         err = nil
 352     }
 354     if err == nil {
 355         res.result = resultSuccess
 356     } else {
 357         res.result = resultError
 358     }
 359     return err
 360 }
 362 // updateUsing helps func updateStats do its job
 363 func (res *cobyStats) updateUsing(r io.Reader) error {
 364     var width counter
 365     var highRun int
 366     var prev1, prev2 byte
 367     var buf [16 * 1024]byte
 368     var tallies [256]uint64
 370     for {
 371         n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
 372         if n < 1 {
 373             if err == io.EOF {
 374                 res.tabs = counter(tallies['\t'])
 375                 res.spaces = counter(tallies[' '])
 376                 res.lf = counter(tallies['\n'])
 377                 res.nulls = counter(tallies[0])
 378                 res.fulls = counter(tallies[255])
 379                 for i := 128; i < 256; i++ {
 380                     res.highs += counter(tallies[i])
 381                 }
 382                 return res.handleEnd(width, prev1, highRun)
 383             }
 384             return err
 385         }
 387         res.bytes += n
 388         chunk := buf[:n]
 390         for _, b := range chunk {
 391             // count values without branching, because it's fun
 392             tallies[b]++
 394             // handle non-ASCII runes, assuming input is valid UTF-8
 395             if b >= 128 {
 396                 if highRun < 3 {
 397                     highRun++
 398                 } else {
 399                     highRun = 0
 400                     res.runes++
 401                     width++
 402                 }
 404                 prev2 = prev1
 405                 prev1 = b
 406                 continue
 407             }
 409             // handle line-feeds
 410             if b == '\n' {
 411                 res.lines++
 413                 crlf := count(prev1, '\r')
 414                 res.crlf += crlf
 416                 // count lines with trailing spaces, whether these end with
 417                 // a CRLF byte-pair or just a line-feed byte
 418                 res.trailing += count(prev1, ' ')
 419                 res.trailing += crlf & count(prev2, ' ')
 421                 // exclude any CR from the current line's width-count
 422                 width -= crlf
 423                 if res.maxWidth < width {
 424                     res.maxWidth = width
 425                 }
 427                 prev2 = prev1
 428                 prev1 = b
 430                 res.runes++
 431                 highRun = 0
 432                 width = 0
 433                 continue
 434             }
 436             prev2 = prev1
 437             prev1 = b
 439             res.runes++
 440             highRun = 0
 441             width++
 442         }
 443     }
 444 }
 446 // handleEnd fixes/finalizes stats when input data end; this func is only
 447 // meant to be used by func updateStats, since it takes some of the latter's
 448 // local variables
 449 func (res *cobyStats) handleEnd(width counter, prev1 byte, highRun int) error {
 450     if prev1 == ' ' {
 451         res.trailing++
 452     }
 454     if res.maxWidth < width {
 455         res.maxWidth = width
 456     }
 458     // avoid reporting 0 lines with a non-0 byte-count: this is unlike the
 459     // standard cmd-line tool `wc`
 460     if res.bytes > 0 && prev1 != '\n' {
 461         res.lines++
 462     }
 464     if highRun > 0 {
 465         res.runes++
 466     }
 467     return nil
 468 }
 470 // count checks if 2 bytes are the same, returning either 0 or 1, which can
 471 // be added directly/branchlessly to totals
 472 func count(x, y byte) counter {
 473     return counter(isZero[x^y])
 474 }
 476 // countLeadingReady finds how many items are ready to show at the start of a
 477 // results-slice, which ensures output matches the original item-order
 478 func countLeadingReady(values []cobyStats) int {
 479     for i, v := range values {
 480         if v.result == resultPending {
 481             return i
 482         }
 483     }
 484     return len(values)
 485 }

     File: box/coby_stats.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "strings"
   5     "testing"
   6 )
   8 func TestCount(t *testing.T) {
   9     for x := 0; x < 256; x++ {
  10         for y := 0; y < 256; y++ {
  11             var exp counter
  12             if x == y {
  13                 exp = 1
  14             }
  16             if got := count(byte(x), byte(y)); got != exp {
  17                 t.Fatalf(`%d, %d: expected %v, but got %v`, x, y, exp, got)
  18                 return
  19             }
  20         }
  21     }
  22 }
  24 func TestCountLeadingReady(t *testing.T) {
  25     for size := 0; size <= 20; size++ {
  26         for exp := 0; exp < size; exp++ {
  27             values := make([]cobyStats, size)
  28             for i := 0; i < exp; i++ {
  29                 v := resultSuccess
  30                 if i%2 == 1 {
  31                     v = resultError
  32                 }
  33                 values[i].result = v
  34             }
  36             if got := countLeadingReady(values); got != exp {
  37                 const fs = `size %d: expected %d, instead of %d`
  38                 t.Fatalf(fs, size, exp, got)
  39             }
  40         }
  41     }
  42 }
  44 func TestStats(t *testing.T) {
  45     var tests = []struct {
  46         Input    string
  47         Expected cobyStats
  48     }{
  49         {
  50             ``,
  51             cobyStats{},
  52         },
  53         {
  54             `abc`,
  55             cobyStats{lines: 1, runes: 3, maxWidth: 3},
  56         },
  57         {
  58             "abc\tdef\r\n",
  59             cobyStats{lines: 1, runes: 9, maxWidth: 7, tabs: 1, lf: 1, crlf: 1},
  60         },
  61         {
  62             "abc\tdef\r\n",
  63             cobyStats{lines: 1, runes: 9, maxWidth: 7, tabs: 1, lf: 1, crlf: 1},
  64         },
  65         {
  66             "abc\tdef \r\n123\t456  789 ",
  67             cobyStats{
  68                 lines: 2, runes: 23, maxWidth: 13,
  69                 spaces: 4, tabs: 2, trailing: 2, lf: 1, crlf: 1,
  70             },
  71         },
  72     }
  74     for _, tc := range tests {
  75         t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
  76             var got cobyStats
  77             err := got.updateStats(strings.NewReader(tc.Input))
  78             if err != nil {
  79                 t.Error(err)
  80                 return
  81             }
  83             tc.Expected.bytes = len(tc.Input)
  84             tc.Expected.result = resultSuccess
  85             if got != tc.Expected {
  86                 t.Fatalf("expected\n%#v,\ngot\n%#v", tc.Expected, got)
  87                 return
  88             }
  89         })
  90     }
  91 }

     File: box/deflac.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "errors"
   5     "io"
   6 )
   8 // deflac eventually wants to be a streaming FLAC-to-WAV audio decoder
   9 func deflac(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
  10     // return emitTone(w, 2.0, 440)
  11     return errors.New(`not ready / this tool seems a crazy idea`)
  12 }

     File: box/help.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "errors"
   5     "io"
   6     "sort"
   7     "strings"
   8     "unicode/utf8"
   9 )
  11 var name2help = map[string]string{
  12     `abs`: `abs
  13 Turn all lines from (assumed) filepath names into absolute paths`,
  15     `args`: `args [args...]
  16 Emit each argument given on its own line`,
  18     `base`: `base
  19 Transform each line, which is assumed to be a filepath, by only keeping the
  20 final part of the (assumed) filepath, sometimes called the "base-name"`,
  22     `base64`: `base64
  23 Turn general bytes into a base64-encoded line of text`,
  25     `begin`: `begin [lines...]
  26 Start output with the lines given as arguments, followed by the input lines`,
  28     `begintsv`: `begintsv [items...]
  29 Start output with a line of tab-separated values (TSV), followed by the input
  30 lines, which are (presumably) TSV-type lines too`,
  32     `bh`: `bh [every = 5]
  33 Breathe Header is like Breathe Lines (bl), except it also adds an extra empty
  34 line after the first/header line; when not given a number, the default is to
  35 breathe every 5 lines, starting after the first line`,
  37     `bl`: `bl [every = 5]
  38 Breathe Lines adds an extra empty line every few, so that long blocks of text
  39 lines can visually "breathe"; when not given a number, the default is every 5
  40 lines`,
  42     `book`: `book [page height]
  43 Lay out lines on 2 side-by-side columns, making the result look like pairs of
  44 facing pages in a book`,
  46     `bytefreq`: `bytefreq
  47 Show the frequency of each byte read from the main input`,
  49     `choplf`: `choplf
  50 Avoid emitting the last line-feed, if present in the original input`,
  52     `coby`: `coby [folders...]
  53 COunt BYtes is a tool which finds various byte-related stats/counts from all
  54 files (found recursively) in all the folder names given; results are emitted
  55 as TSV lines, where the first line is a label/header line`,
  57     `compose`: `compose [separator] [tools/args/seps...]
  58 Run multiple tools concurrently, chaining each tool's input to the previous
  59 tool's output; the result is similar to how shell pipes work, except that no
  60 external processes/tasks are involved, as everything happens inside this app`,
  62     `datauri`: `datauri [mime type...]
  63 Encode input bytes into their (base64-encoded) data-URI representation: when
  64 not given an explicit MIME-type (or single-word shortcut for it), this tool
  65 tries to auto-detect the media/data-type from the first few bytes, since all
  66 data-URIs start by declaring a MIME-type for their base64 payload`,
  68     `debase64`: `debase64
  69 Decode base64-encoded text into general bytes`,
  71     `debz`: `debz
  72 Decode bzip2-compressed data`,
  74     `decsv`: `decsv
  75 Turn CSV lines into a "JSONS" (JSON Strings) array, which is an array of JSON
  76 objects where the only values are JSON strings; the only other type of value
  77 is null, which is reserved for missing trailing row-values`,
  79     `deflac`: `deflac
  80 A tool which eventually wants to be a streaming FLAC-to-WAV audio decoder`,
  82     `degz`: `degz
  83 Decode gzip-compressed data`,
  85     `dejsonl`: `dejsonl
  86 Convert JSON Lines (JSONL) into a proper JSON array: while JSONL isn't valid
  87 JSON as a whole, each line in it is valid JSON, a property which allows its
  88 use for log-style line-based JSON-streaming applications`,
  90     `delay`: `delay [seconds]
  91 Delay input lines one by one, by waiting the number of seconds given before
  92 emitting each line: the delay given (in seconds) can be a round number, or
  93 a decimal number`,
  95     `detab`: `detab [tabstop = 4]
  96 Expand all tabs using runs of spaces up to the number given; when not given
  97 a number, the default is to use up to 4 spaces for each tab`,
  99     `dir`: `dir
 100 Transform each line, which is assumed to be a filepath, by only keeping the
 101 directory/folder part of the (assumed) filepath`,
 103     `div`: `div [x] [y...]
 104 Divide 2 numbers in 3 ways, showing their proper fraction, its reciprocal,
 105 and the complement of the proper fraction; when given just 1 number, its
 106 reciprocal is shown`,
 108     `drop`: `drop [what...]
 109 Ignore all occurrences of all substrings given, where matching is always
 110 case-sensitive, and each substring is fully "dropped" before doing the same
 111 with later ones, in case multiple args are given`,
 113     `end`: `end [lines...]
 114 Start output with the input lines, ending with the lines given as arguments`,
 116     `endtsv`: `endtsv [items...]
 117 Start output with the input lines, which are (presumably) TSV-type lines,
 118 ending with a line of tab-separated values (TSV)`,
 120     `files`: `files [folders...]
 121 Find all files in all the folders given, recursively; when not given any
 122 folder name, the current folder is searched by default`,
 124     `first`: `first [lines = 1]
 125 Keep only up to the first n lines`,
 127     `folders`: `folders [folders...]
 128 Find all folders in all the folders given, recursively; when not given any
 129 folder name, the current folder is searched by default`,
 131     `gz`: `gz
 132 Gzip-compress input bytes`,
 134     `help`: `help [tools...]
 135 Show help messages for all the tool names given; when not given any names, it
 136 shows the app's main help message, followed by the help messages for all the
 137 tools in it`,
 139     `hex`: `hex
 140 Encode input bytes into a line of ASCII-based hexadecimal symbols`,
 142     `hold`: `hold
 143 Read all input bytes, holding everything, and start copying them all into
 144 the main output only after the last input byte was read`,
 146     `id3pic`: `id3pic
 147 Isolate thumbnail (picture) payload from a media stream; embedded ID3-format
 148 pictures are often part of MP3 streams, especially "podcast" episodes`,
 150     `identity`: `identity
 151 Copy all input bytes, exactly as given`,
 153     `indent`: `indent [spaces = 2]
 154 Indent non-empty lines with the leading number of spaces given; when not
 155 given a number, the default is to indent using 2 leading spaces`,
 157     `items`: `items
 158 Split items/words from each line, emitting each item into its own line: items
 159 are split by 1 or more spaces and/or tabs`,
 161     `join`: `join [separator]
 162 Join all input lines into a single output line, separating its items with the
 163 string given as the tool's only argument; to join input lines into a single
 164 line of tab-separated values, use tool "lineup" with 0 or a negative value`,
 166     `json0`: `json0
 167 Squeeze JSON input into a smaller payload, ignoring unneeded spaces; this
 168 tool also adapts almost-JSON into valid JSON, as it ignores trailing commas
 169 in arrays and objects, comments (not allowed in JSON), and even turns strings
 170 surrounded by single quotes into double-quoted strings`,
 172     `jsonl`: `jsonl
 173 Convert proper JSON into JSON Lines (JSONL): while JSONL isn't valid JSON as
 174 a whole, each line in it is valid JSON, a property which allows its use for
 175 log-style line-based JSON-streaming applications`,
 177     `junk`: `junk [size]
 178 Emit the number of pseudo-random bytes given`,
 180     `last`: `last [lines = 1]
 181 Keep only up to the last n lines`,
 183     `leak`: `leak [style = plain]
 184 Emit input lines both to stderr and stdout, thus "leaking" contents along a
 185 shell pipe; this tool can help debug pipes involving many steps`,
 187     `limit`: `limit [max bytes]
 188 Limit data to the maximum byte-count given`,
 190     `lines`: `lines
 191 Ignore leading UTF-8 BOM (Byte-Order Mark) on the first line, if present, and
 192 any trailing carriage-returns at the end of each line; the final line is also
 193 guaranteed to end with a line-feed, no matter the input`,
 195     `lineup`: `lineup [size = 0]
 196 Group lines into lines with up to n tab-separated items in them; when not
 197 given a number, or when the number given is 0 or negative, all input lines
 198 will end up in a single line of tab-separated items`,
 200     `links`: `links
 201 Find all web-like (HTTP/HTTPS) links found in each line, including multiple
 202 links per line, emitting each match on its own output line`,
 204     `lower`: `lower
 205 Lowercase all symbols in all lines`,
 207     `mime`: `mime
 208 Try to auto-detect the MIME-type from the first few input bytes`,
 210     `n`: `n [start = 1]
 211 Number each line, using a tab to separate the number and the actual line-text
 212 which follows it; when not given a number, the default is to start counting
 213 lines from 1`,
 215     `nj`: `nj
 216 Nice JSON renders JSON data as indented ANSI-styled/colored output`,
 218     `nn`: `nn [style = gray]
 219 Restyle all numbers of at least 4 digits, using alternating ANSI-styles, to
 220 make long numbers easier to parse visually; especially useful when dealing
 221 with many such numbers at once; when not given a style name, the default is
 222 to use a light gray color`,
 224     `noempty`: `noempty
 225 Ignore all empty lines`,
 227     `nothing`: `nothing
 228 Do nothing, which means all input is ignored, and no output is emitted`,
 230     `now`: `now
 231 Show the current date and time`,
 233     `numbers`: `numbers
 234 Show all valid numbers found in all lines, each match shown on its own line`,
 236     `plain`: `plain
 237 Ignore all ANSI-style sequences, making plain-text strictly plain/unstyled`,
 239     `primes`: `primes [count]
 240 Find the given number of prime numbers in increasing order, showing each
 241 prime on its own output line`,
 243     `prun`: `prun
 244 Parallel RUN does what it says, where commands come from lines from the main
 245 input`,
 247     `range`: `range [start line] [stop line...]
 248 Emit only the lines in the 1-based inclusive range given, ignoring all other
 249 lines; when given only 1 number, the default is to emit all lines until the
 250 end, once/if started`,
 252     `realign`: `realign
 253 Realign lines by padding "columns" with enough spaces`,
 255     `reprose`: `reprose [max runes = 80]
 256 Reflow lines of plain-text prose, trying to emit lines not wider than the
 257 rune-count given, even if that's not always possible, depending on the input
 258 lines being processed; when not given a rune-count, the default is 80 runes
 259 max per line`,
 261     `restyle`: `restyle [style]
 262 Color/style each input line using ANSI-styles; each resulting line starts
 263 with the style for the name given, and ends with a style-reset`,
 265     `reuse`: `reuse [separator] [tools/args/seps...]
 266 Run multiple tools in sequence, reusing all input bytes for each tool run`,
 268     `sbs`: `sbs [columns = 0]
 269 Side By Side tries to lay out input lines as multiple aligned columns, so
 270 that more lines of text can fit a single screen; when not given a number of
 271 columns, or when given 0 or a negative number, this tool tries to fit as
 272 many columns as possible on a 80-symbols-wide width-limit`,
 274     `sha1`: `sha1
 275 Encode/hash input bytes into SHA-1`,
 277     `sha256`: `sha256
 278 Encode/hash input bytes into SHA-256`,
 280     `sha512`: `sha512
 281 Encode/hash input bytes into SHA-512`,
 283     `size`: `size
 284 Count how many bytes the input has`,
 286     `skip`: `skip [lines = 1]
 287 Skip/ignore the first few/many lines, up to the number given; when not given
 288 a number, the default is to skip the first line, if present`,
 290     `skiplast`: `skiplast [lines = 1]
 291 Skip/ignore the last few/many lines, up to the number given; when not given
 292 a number, the default is to skip only the very last line`,
 294     `soak`: `soak
 295 Read all data to the last byte, before starting to copy everything to the
 296 main output`,
 298     `split`: `split [separators...]
 299 Split lines using any of the separators given, emitting each result on its
 300 own line, using the earliest separator found on each step; when not given
 301 any separators, items are split by 1 or more spaces and/or tabs`,
 303     `splitany`: `splitany [separators]
 304 Run the "split" tool using the symbols from the single argument given`,
 306     `squeeze`: `squeeze
 307 Trim lines very aggressively, which also means squishing runs of multiple
 308 spaces into single ones, besides the usual space-trimming at both ends`,
 310     `stomp`: `stomp
 311 Turn runs of empty lines into single empty lines, effectively squeezing
 312 paragraphs vertically, so to speak`,
 314     `strings`: `strings
 315 Find all ASCII-like runs of bytes from the input, emitting each match on
 316 its own output line`,
 318     `symbols`: `symbols [names]
 319 Show unicode symbols matched by (common) name: each match is shown on its
 320 own output line; when not given any name, name-value pairs are shown as
 321 tab-separated lines`,
 323     `tally`: `tally
 324 Tally all unique lines, showing the reverse-sorted results at the end,
 325 each line consisting of the tally count, a tab, and the line/value`,
 327     `teletype`: `teletype
 328 Simulate the output cadence of old teletype machines`,
 330     `timer`: `timer [command...] [args...]
 331 Run a live timer, showing the time elapsed: any arguments are optional, but
 332 when they're given, a subtask is run using those, ensuring its own stderr
 333 doesn't clash with the timer info being constantly updated also on stderr`,
 335     `title`: `title
 336 Uppercase the first symbol in all lines, lowercasing all later symbols`,
 338     `today`: `today
 339 Show the current date`,
 341     `tone`: `tone [seconds = 2] [frequency = 440]
 342 Emit a simple sound tone in WAV format: the optional time is in seconds, the
 343 optional frequency is in Hertz, both arguments allowing decimal values`,
 345     `tools`: `tools
 346 Show all tools from this app, along with the first line from their description
 347 message; full descriptions for tools are available using the "help" tool`,
 349     `topfiles`: `topfiles [folders...]
 350 Find all top-level files in all the folders given; when not given any folder
 351 name, the current folder is searched by default`,
 353     `topfolders`: `topfolders [folders...]
 354 Find all top-level folders in all the folders given; when not given any folder
 355 name, the current folder is searched by default`,
 357     `trim`: `trim
 358 Ignore space-like symbols at both end of lines`,
 360     `trimend`: `trimend
 361 Ignore space-like symbols at the end of lines`,
 363     `tsv`: `tsv
 364 Emit each line's tab-separated item on its own line`,
 366     `unique`: `unique
 367 Avoid repeating any previous line`,
 369     `urify`: `urify
 370 URI-encode each input line`,
 372     `utf8`: `utf8
 373 Turn UTF-16-encoded text into UTF-8, or ignore leading UTF-8 BOM in UTF-8
 374 text: this is one of the few text-oriented tools which keeps CRLF byte-pairs
 375 as found, instead of turning them into single line-feeds`,
 377     `wait`: `wait [seconds] [tool/args...]
 378 Wait the number of seconds given, before running an optional tool: the delay
 379 given (in seconds) can be a round number, or a decimal number`,
 380 }
 382 func help(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 383     if len(args) == 0 {
 384         w.WriteString(info)
 386         w.WriteString("\n\nAliases\n\n")
 388         maxw := 0
 389         aliases := make([]string, 0, len(toolAliases))
 390         for name := range toolAliases {
 391             aliases = append(aliases, name)
 392             if w := utf8.RuneCountInString(name); maxw < w {
 393                 maxw = w
 394             }
 395         }
 397         sort.SliceStable(aliases, func(i, j int) bool {
 398             x := aliases[i]
 399             y := aliases[j]
 401             diff := strings.Compare(toolAliases[x], toolAliases[y])
 402             if diff != 0 {
 403                 return diff < 0
 404             }
 405             return strings.Compare(x, y) < 0
 406         })
 408         for _, name := range aliases {
 409             w.WriteString(`  `)
 410             w.WriteString(name)
 411             writeSpaces(w, maxw-utf8.RuneCountInString(name))
 412             w.WriteString(`  `)
 413             w.WriteString(toolAliases[name])
 414             w.WriteByte('\n')
 415         }
 417         args = make([]string, 0, len(name2tool))
 418         for name := range name2tool {
 419             args = append(args, name)
 420         }
 421         sort.Strings(args)
 423         w.WriteString("\n\nTools Available\n\n\n")
 424     }
 426     for i, name := range args {
 427         key, _ := dealiasToolName(name)
 428         msg, ok := name2help[key]
 429         if !ok {
 430             return errors.New(`no tool named ` + name)
 431         }
 433         if i > 0 {
 434             w.WriteByte('\n')
 435             w.WriteByte('\n')
 436         }
 438         if err := showToolHelpMessage(w, msg); err != nil {
 439             return err
 440         }
 441     }
 443     return nil
 444 }
 446 func tools(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 447     keys := make([]string, 0, len(toolAliases)+len(name2tool))
 448     for alias := range toolAliases {
 449         keys = append(keys, alias)
 450     }
 451     for name := range name2tool {
 452         keys = append(keys, name)
 453     }
 455     sort.Strings(keys)
 457     for _, k := range keys {
 458         name := k
 459         if s, ok := toolAliases[k]; ok {
 460             name = s
 461         }
 463         help := name2help[name]
 464         if i := strings.IndexByte(help, '\n'); i >= 0 {
 465             help = help[:i]
 466         }
 468         w.WriteString(k)
 469         w.WriteByte('\t')
 470         w.WriteString(help)
 472         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 473             return err
 474         }
 475     }
 477     return nil
 478 }
 480 func showToolHelpMessage(w writer, s string) error {
 481     i := strings.IndexByte(s, '\n')
 482     if i < 0 {
 483         w.WriteString(s)
 484         return endLine(w)
 485     }
 487     w.WriteString(s[:i])
 488     s = s[i+1:]
 489     if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 490         return err
 491     }
 493     for len(s) > 0 {
 494         line := s
 495         i := strings.IndexByte(s, '\n')
 496         if i >= 0 {
 497             line = s[:i]
 498             s = s[i+1:]
 499         } else {
 500             s = ``
 501         }
 503         if len(line) > 0 {
 504             w.WriteString(`  `)
 505         }
 506         w.WriteString(line)
 508         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 509             return err
 510         }
 511     }
 513     return nil
 514 }

     File: box/help_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "testing"
   5 )
   7 func TestHelpNames(t *testing.T) {
   8     for name := range name2help {
   9         if _, ok := name2tool[name]; !ok {
  10             t.Fatalf(`%s: not a tool name`, name)
  11             return
  12         }
  13     }
  15     for name := range name2tool {
  16         if s, ok := name2help[name]; !ok || len(s) == 0 {
  17             t.Fatalf(`%s: tool has no help message`, name)
  18             return
  19         }
  20     }
  21 }

     File: box/id3pictures.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "encoding/binary"
   6     "errors"
   7     "io"
   8     "mime"
   9 )
  11 // id3pic isolates the thumbnail bytes from the id3/mp3 stream given
  12 func id3pic(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
  13     _, err := pickID3Picture(w, r)
  14     if err == io.EOF {
  15         return errors.New(`no thumbnail found`)
  16     }
  17     return err
  18 }
  20 // pickID3Picture isolates the thumbnail bytes from the id3/mp3 stream given,
  21 // also returning the detected MIME-type
  22 func pickID3Picture(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) (mimetype string, err error) {
  23     //
  25     br := bufio.NewReader(r)
  27     for {
  28         b, err := br.ReadByte()
  29         if err != nil {
  30             return ``, err
  31         }
  33         switch b {
  34         case 'A':
  35             // check for an `APIC` section
  36             ok, err := matchBytes(br, []byte{'P', 'I', 'C'})
  37             if err != nil {
  38                 return ``, err
  39             }
  40             if ok {
  41                 return handleAPIC(w, br)
  42             }
  44         case 'P':
  45             // check for a `PIC` section
  46             ok, err := matchBytes(br, []byte{'I', 'C'})
  47             if err != nil {
  48                 return ``, err
  49             }
  50             if ok {
  51                 return handlePIC(w, br)
  52             }
  53         }
  54     }
  55 }
  57 // matchBytes is used by func id3Picture to skip right past the byte-sequence
  58 // given
  59 func matchBytes(br *bufio.Reader, data []byte) (bool, error) {
  60     cur := data[:]
  62     for {
  63         if len(cur) == 0 {
  64             return true, nil
  65         }
  67         b, err := br.ReadByte()
  68         if err != nil {
  69             return false, err
  70         }
  72         if b != cur[0] {
  73             err = br.UnreadByte()
  74             return false, err
  75         }
  77         cur = cur[1:]
  78     }
  79 }
  81 // handleAPIC is used by func id3Picture
  82 func handleAPIC(w io.Writer, br *bufio.Reader) (mimeType string, err error) {
  83     // section-size seems stored as 4 little-endian bytes
  84     var size uint32
  85     err = binary.Read(br, binary.LittleEndian, &size)
  86     if err != nil {
  87         const msg = `failed to detect thumbnail-payload size`
  88         return ``, errors.New(msg)
  89     }
  91     b, err := br.ReadByte()
  92     if err != nil {
  93         const msg = `failed to detect text-encoding of thumbnail meta-data`
  94         return ``, errors.New(msg)
  95     }
  96     if b != 0 {
  97         const msg = `unsupported text-encoding of thumbnail meta-data`
  98         return ``, errors.New(msg)
  99     }
 101     kind, n, err := getThumbnailTypeAPIC(br)
 102     if err != nil {
 103         const msg = `failed to sync to start of thumbnail data`
 104         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 105     }
 107     mimeType = string(kind)
 108     size -= uint32(n)
 110     _, err = br.ReadByte()
 111     if err != nil {
 112         const msg = `failed to detect picture-type of thumbnail meta-data`
 113         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 114     }
 115     size--
 117     // skip a null-delimited string
 118     comment, err := br.ReadString(0)
 119     if err != nil {
 120         const msg = `failed to read thumbnail-payload description`
 121         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 122     }
 123     size -= uint32(len(comment))
 125     _, err = io.Copy(w, io.LimitReader(br, int64(size)))
 126     if err != nil {
 127         return mimeType, noMoreOutput{}
 128     }
 129     return mimeType, nil
 130 }
 132 // handlePIC is used by func id3Picture
 133 func handlePIC(w io.Writer, br *bufio.Reader) (mimeType string, err error) {
 134     //
 136     var buf [8]byte
 137     n, err := br.Read(buf[:3])
 138     if err != nil || n != 3 {
 139         const msg = `failed to detect thumbnail-payload size`
 140         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 141     }
 143     // thumbnail-payload-size seems stored as 3 big-endian bytes
 144     var size uint32
 145     size += 256 * 256 * uint32(buf[0])
 146     size += 256 * uint32(buf[1])
 147     size += uint32(buf[2])
 149     // skip the text encoding
 150     n, err = br.Read(buf[:5])
 151     if err != nil || n != 5 {
 152         const msg = `failed to read thumbnail-payload type`
 153         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 154     }
 156     // skip a null-delimited string
 157     _, err = br.ReadString(0)
 158     if err != nil {
 159         const msg = `failed to read thumbnail-payload description`
 160         return ``, errors.New(msg)
 161     }
 163     var ext [4]byte
 164     ext[0] = '.'
 165     ext[1] = buf[1]
 166     ext[2] = buf[2]
 167     ext[3] = buf[3]
 169     // use made-up file-extension to detect MIME-type, then copy all
 170     // thumbnail bytes
 171     mimeType = mime.TypeByExtension(string(ext[:]))
 172     _, err = io.Copy(w, io.LimitReader(br, int64(size)))
 173     if err != nil {
 174         return mimeType, noMoreOutput{}
 175     }
 176     return mimeType, nil
 177 }
 179 // getThumbnailTypeAPIC is used by func handleAPIC
 180 func getThumbnailTypeAPIC(br *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, int, error) {
 181     var kind []byte
 182     n, err := meetBytes(br, []byte(`image/`))
 183     if err != nil {
 184         return nil, n, err
 185     }
 187     kind = append(kind, `image/`...)
 188     for {
 189         b, err := br.ReadByte()
 190         if err != nil {
 191             return kind, n, err
 192         }
 193         n++
 195         if b == 0 {
 196             return kind, n, nil
 197         }
 198         kind = append(kind, b)
 199     }
 200 }
 202 // meetBytes is used by func getThumbnailTypeAPIC to skip right past the
 203 // byte-sequence given
 204 func meetBytes(br *bufio.Reader, data []byte) (int, error) {
 205     n := 0
 206     cur := data[:]
 208     for {
 209         if len(cur) == 0 {
 210             return n, nil
 211         }
 213         b, err := br.ReadByte()
 214         if err != nil {
 215             return n, err
 216         }
 217         n++
 219         if b == cur[0] {
 220             cur = cur[1:]
 221         } else {
 222             cur = data
 223         }
 224     }
 225 }

     File: box/info.txt
   1 box [tool] [tool arguments...]
   4 Box is a busybox/toybox-style command-line app with many simple tools in it.
   5 These tools vary in functionality, but most of them act on UTF-8 plain-text.
   7 Using the `help` tool will also show you all aliases available for various
   8 tools, followed by brief descriptions of all tools/commands this app gives
   9 you.
  11 Tool `compose` has a few special shortcuts, which also imply the separator
  12 argument the tool needs: these are -, --, +, /, a comma, a colon, and a dot.

     File: box/io.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "bytes"
   6     "strconv"
   7     "strings"
   8 )
  10 // writer is a type-alias which allows flexibility in how tools write their
  11 // output, since changing this type minimizes changes around the rest of the
  12 // code; this type has since stuck to its present form, as the `lineFlusher`
  13 // type seems to work really well for this kind of app
  14 type writer = lineFlusher
  16 // lineFlusher is a special buffered-writer which automatically flushes when
  17 // given line-feeds, ensuring live-propagation of lines across tools, when
  18 // these are run concurrently via internal `pipes`
  19 type lineFlusher struct {
  20     *bufio.Writer
  21 }
  23 func (lf lineFlusher) Write(s []byte) (size int, err error) {
  24     if bytes.IndexByte(s, '\n') >= 0 {
  25         defer lf.Flush()
  26     }
  27     return lf.Writer.Write(s)
  28 }
  30 func (lf lineFlusher) WriteByte(b byte) error {
  31     if b == '\n' {
  32         defer lf.Flush()
  33     }
  34     return lf.Writer.WriteByte(b)
  35 }
  37 func (lf lineFlusher) WriteRune(r rune) (size int, err error) {
  38     if r == '\n' {
  39         defer lf.Flush()
  40     }
  41     return lf.Writer.WriteRune(r)
  42 }
  44 func (lf lineFlusher) WriteString(s string) (size int, err error) {
  45     if strings.IndexByte(s, '\n') >= 0 {
  46         defer lf.Flush()
  47     }
  48     return lf.Writer.WriteString(s)
  49 }
  51 // endLine is used as the main way to check for end-of-output across tools
  52 // from this app
  53 func endLine(w writer) error {
  54     if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
  55         return noMoreOutput{}
  56     }
  57     return nil
  58 }
  60 func write(w writer, s []byte) error {
  61     if n, err := w.Write(s); n < 1 && err != nil {
  62         return noMoreOutput{}
  63     }
  64     return nil
  65 }
  67 func writeln(w writer, s []byte) error {
  68     if err := write(w, s); err != nil {
  69         return err
  70     }
  71     return endLine(w)
  72 }
  74 func writeFloat(w writer, f float64) error {
  75     var buf [32]byte
  76     s := strconv.AppendFloat(buf[:0], f, 'f', -1, 64)
  77     return write(w, s)
  78 }
  80 func writeInt(w writer, n int) error {
  81     var buf [24]byte
  82     s := strconv.AppendInt(buf[:0], int64(n), 10)
  83     return write(w, s)
  84 }
  86 func writeSpaces(w writer, n int) error {
  87     const spaces = `                                `
  88     for n >= len(spaces) {
  89         w.WriteString(spaces)
  90         n -= len(spaces)
  91     }
  92     if n > 0 {
  93         w.WriteString(spaces[:n])
  94     }
  95     return nil
  96 }

     File: box/iterators.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "bytes"
   6     "io"
   7     "io/fs"
   8     "os"
   9     "path/filepath"
  10 )
  12 func loopItems(line []byte, how func(i int, s []byte) error) error {
  13     prevItems := 0
  14     line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
  16     for len(line) > 0 {
  17         i := bytes.IndexAny(line, " \t")
  18         if i < 0 {
  19             // don't forget the line's last item
  20             break
  21         }
  23         item := line[:i]
  24         line = line[i+1:]
  25         line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
  27         if len(item) == 0 {
  28             continue
  29         }
  31         if err := how(prevItems, item); err != nil {
  32             return err
  33         }
  34         prevItems++
  35     }
  37     // handle the last item in its line
  38     if len(line) > 0 {
  39         return how(prevItems, line)
  40     }
  41     return nil
  42 }
  44 func loopLines(r io.Reader, f func(i int, line []byte) error) error {
  45     sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
  46     sc.Buffer(nil, maxLineSize)
  48     for i := 0; sc.Scan(); i++ {
  49         line := sc.Bytes()
  50         // ignore leading UTF-8 BOM on the first line
  51         if i == 0 {
  52             line = bytes.TrimPrefix(line, []byte{'\xef', '\xbb', '\xbf'})
  53         }
  55         if err := f(i, line); err != nil {
  56             return err
  57         }
  58     }
  60     return sc.Err()
  61 }
  63 func loopTSV(line []byte, how func(i int, s []byte) error) error {
  64     prevItems := 0
  66     for len(line) > 0 {
  67         i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t')
  68         if i < 0 {
  69             // don't forget the line's last item
  70             return how(prevItems, line)
  71         }
  73         if err := how(prevItems, line[:i]); err != nil {
  74             return err
  75         }
  76         prevItems++
  78         line = line[i+1:]
  79         // handle the last item in its line
  80         if len(line) == 0 {
  81             return how(prevItems, line)
  82         }
  83     }
  85     return nil
  86 }
  88 func loopPlain(line []byte, how func(i int, s []byte) error) error {
  89     prevChunks := 0
  91     for len(line) > 0 {
  92         i := bytes.Index(line, []byte{'\x1b', '['})
  93         if i < 0 {
  94             // don't forget the line's last chunk
  95             break
  96         }
  98         if s := line[:i]; len(s) > 0 {
  99             if err := how(prevChunks, s); err != nil {
 100                 return err
 101             }
 102             prevChunks++
 103         }
 105         // skip the ANSI-style sequence
 106         line = line[i+2:]
 107         for len(line) > 0 {
 108             b := line[0]
 109             line = line[1:]
 110             if ('A' <= b && b <= 'Z') || ('a' <= b && b <= 'z') {
 111                 break
 112             }
 113         }
 114     }
 116     // handle the end of the line
 117     if len(line) > 0 {
 118         return how(prevChunks, line)
 119     }
 120     return nil
 121 }
 123 func walk(args []string, how fs.WalkDirFunc) error {
 124     seen := make(map[string]struct{})
 126     once := func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
 127         if _, ok := seen[path]; ok {
 128             return err
 129         }
 130         seen[path] = struct{}{}
 131         return how(path, d, err)
 132     }
 134     if len(args) == 0 {
 135         return filepath.WalkDir(`.`, once)
 136     }
 138     for _, path := range args {
 139         if _, ok := seen[path]; ok {
 140             continue
 141         }
 143         if err := filepath.WalkDir(path, once); err != nil {
 144             return err
 145         }
 146     }
 148     return nil
 149 }
 151 func walktop(args []string, how func(e fs.DirEntry) error) error {
 152     seen := make(map[string]struct{})
 154     once := func(path string) error {
 155         if _, ok := seen[path]; ok {
 156             return nil
 157         }
 158         seen[path] = struct{}{}
 160         entries, err := os.ReadDir(path)
 161         if err != nil {
 162             return err
 163         }
 165         for _, e := range entries {
 166             if err := how(e); err != nil {
 167                 return err
 168             }
 169         }
 171         return nil
 172     }
 174     if len(args) == 0 {
 175         return once(`.`)
 176     }
 178     for _, path := range args {
 179         if err := once(path); err != nil {
 180             return err
 181         }
 182     }
 183     return nil
 184 }

     File: box/iterators_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "reflect"
   5     "testing"
   6 )
   8 func TestLoopItems(t *testing.T) {
   9     var tests = []struct {
  10         line     string
  11         expected []string
  12     }{
  13         {``, nil},
  14         {`  `, nil},
  15         {` abc `, []string{`abc`}},
  16         {` abc   213 `, []string{`abc`, `213`}},
  17         {"123 \t 456", []string{`123`, `456`}},
  18     }
  20     var res []string
  21     for _, tc := range tests {
  22         res = res[:0]
  23         loopItems([]byte(tc.line), func(i int, s []byte) error {
  24             res = append(res, string(s))
  25             return nil
  26         })
  28         t.Run(tc.line, func(t *testing.T) {
  29             if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected, res) {
  30                 t.Fatalf("expected %v instead of %v", tc.expected, res)
  31             }
  32         })
  33     }
  34 }
  36 func TestLoopTSV(t *testing.T) {
  37     var tests = []struct {
  38         line     string
  39         expected []string
  40     }{
  41         {``, nil},
  42         {`  `, []string{`  `}},
  43         {` abc `, []string{` abc `}},
  44         {"123 \t 456", []string{`123 `, ` 456`}},
  45         {"123\t456\t", []string{`123`, `456`, ``}},
  46         {"\t123\t456\t", []string{``, `123`, `456`, ``}},
  47     }
  49     var res []string
  50     for _, tc := range tests {
  51         res = res[:0]
  52         loopTSV([]byte(tc.line), func(i int, s []byte) error {
  53             res = append(res, string(s))
  54             return nil
  55         })
  57         t.Run(tc.line, func(t *testing.T) {
  58             if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected, res) {
  59                 t.Fatalf("expected %v instead of %v", tc.expected, res)
  60             }
  61         })
  62     }
  63 }

     File: box/json0.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "bytes"
   6     "errors"
   7     "io"
   8     "strconv"
   9 )
  11 // linePosError is a more descriptive kind of error, showing the source of
  12 // the input-related problem, as 1-based a line/pos number pair in front
  13 // of the error message
  14 type linePosError struct {
  15     // line is the 1-based line count from the input
  16     line int
  18     // pos is the 1-based `horizontal` position in its line
  19     pos int
  21     // err is the error message to `decorate` with the position info
  22     err error
  23 }
  25 // Error satisfies the error interface
  26 func (lpe linePosError) Error() string {
  27     where := strconv.Itoa(lpe.line) + `:` + strconv.Itoa(lpe.pos)
  28     return where + `: ` + lpe.err.Error()
  29 }
  31 var (
  32     errCommentEarlyEnd = errors.New(`unexpected early-end of comment`)
  33     errInputEarlyEnd   = errors.New(`expected end of input data`)
  34     errInvalidComment  = errors.New(`expected / or *`)
  35     errInvalidHex      = errors.New(`expected a base-16 digit`)
  36     errInvalidToken    = errors.New(`invalid JSON token`)
  37     errNoDigits        = errors.New(`expected numeric digits`)
  38     errNoStringQuote   = errors.New(`expected " or '`)
  39     errNoArrayComma    = errors.New(`missing comma between array values`)
  40     errNoObjectComma   = errors.New(`missing comma between key-value pairs`)
  41     errStringEarlyEnd  = errors.New(`unexpected early-end of string`)
  42     errExtraBytes      = errors.New(`unexpected extra input bytes`)
  44     // errNoMoreOutput is a generic dummy output-error, which is meant to be
  45     // ultimately ignored, being just an excuse to quit the app immediately
  46     // and successfully
  47     // errNoMoreOutput = errors.New(`no more output`)
  48 )
  50 // isIdentifier improves control-flow of func jsonReader.key, when it handles
  51 // unquoted object keys
  52 var isIdentifier = [256]bool{
  53     '_': true,
  55     '0': true, '1': true, '2': true, '3': true, '4': true,
  56     '5': true, '6': true, '7': true, '8': true, '9': true,
  58     'A': true, 'B': true, 'C': true, 'D': true, 'E': true, 'F': true,
  59     'G': true, 'H': true, 'I': true, 'J': true, 'K': true, 'L': true,
  60     'M': true, 'N': true, 'O': true, 'P': true, 'Q': true, 'R': true,
  61     'S': true, 'T': true, 'U': true, 'V': true, 'W': true, 'X': true,
  62     'Y': true, 'Z': true,
  64     'a': true, 'b': true, 'c': true, 'd': true, 'e': true, 'f': true,
  65     'g': true, 'h': true, 'i': true, 'j': true, 'k': true, 'l': true,
  66     'm': true, 'n': true, 'o': true, 'p': true, 'q': true, 'r': true,
  67     's': true, 't': true, 'u': true, 'v': true, 'w': true, 'x': true,
  68     'y': true, 'z': true,
  69 }
  71 // matchHex both figures out if a byte is a valid ASCII hex-digit, by not
  72 // being 0, and normalizes letter-case for the hex letters
  73 var matchHex = [256]byte{
  74     '0': '0', '1': '1', '2': '2', '3': '3', '4': '4',
  75     '5': '5', '6': '6', '7': '7', '8': '8', '9': '9',
  76     'A': 'A', 'B': 'B', 'C': 'C', 'D': 'D', 'E': 'E', 'F': 'F',
  77     'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C', 'd': 'D', 'e': 'E', 'f': 'F',
  78 }
  80 // escapedStringBytes helps func stringValue treat all string bytes quickly
  81 // and correctly, using their officially-supported JSON escape sequences
  82 //
  83 //
  84 var escapedStringBytes = [256][]byte{
  85     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '0'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '1'},
  86     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '2'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '3'},
  87     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '4'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '5'},
  88     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '6'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '7'},
  89     {'\\', 'b'}, {'\\', 't'},
  90     {'\\', 'n'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'b'},
  91     {'\\', 'f'}, {'\\', 'r'},
  92     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'e'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'f'},
  93     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '0'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '1'},
  94     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '2'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '3'},
  95     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '4'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '5'},
  96     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '6'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '7'},
  97     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '8'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '9'},
  98     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'a'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'b'},
  99     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'c'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'd'},
 100     {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'e'}, {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'f'},
 101     {32}, {33}, {'\\', '"'}, {35}, {36}, {37}, {38}, {39},
 102     {40}, {41}, {42}, {43}, {44}, {45}, {46}, {47},
 103     {48}, {49}, {50}, {51}, {52}, {53}, {54}, {55},
 104     {56}, {57}, {58}, {59}, {60}, {61}, {62}, {63},
 105     {64}, {65}, {66}, {67}, {68}, {69}, {70}, {71},
 106     {72}, {73}, {74}, {75}, {76}, {77}, {78}, {79},
 107     {80}, {81}, {82}, {83}, {84}, {85}, {86}, {87},
 108     {88}, {89}, {90}, {91}, {'\\', '\\'}, {93}, {94}, {95},
 109     {96}, {97}, {98}, {99}, {100}, {101}, {102}, {103},
 110     {104}, {105}, {106}, {107}, {108}, {109}, {110}, {111},
 111     {112}, {113}, {114}, {115}, {116}, {117}, {118}, {119},
 112     {120}, {121}, {122}, {123}, {124}, {125}, {126}, {127},
 113     {128}, {129}, {130}, {131}, {132}, {133}, {134}, {135},
 114     {136}, {137}, {138}, {139}, {140}, {141}, {142}, {143},
 115     {144}, {145}, {146}, {147}, {148}, {149}, {150}, {151},
 116     {152}, {153}, {154}, {155}, {156}, {157}, {158}, {159},
 117     {160}, {161}, {162}, {163}, {164}, {165}, {166}, {167},
 118     {168}, {169}, {170}, {171}, {172}, {173}, {174}, {175},
 119     {176}, {177}, {178}, {179}, {180}, {181}, {182}, {183},
 120     {184}, {185}, {186}, {187}, {188}, {189}, {190}, {191},
 121     {192}, {193}, {194}, {195}, {196}, {197}, {198}, {199},
 122     {200}, {201}, {202}, {203}, {204}, {205}, {206}, {207},
 123     {208}, {209}, {210}, {211}, {212}, {213}, {214}, {215},
 124     {216}, {217}, {218}, {219}, {220}, {221}, {222}, {223},
 125     {224}, {225}, {226}, {227}, {228}, {229}, {230}, {231},
 126     {232}, {233}, {234}, {235}, {236}, {237}, {238}, {239},
 127     {240}, {241}, {242}, {243}, {244}, {245}, {246}, {247},
 128     {248}, {249}, {250}, {251}, {252}, {253}, {254}, {255},
 129 }
 131 // json0 converts JSON/pseudo-JSON into (valid) minimal JSON, except for an
 132 // extra/single line-feed at the end of the output
 133 func json0(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 134     br := bufio.NewReader(r)
 135     jr := jsonReader{br, 1, 1}
 136     if err :=; err != nil {
 137         return err
 138     }
 139     return endLine(w)
 140 }
 142 // dejsonl converts lines, each with JSON/pseudo-JSON data, into a (valid)
 143 // minimal JSON array
 144 func dejsonl(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 145     nvalues := 0
 147     err := loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 148         line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
 149         if len(line) == 0 {
 150             return nil
 151         }
 153         if i == 0 {
 154             w.WriteByte('[')
 155         } else {
 156             w.WriteByte(',')
 157         }
 158         nvalues++
 160         br := bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(line))
 161         jr := jsonReader{br, 1, 1}
 162         // make errors refer to the right line number
 163         jr.line = i + 1
 164         return
 165     })
 167     if err != nil {
 168         return err
 169     }
 171     if nvalues > 0 {
 172         w.WriteByte(']')
 173     }
 174     return endLine(w)
 175 }
 177 // jsonReader reads data via a buffer, keeping track of the input position:
 178 // this in turn allows showing much more useful errors, when these happen
 179 type jsonReader struct {
 180     // r is the actual reader
 181     r *bufio.Reader
 183     // line is the 1-based line-counter for input bytes, and gives errors
 184     // useful position info
 185     line int
 187     // pos is the 1-based `horizontal` position in its line, and gives
 188     // errors useful position info
 189     pos int
 190 }
 192 // improveError makes any error more useful, by giving it info about the
 193 // current input-position, as a 1-based line/within-line-position pair
 194 func (jr jsonReader) improveError(err error) error {
 195     if _, ok := err.(linePosError); ok {
 196         return err
 197     }
 199     if err == io.EOF {
 200         return linePosError{jr.line, jr.pos, errInputEarlyEnd}
 201     }
 202     if err != nil {
 203         return linePosError{jr.line, jr.pos, err}
 204     }
 205     return nil
 206 }
 208 // run does all the work for func json0, and each input line's work for func
 209 // jsonl
 210 func (jr *jsonReader) run(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 211     // input is already assumed to be UTF-8: a leading UTF-8 BOM (byte-order
 212     // mark) gives no useful info if present, as UTF-8 leaves no ambiguity
 213     // about byte-order by design
 214     jr.skipUTF8BOM()
 216     // ignore leading whitespace and/or comments
 217     if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 218         return err
 219     }
 221     // handle a single top-level JSON value
 222     if err := jr.value(w); err != nil {
 223         return err
 224     }
 226     // ignore trailing whitespace and/or comments
 227     if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 228         return err
 229     }
 231     // beyond trailing whitespace and/or comments, any more bytes
 232     // make the whole input data invalid JSON
 233     if _, ok := jr.peekByte(); ok {
 234         return jr.improveError(errExtraBytes)
 235     }
 236     return nil
 237 }
 239 // demandSyntax fails with an error when the next byte isn't the one given;
 240 // when it is, the byte is then read/skipped, and a nil error is returned
 241 func (jr *jsonReader) demandSyntax(syntax byte) error {
 242     chunk, err := jr.r.Peek(1)
 243     if err == io.EOF {
 244         return jr.improveError(errInputEarlyEnd)
 245     }
 246     if err != nil {
 247         return jr.improveError(err)
 248     }
 250     if len(chunk) < 1 || chunk[0] != syntax {
 251         msg := `expected ` + string(rune(syntax))
 252         return jr.improveError(errors.New(msg))
 253     }
 255     jr.readByte()
 256     return nil
 257 }
 259 // updatePosInfo does what it says, given the byte just read separately
 260 func (jr *jsonReader) updatePosInfo(b byte) {
 261     if b == '\n' {
 262         jr.line += 1
 263         jr.pos = 1
 264     } else {
 265         jr.pos++
 266     }
 267 }
 269 // peekByte simplifies control-flow for various other funcs
 270 func (jr jsonReader) peekByte() (b byte, ok bool) {
 271     chunk, err := jr.r.Peek(1)
 272     if err == nil && len(chunk) >= 1 {
 273         return chunk[0], true
 274     }
 275     return 0, false
 276 }
 278 // readByte does what it says, updating the reader's position info
 279 func (jr *jsonReader) readByte() (b byte, err error) {
 280     b, err = jr.r.ReadByte()
 281     if err == nil {
 282         jr.updatePosInfo(b)
 283         return b, nil
 284     }
 285     return b, jr.improveError(err)
 286 }
 288 // seekNext skips/seeks the next token, ignoring runs of whitespace symbols
 289 // and comments, either single-line (starting with //) or general (starting
 290 // with /* and ending with */)
 291 func (jr *jsonReader) seekNext() error {
 292     for {
 293         b, ok := jr.peekByte()
 294         if !ok {
 295             return nil
 296         }
 298         // case ' ', '\t', '\f', '\v', '\r', '\n':
 299         if b <= 32 {
 300             // keep skipping whitespace bytes
 301             b, _ := jr.readByte()
 302             jr.updatePosInfo(b)
 303             continue
 304         }
 306         if b != '/' {
 307             // reached the next token
 308             return nil
 309         }
 311         if err := jr.skipComment(); err != nil {
 312             return err
 313         }
 315         // after comments, keep looking for more whitespace and/or comments
 316     }
 317 }
 319 // skipComment helps func seekNext skip over comments, simplifying the latter
 320 // func's control-flow
 321 func (jr *jsonReader) skipComment() error {
 322     err := jr.demandSyntax('/')
 323     if err != nil {
 324         return err
 325     }
 327     b, ok := jr.peekByte()
 328     if !ok {
 329         return jr.improveError(errInputEarlyEnd)
 330     }
 332     switch b {
 333     case '/':
 334         // handle single-line comments
 335         return jr.skipLine()
 337     case '*':
 338         // handle (potentially) multi-line comments
 339         return jr.skipGeneralComment()
 341     default:
 342         return jr.improveError(errInvalidComment)
 343     }
 344 }
 346 // skipLine handles single-line comments for func skipComment
 347 func (jr *jsonReader) skipLine() error {
 348     for {
 349         b, err := jr.r.ReadByte()
 350         if err == io.EOF {
 351             // end of input is fine in this case
 352             return nil
 353         }
 354         if err != nil {
 355             return err
 356         }
 358         jr.updatePosInfo(b)
 359         if b == '\n' {
 360             jr.line++
 361             return nil
 362         }
 363     }
 364 }
 366 // skipGeneralComment handles (potentially) multi-line comments for func
 367 // skipComment
 368 func (jr *jsonReader) skipGeneralComment() error {
 369     var prev byte
 370     for {
 371         b, err := jr.readByte()
 372         if err != nil {
 373             return jr.improveError(errCommentEarlyEnd)
 374         }
 376         if prev == '*' && b == '/' {
 377             return nil
 378         }
 379         if b == '\n' {
 380             jr.line++
 381         }
 382         prev = b
 383     }
 384 }
 386 // skipUTF8BOM does what it says, if a UTF-8 BOM is present
 387 func (jr *jsonReader) skipUTF8BOM() {
 388     lead, err := jr.r.Peek(3)
 389     if err == nil && bytes.HasPrefix(lead, []byte{0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf}) {
 390         jr.readByte()
 391         jr.readByte()
 392         jr.readByte()
 393         jr.pos += 3
 394     }
 395 }
 397 // outputByte is a small wrapper on func WriteByte, which adapts any error
 398 // into a custom dummy output-error, which is in turn meant to be ignored,
 399 // being just an excuse to quit the app immediately and successfully
 400 func outputByte(w *bufio.Writer, b byte) error {
 401     err := w.WriteByte(b)
 402     if err == nil {
 403         return nil
 404     }
 405     return noMoreOutput{}
 406 }
 408 // array handles arrays for func value
 409 func (jr *jsonReader) array(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 410     if err := jr.demandSyntax('['); err != nil {
 411         return err
 412     }
 413     w.WriteByte('[')
 415     for n := 0; true; n++ {
 416         // there may be whitespace/comments before the next comma
 417         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 418             return err
 419         }
 421         // handle commas between values, as well as trailing ones
 422         comma := false
 423         b, _ := jr.peekByte()
 424         if b == ',' {
 425             jr.readByte()
 426             comma = true
 428             // there may be whitespace/comments before an ending ']'
 429             if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 430                 return err
 431             }
 432             b, _ = jr.peekByte()
 433         }
 435         // handle end of array
 436         if b == ']' {
 437             jr.readByte()
 438             w.WriteByte(']')
 439             return nil
 440         }
 442         // don't forget commas between adjacent values
 443         if n > 0 {
 444             if !comma {
 445                 return errNoArrayComma
 446             }
 447             if err := outputByte(w, ','); err != nil {
 448                 return err
 449             }
 450         }
 452         // handle the next value
 453         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 454             return err
 455         }
 456         if err := jr.value(w); err != nil {
 457             return err
 458         }
 459     }
 461     // make the compiler happy
 462     return nil
 463 }
 465 // digits helps various number-handling funcs do their job
 466 func (jr *jsonReader) digits(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 467     for n := 0; true; n++ {
 468         b, _ := jr.peekByte()
 470         // support `nice` long numbers by ignoring their underscores
 471         if b == '_' {
 472             jr.readByte()
 473             continue
 474         }
 476         if '0' <= b && b <= '9' {
 477             jr.readByte()
 478             w.WriteByte(b)
 479             continue
 480         }
 482         if n == 0 {
 483             return errNoDigits
 484         }
 485         return nil
 486     }
 488     // make the compiler happy
 489     return nil
 490 }
 492 // dot handles pseudo-JSON numbers which start with a decimal dot
 493 func (jr *jsonReader) dot(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 494     if err := jr.demandSyntax('.'); err != nil {
 495         return err
 496     }
 497     w.Write([]byte{'0', '.'})
 498     return jr.digits(w)
 499 }
 501 // key is used by func object and generalizes func stringValue, by allowing
 502 // unquoted object keys; it's not used anywhere else, as allowing unquoted
 503 // string values is ambiguous with actual JSON-keyword values null, false, and
 504 // true
 505 func (jr *jsonReader) key(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 506     quote, ok := jr.peekByte()
 507     if quote == '"' || quote == '\'' {
 508         return jr.stringValue(w)
 509     }
 510     if !ok {
 511         return jr.improveError(errStringEarlyEnd)
 512     }
 514     w.WriteByte('"')
 515     for {
 516         if b, _ := jr.peekByte(); isIdentifier[b] {
 517             jr.readByte()
 518             w.WriteByte(b)
 519             continue
 520         }
 522         w.WriteByte('"')
 523         return nil
 524     }
 525 }
 527 // trySimpleInner tries to handle (more quickly) inner-strings where all bytes
 528 // are unescaped ASCII symbols: this is a very common case for strings, and is
 529 // almost always the case for object keys; returns whether it succeeded, so
 530 // this func's caller knows knows if it needs to do anything, the slower way
 531 func trySimpleInner(w *bufio.Writer, jr *jsonReader, quote byte) (gotIt bool) {
 532     chunk, _ := jr.r.Peek(64)
 534     for i, b := range chunk {
 535         if b < 32 || b > 127 || b == '\\' {
 536             return false
 537         }
 538         if b != quote {
 539             continue
 540         }
 542         // bulk-writing the chunk is this func's whole point
 543         w.WriteByte('"')
 544         w.Write(chunk[:i])
 545         w.WriteByte('"')
 547         jr.r.Discard(i + 1)
 548         return true
 549     }
 551     // maybe the inner-string is ok, but it's just longer than the chunk
 552     return false
 553 }
 555 // keyword demands the exact keyword/string given to it
 556 func (jr *jsonReader) keyword(w *bufio.Writer, kw []byte) error {
 557     for rest := kw; len(rest) > 0; rest = rest[1:] {
 558         b, err := jr.readByte()
 559         if err == nil && b == rest[0] {
 560             // keywords given to this func have no line-feeds
 561             jr.pos++
 562             continue
 563         }
 565         msg := `expected JSON value ` + string(kw)
 566         return jr.improveError(errors.New(msg))
 567     }
 569     w.Write(kw)
 570     return nil
 571 }
 573 // negative handles numbers starting with a negative sign for func value
 574 func (jr *jsonReader) negative(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 575     if err := jr.demandSyntax('-'); err != nil {
 576         return err
 577     }
 579     w.WriteByte('-')
 580     if b, _ := jr.peekByte(); b == '.' {
 581         jr.readByte()
 582         w.Write([]byte{'0', '.'})
 583         return jr.digits(w)
 584     }
 585     return jr.number(w)
 586 }
 588 // number handles numeric values/tokens, including invalid-JSON cases, such
 589 // as values starting with a decimal dot
 590 func (jr *jsonReader) number(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 591     // handle integer digits
 592     if err := jr.digits(w); err != nil {
 593         return err
 594     }
 596     // handle optional decimal digits, starting with a leading dot
 597     if b, _ := jr.peekByte(); b == '.' {
 598         jr.readByte()
 599         w.WriteByte('.')
 600         return jr.digits(w)
 601     }
 602     return nil
 603 }
 605 // object handles objects for func value
 606 func (jr *jsonReader) object(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 607     if err := jr.demandSyntax('{'); err != nil {
 608         return err
 609     }
 610     w.WriteByte('{')
 612     for npairs := 0; true; npairs++ {
 613         // there may be whitespace/comments before the next comma
 614         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 615             return err
 616         }
 618         // handle commas between key-value pairs, as well as trailing ones
 619         comma := false
 620         b, _ := jr.peekByte()
 621         if b == ',' {
 622             jr.readByte()
 623             comma = true
 625             // there may be whitespace/comments before an ending '}'
 626             if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 627                 return err
 628             }
 629             b, _ = jr.peekByte()
 630         }
 632         // handle end of object
 633         if b == '}' {
 634             jr.readByte()
 635             w.WriteByte('}')
 636             return nil
 637         }
 639         // don't forget commas between adjacent key-value pairs
 640         if npairs > 0 {
 641             if !comma {
 642                 return errNoObjectComma
 643             }
 644             if err := outputByte(w, ','); err != nil {
 645                 return err
 646             }
 647         }
 649         // handle the next pair's key
 650         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 651             return err
 652         }
 653         if err := jr.key(w); err != nil {
 654             return err
 655         }
 657         // demand a colon right after the key
 658         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 659             return err
 660         }
 661         if err := jr.demandSyntax(':'); err != nil {
 662             return err
 663         }
 664         w.WriteByte(':')
 666         // handle the next pair's value
 667         if err := jr.seekNext(); err != nil {
 668             return err
 669         }
 670         if err := jr.value(w); err != nil {
 671             return err
 672         }
 673     }
 675     // make the compiler happy
 676     return nil
 677 }
 679 // positive handles numbers starting with a positive sign for func value
 680 func (jr *jsonReader) positive(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 681     if err := jr.demandSyntax('+'); err != nil {
 682         return err
 683     }
 685     // valid JSON isn't supposed to have leading pluses on numbers, so
 686     // emit nothing for it, unlike for negative numbers
 688     if b, _ := jr.peekByte(); b == '.' {
 689         jr.readByte()
 690         w.Write([]byte{'0', '.'})
 691         return jr.digits(w)
 692     }
 693     return jr.number(w)
 694 }
 696 // stringValue handles strings for funcs value and key, and supports both
 697 // single-quotes and double-quotes, always emitting the latter in the output,
 698 // of course
 699 func (jr *jsonReader) stringValue(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 700     quote, ok := jr.peekByte()
 701     if !ok || (quote != '"' && quote != '\'') {
 702         return errNoStringQuote
 703     }
 705     jr.readByte()
 706     // try the quicker all-unescaped-ASCII handler
 707     if trySimpleInner(w, jr, quote) {
 708         return nil
 709     }
 711     // it's a non-trivial inner-string, so handle it byte-by-byte
 712     w.WriteByte('"')
 713     escaped := false
 715     for {
 716         b, err := jr.r.ReadByte()
 717         if err != nil {
 718             if err == io.EOF {
 719                 return jr.improveError(errStringEarlyEnd)
 720             }
 721             return jr.improveError(err)
 722         }
 724         if !escaped {
 725             if b == '\\' {
 726                 escaped = true
 727                 continue
 728             }
 730             // handle end of string
 731             if b == quote {
 732                 return outputByte(w, '"')
 733             }
 735             w.Write(escapedStringBytes[b])
 736             jr.updatePosInfo(b)
 737             continue
 738         }
 740         // handle escaped items
 741         escaped = false
 743         switch b {
 744         case 'u':
 745             // \u needs exactly 4 hex-digits to follow it
 746             w.Write([]byte{'\\', 'u'})
 747             if err := copyHex(w, 4, jr); err != nil {
 748                 return jr.improveError(err)
 749             }
 751         case 'x':
 752             // JSON only supports 4 escaped hex-digits, so pad the 2
 753             // expected hex-digits with 2 zeros
 754             w.Write([]byte{'\\', 'u', '0', '0'})
 755             if err := copyHex(w, 2, jr); err != nil {
 756                 return jr.improveError(err)
 757             }
 759         case 't', 'f', 'r', 'n', 'b', '\\', '"':
 760             // handle valid-JSON escaped string sequences
 761             w.WriteByte('\\')
 762             w.WriteByte(b)
 764         // case '\'':
 765         //  // escaped single-quotes aren't standard JSON, but they can
 766         //  // be handy when the input uses non-standard single-quoted
 767         //  // strings
 768         //  w.WriteByte('\'')
 770         default:
 771             // return jr.decorateError(unexpectedByte{b})
 772             w.Write(escapedStringBytes[b])
 773         }
 774     }
 775 }
 777 // copyHex handles a run of hex-digits for func stringValue, starting right
 778 // after the leading `\u` (or `\x`) part; this func doesn't `improve` its
 779 // errors with position info: that's up to the caller
 780 func copyHex(w *bufio.Writer, n int, jr *jsonReader) error {
 781     for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
 782         b, err := jr.r.ReadByte()
 783         if err == io.EOF {
 784             return errStringEarlyEnd
 785         }
 786         if err != nil {
 787             return err
 788         }
 790         jr.updatePosInfo(b)
 792         if b := matchHex[b]; b != 0 {
 793             w.WriteByte(b)
 794             continue
 795         }
 797         return errInvalidHex
 798     }
 800     return nil
 801 }
 803 // value is a generic JSON-token/value handler, which allows the recursive
 804 // behavior to handle any kind of JSON/pseudo-JSON input
 805 func (jr *jsonReader) value(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 806     chunk, err := jr.r.Peek(1)
 807     if err == nil && len(chunk) >= 1 {
 808         return jr.dispatch(w, chunk[0])
 809     }
 811     if err == io.EOF {
 812         return jr.improveError(errInputEarlyEnd)
 813     }
 814     return jr.improveError(errInputEarlyEnd)
 815 }
 817 // dispatch simplifies control-flow for func value
 818 func (jr *jsonReader) dispatch(w *bufio.Writer, b byte) error {
 819     switch b {
 820     case 'f':
 821         return jr.keyword(w, []byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'})
 822     case 'n':
 823         return jr.keyword(w, []byte{'n', 'u', 'l', 'l'})
 824     case 't':
 825         return jr.keyword(w, []byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'})
 826     case '.':
 827         return
 828     case '+':
 829         return jr.positive(w)
 830     case '-':
 831         return jr.negative(w)
 832     case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
 833         return jr.number(w)
 834     case '\'', '"':
 835         return jr.stringValue(w)
 836     case '[':
 837         return jr.array(w)
 838     case '{':
 839         return jr.object(w)
 840     default:
 841         return jr.improveError(errInvalidToken)
 842     }
 843 }

     File: box/json0_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "bytes"
   6     "io"
   7     "strings"
   8     "testing"
   9 )
  11 func TestJSON0(t *testing.T) {
  12     var tests = []struct {
  13         Input    string
  14         Expected string
  15     }{
  16         {`false`, `false`},
  17         {`null`, `null`},
  18         {`  true  `, `true`},
  20         {`0`, `0`},
  21         {`1`, `1`},
  22         {`2`, `2`},
  23         {`3`, `3`},
  24         {`4`, `4`},
  25         {`5`, `5`},
  26         {`6`, `6`},
  27         {`7`, `7`},
  28         {`8`, `8`},
  29         {`9`, `9`},
  31         {`  .345`, `0.345`},
  32         {` -.345`, `-0.345`},
  33         {` +.345`, `0.345`},
  34         {` +123.345`, `123.345`},
  35         {` +.345`, `0.345`},
  36         {` 123.34523`, `123.34523`},
  37         {` 123.34_523`, `123.34523`},
  38         {` 123_456.123`, `123456.123`},
  40         {`""`, `""`},
  41         {`''`, `""`},
  42         {`"\""`, `"\""`},
  43         {`'\"'`, `"\""`},
  44         {`'\''`, `"'"`},
  45         {`'abc\u0e9A'`, `"abc\u0E9A"`},
  46         {`'abc\x1f[0m'`, `"abc\u001F[0m"`},
  48         {`[  ]`, `[]`},
  49         {`[ , ]`, `[]`},
  50         {`[.345, false,null , ]`, `[0.345,false,null]`},
  52         {`{  }`, `{}`},
  53         {`{ , }`, `{}`},
  55         {
  56             `{ 'abc': .345, "def"  : false, 'xyz':null , }`,
  57             `{"abc":0.345,"def":false,"xyz":null}`,
  58         },
  60         {`{0problems:123,}`, `{"0problems":123}`},
  61         {`{0_problems:123}`, `{"0_problems":123}`},
  62     }
  64     for _, tc := range tests {
  65         t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
  66             var out strings.Builder
  67             w := lineFlusher{bufio.NewWriter(&out)}
  68             r := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(tc.Input))
  69             if err := json0(w, r); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
  70                 t.Fatal(err)
  71                 return
  72             }
  73             // don't forget to flush the buffer, or output may stay empty
  74             w.Flush()
  76             s := out.String()
  77             s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "\n")
  78             if s != tc.Expected {
  79                 t.Fatalf("<got>\n%s\n<expected>\n%s", s, tc.Expected)
  80                 return
  81             }
  82         })
  83     }
  84 }
  86 func TestEscapedStringBytes(t *testing.T) {
  87     var escaped = map[rune][]byte{
  88         '\x00': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '0'},
  89         '\x01': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '1'},
  90         '\x02': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '2'},
  91         '\x03': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '3'},
  92         '\x04': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '4'},
  93         '\x05': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '5'},
  94         '\x06': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '6'},
  95         '\x07': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', '7'},
  96         '\x0b': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'b'},
  97         '\x0e': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'e'},
  98         '\x0f': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '0', 'f'},
  99         '\x10': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '0'},
 100         '\x11': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '1'},
 101         '\x12': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '2'},
 102         '\x13': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '3'},
 103         '\x14': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '4'},
 104         '\x15': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '5'},
 105         '\x16': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '6'},
 106         '\x17': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '7'},
 107         '\x18': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '8'},
 108         '\x19': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', '9'},
 109         '\x1a': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'a'},
 110         '\x1b': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'b'},
 111         '\x1c': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'c'},
 112         '\x1d': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'd'},
 113         '\x1e': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'e'},
 114         '\x1f': {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', '1', 'f'},
 116         '\t': {'\\', 't'},
 117         '\f': {'\\', 'f'},
 118         '\b': {'\\', 'b'},
 119         '\r': {'\\', 'r'},
 120         '\n': {'\\', 'n'},
 121         '\\': {'\\', '\\'},
 122         '"':  {'\\', '"'},
 123     }
 125     if n := len(escapedStringBytes); n != 256 {
 126         t.Fatalf(`expected 256 entries, instead of %d`, n)
 127         return
 128     }
 130     for i, v := range escapedStringBytes {
 131         exp := []byte{byte(i)}
 132         if esc, ok := escaped[rune(i)]; ok {
 133             exp = esc
 134         }
 136         if !bytes.Equal(v, exp) {
 137             t.Fatalf("%d: expected %#v, got %#v", i, exp, v)
 138             return
 139         }
 140     }
 141 }

     File: box/main.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "errors"
   6     "io"
   7     "math"
   8     "os"
   9     "strconv"
  10     "strings"
  12     _ "embed"
  13 )
  15 //go:embed info.txt
  16 var info string
  18 const (
  19     kb = 1024
  20     mb = 1024 * kb
  21     gb = 1024 * mb
  23     // bufferSize seems a sensible default for modern cache-sizes
  24     bufferSize = 16 * kb
  26     // maxLineSize limits how long input lines can be byte-count-wise
  27     maxLineSize = 8 * gb
  29     // defaultTabstop is the space-count used for tab-expansion across tools
  30     defaultTabstop = 4
  32     // columnSeparator is the string put between adjacent columns; to avoid
  33     // trailing spaces on output lines whose latter line is empty/missing,
  34     // a right-trimmed version of this string is used in those output lines
  35     columnSeparator = ` █ `
  37     // maxAutoWidth is the output max-width used by a few `column-fitting`
  38     // tools when run in `automatic mode`, and is chosen to fit very old
  39     // monitors
  40     maxAutoWidth = 79
  41 )
  43 var toolAliases = map[string]string{
  44     `absname`:       `abs`,
  45     `allfiles`:      `files`,
  46     `allfolders`:    `folders`,
  47     `arguments`:     `args`,
  48     `automime`:      `mime`,
  49     `basename`:      `base`,
  50     `blow`:          `detab`,
  51     `blowtabs`:      `detab`,
  52     `breathe`:       `bl`,
  53     `butfinal`:      `skiplast`,
  54     `butlast`:       `skiplast`,
  55     `chain`:         `compose`,
  56     `color`:         `restyle`,
  57     `colorjson`:     `nj`,
  58     `copy`:          `identity`,
  59     `countbytes`:    `coby`,
  60     `debz2`:         `debz`,
  61     `debzip`:        `debz`,
  62     `debzip2`:       `debz`,
  63     `dedup`:         `unique`,
  64     `deempty`:       `noempty`,
  65     `degzip`:        `degz`,
  66     `dempty`:        `noempty`,
  67     `dirname`:       `dir`,
  68     `expand`:        `detab`,
  69     `expandtabs`:    `detab`,
  70     `fancyjson`:     `nj`,
  71     `fancynumbers`:  `nn`,
  72     `fancynums`:     `nn`,
  73     `final`:         `last`,
  74     `fixjson`:       `json0`,
  75     `folder`:        `dir`,
  76     `foldername`:    `dir`,
  77     `guessmime`:     `mime`,
  78     `guesstype`:     `mime`,
  79     `guessfiletype`: `mime`,
  80     `gzip`:          `gz`,
  81     `hexify`:        `hex`,
  82     `id3image`:      `id3pic`,
  83     `id3img`:        `id3pic`,
  84     `id3picture`:    `id3pic`,
  85     `id3thumb`:      `id3pic`,
  86     `id3thumbnail`:  `id3pic`,
  87     `idem`:          `identity`,
  88     `iden`:          `identity`,
  89     `ignore`:        `drop`,
  90     `j0`:            `json0`,
  91     `mp3image`:      `id3pic`,
  92     `mp3img`:        `id3pic`,
  93     `mp3pic`:        `id3pic`,
  94     `mp3picture`:    `id3pic`,
  95     `mp3thumb`:      `id3pic`,
  96     `mp3thumbnail`:  `id3pic`,
  97     `nicejson`:      `nj`,
  98     `nicenumbers`:   `nn`,
  99     `nicenums`:      `nn`,
 100     `nil`:           `nothing`,
 101     `null`:          `nothing`,
 102     `parentname`:    `dir`,
 103     `parun`:         `prun`,
 104     `pipe`:          `compose`,
 105     `reflow`:        `reprose`,
 106     `rstrip`:        `trimend`,
 107     `sidebyside`:    `sbs`,
 108     `skipfinal`:     `skiplast`,
 109     `skipfirst`:     `skip`,
 110     `sponge`:        `soak`,
 111     `strip`:         `trim`,
 112     `stripend`:      `trimend`,
 113     `striptrail`:    `trimend`,
 114     `striptrails`:   `trimend`,
 115     `style`:         `restyle`,
 116     `sym`:           `symbols`,
 117     `symbol`:        `symbols`,
 118     `trimtrail`:     `trimend`,
 119     `trimtrails`:    `trimend`,
 120     `trunc`:         `limit`,
 121     `truncate`:      `limit`,
 122     `unbase64`:      `debase64`,
 123     `unbz`:          `debz`,
 124     `unbz2`:         `debz`,
 125     `unbzip`:        `debz`,
 126     `unbzip2`:       `debz`,
 127     `uncsv`:         `decsv`,
 128     `unempty`:       `noempty`,
 129     `unflac`:        `deflac`,
 130     `ungz`:          `degz`,
 131     `ungzip`:        `degz`,
 132     `unjsonl`:       `dejsonl`,
 133     `untab`:         `detab`,
 134     `uriencode`:     `urify`,
 135     `words`:         `items`,
 136 }
 138 var name2tool = map[string]any{
 139     `abs`:        abs,
 140     `args`:       args,
 141     `base64`:     base64encode,
 142     `base`:       base,
 143     `begin`:      begin,
 144     `begintsv`:   beginTSV,
 145     `bh`:         breatheHeader,
 146     `bl`:         breatheLines,
 147     `book`:       book,
 148     `bytefreq`:   byteFreq,
 149     `choplf`:     choplf,
 150     `coby`:       coby,
 151     `compose`:    nil,
 152     `datauri`:    datauri,
 153     `debase64`:   debase64,
 154     `debz`:       debz,
 155     `decsv`:      decsv,
 156     `deflac`:     deflac,
 157     `degz`:       degz,
 158     `dejsonl`:    dejsonl,
 159     `delay`:      delay,
 160     `detab`:      detab,
 161     `dir`:        dir,
 162     `div`:        div,
 163     `drop`:       drop,
 164     `end`:        end,
 165     `endtsv`:     endTSV,
 166     `files`:      files,
 167     `folders`:    folders,
 168     `first`:      first,
 169     `gz`:         gz,
 170     `help`:       nil,
 171     `hex`:        hexify,
 172     `hold`:       hold,
 173     `id3pic`:     id3pic,
 174     `identity`:   identity,
 175     `indent`:     indent,
 176     `items`:      items,
 177     `join`:       join,
 178     `json0`:      json0,
 179     `jsonl`:      jsonl,
 180     `junk`:       junk,
 181     `last`:       last,
 182     `leak`:       leak,
 183     `limit`:      limit,
 184     `lines`:      lines,
 185     `lineup`:     lineup,
 186     `links`:      links,
 187     `lower`:      lower,
 188     `mime`:       mimeDetect,
 189     `n`:          n,
 190     `nj`:         nj,
 191     `nn`:         nn,
 192     `noempty`:    noEmpty,
 193     `nothing`:    nothing,
 194     `now`:        now,
 195     `numbers`:    numbers,
 196     `plain`:      plain,
 197     `primes`:     primes,
 198     `prun`:       prun,
 199     `range`:      rangeLines,
 200     `realign`:    realign,
 201     `reprose`:    reprose,
 202     `restyle`:    restyle,
 203     `reuse`:      nil,
 204     `sbs`:        sbs,
 205     `sha1`:       sha1encode,
 206     `sha256`:     sha256encode,
 207     `sha512`:     sha512encode,
 208     `size`:       size,
 209     `skip`:       skip,
 210     `skiplast`:   skipLast,
 211     `soak`:       soak,
 212     `split`:      split,
 213     `splitany`:   splitAny,
 214     `squeeze`:    squeeze,
 215     `stomp`:      stomp,
 216     `strings`:    stringsTool,
 217     `symbols`:    symbols,
 218     `tally`:      tally,
 219     `teletype`:   teletype,
 220     `timer`:      timer,
 221     `title`:      title,
 222     `today`:      today,
 223     `tone`:       tone,
 224     `tools`:      nil,
 225     `topfiles`:   topfiles,
 226     `topfolders`: topfolders,
 227     `trim`:       trim,
 228     `trimend`:    trimend,
 229     `tsv`:        tsv,
 230     `unique`:     unique,
 231     `urify`:      urify,
 232     `utf8`:       utf8Tool,
 233     `wait`:       nil,
 234 }
 236 var name2metaTool = map[string]any{
 237     `compose`: compose,
 238     `help`:    help,
 239     `reuse`:   reuse,
 240     `tools`:   tools,
 241     `wait`:    wait,
 242 }
 244 // justQuit is a custom error-type which isn't for showing, but quitting a
 245 // tool right away instead
 246 type justQuit struct {
 247     exitCode int
 248 }
 250 // Error is only to satisfy the error interface, and not for showing
 251 func (justQuit) Error() string {
 252     return ``
 253 }
 255 // noMoreOutput is a custom error-type to allow the app to quit immediately
 256 // without complaining, treating a closed stdout as a non-error condition
 257 type noMoreOutput struct{}
 259 func (nmo noMoreOutput) Error() string {
 260     return `no more output`
 261 }
 263 // wrongToolArgs is a custom error-type to allow the app to offer a tool's
 264 // help/description message if the tool is `misrun` by giving it the wrong
 265 // number and/or type of arguments
 266 type wrongToolArgs struct {
 267     problem string
 268     tool    string
 269 }
 271 func (wta wrongToolArgs) Error() string {
 272     if wta.tool == `` {
 273         return wta.problem
 274     }
 275     return wta.tool + `: ` + wta.problem
 276 }
 278 // unsupportedTool is a custom error-type to automate tool-table testing
 279 type unsupportedTool struct{}
 281 func (ut unsupportedTool) Error() string {
 282     return `unsupported tool type`
 283 }
 285 // multipleErrors is a custom error-type to avoid showing further errors
 286 type multipleErrors struct{}
 288 func (me multipleErrors) Error() string {
 289     return `multiple errors happened`
 290 }
 292 // fill lookup-table with items which the compiler would otherwise forbid due
 293 // to circular intialization cycles
 294 func init() {
 295     for name, tool := range name2metaTool {
 296         name2tool[name] = tool
 297     }
 298 }
 300 func main() {
 301     if len(os.Args) < 2 {
 302         os.Stderr.WriteString(info)
 303         os.Exit(0)
 304     }
 306     switch os.Args[1] {
 307     case `-h`, `--h`, `-help`, `--help`:
 308         os.Stderr.WriteString(info)
 309         os.Exit(0)
 310     }
 312     err := run(os.Stdout, os.Stdin, os.Args[1:])
 313     if err == nil {
 314         return
 315     }
 316     if _, ok := err.(noMoreOutput); ok {
 317         return
 318     }
 319     if _, ok := err.(multipleErrors); ok {
 320         return
 321     }
 323     showError(err)
 325     // offer a helpful tool-description message, if a tool was `misrun`
 326     if err, ok := err.(wrongToolArgs); ok {
 327         run(os.Stdout, os.Stdin, []string{`help`, err.tool})
 328     }
 330     os.Exit(1)
 331 }
 333 func showError(err error) {
 334     if err == nil {
 335         return
 336     }
 338     os.Stderr.WriteString("\x1b[31m")
 339     os.Stderr.WriteString(err.Error())
 340     os.Stderr.WriteString("\x1b[0m\n")
 341 }
 343 func run(w io.Writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 344     err := dispatch(w, r, args)
 345     if err == nil {
 346         return nil
 347     }
 349     if _, ok := err.(noMoreOutput); ok {
 350         return err
 351     }
 352     if _, ok := err.(multipleErrors); ok {
 353         return err
 354     }
 356     if quit, ok := err.(justQuit); ok {
 357         if quit.exitCode != 0 {
 358             os.Exit(quit.exitCode)
 359         }
 360         return nil
 361     }
 363     if len(args) == 0 {
 364         return err
 365     }
 367     name := strings.TrimSpace(args[0])
 368     if err, ok := err.(wrongToolArgs); ok && err.tool == `` {
 369         return wrongToolArgs{err.problem, name}
 370     }
 371     return errors.New(name + `: ` + err.Error())
 372 }
 374 func dealiasToolName(name string) (resolved string, ok bool) {
 375     key := strings.TrimSpace(name)
 376     key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, `-`, ``)
 377     key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, `_`, ``)
 378     if s, ok := toolAliases[key]; ok {
 379         return s, true
 380     }
 381     return key, false
 382 }
 384 func dispatch(w io.Writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 385     if len(args) == 0 {
 386         return errors.New(`no tool name given`)
 387     }
 389     name := strings.TrimSpace(args[0])
 390     switch name {
 391     case `-`, `--`, `+`, `/`, `.`, `,`, `:`:
 392         // enable special shortcuts for the `compose` tool
 393         sep := name
 394         cmds := splitSliceNonEmpty(args[1:], sep)
 395         return composeAsyncRec(w, r, cmds)
 396     }
 398     key, _ := dealiasToolName(name)
 399     args = args[1:]
 401     bw := lineFlusher{bufio.NewWriter(w)}
 402     defer bw.Flush()
 404     tool, ok := name2tool[key]
 405     if !ok {
 406         if _, ok := styles[key]; ok {
 407             return restyle(bw, r, []string{key})
 408         }
 409         return errors.New(`no such tool available`)
 410     }
 412     switch tool := tool.(type) {
 413     case func(w writer, r io.Reader) error:
 414         if len(args) != 0 {
 415             return errors.New(`no args expected`)
 416         }
 417         return tool(bw, r)
 419     case func(w writer, r io.Reader, arg string) error:
 420         arg, err := requireString(args)
 421         if err != nil {
 422             return err
 423         }
 424         return tool(bw, r, arg)
 426     case func(w writer, r io.Reader, n int) error:
 427         n, err := requireInteger(args)
 428         if err != nil {
 429             return err
 430         }
 431         return tool(bw, r, n)
 433     case func(w writer, r io.Reader, f float64) error:
 434         f, err := requireNumber(args)
 435         if err != nil {
 436             return err
 437         }
 438         return tool(bw, r, f)
 440     case func(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error:
 441         return tool(bw, r, args)
 443     case func(w writer, i int, line []byte) error:
 444         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 445             return tool(bw, i, line)
 446         })
 448     default:
 449         // this enables the automated testing of the tool-lookup table
 450         return unsupportedTool{}
 451     }
 452 }
 454 func optionalInteger(args []string, fallback int) (int, error) {
 455     if len(args) == 0 {
 456         return fallback, nil
 457     }
 459     if len(args) == 1 {
 460         n, err := parseInteger(args[0])
 461         if err != nil {
 462             return n, wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
 463         }
 464         return n, nil
 465     }
 467     n := strconv.Itoa(len(args))
 468     m := `expected at most 1 integer-like argument, instead of ` + n + ` args`
 469     return 0, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 470 }
 472 func optionalString(args []string, fallback string) (string, error) {
 473     if len(args) == 0 {
 474         return fallback, nil
 475     }
 477     if len(args) == 1 {
 478         return args[0], nil
 479     }
 481     n := strconv.Itoa(len(args))
 482     m := `expected at most 1 argument, instead of ` + n + ` args`
 483     return ``, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 484 }
 486 func parseInteger(s string) (int, error) {
 487     // it's nice to have float-like shortcuts such as `5e6`, even for ints
 488     f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
 489     if err == nil && !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
 490         if float64(int64(f)) == f {
 491             return int(f), nil
 492         }
 493     }
 495     return strconv.Atoi(s)
 496 }
 498 func pickStyle(args []string, fallbackStyle string) ([]byte, error) {
 499     if len(args) == 0 {
 500         return styles[fallbackStyle], nil
 501     }
 503     if len(args) > 1 {
 504         return nil, wrongToolArgs{`expected at most 1 argument`, ``}
 505     }
 507     name := args[0]
 508     name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
 509     name = strings.ToLower(name)
 510     if len(name) == 0 {
 511         return nil, wrongToolArgs{`no style name given`, ``}
 512     }
 514     // ignore leading dash or leading double-dash
 515     name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, `-`)
 516     name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, `-`)
 518     style, ok := styles[name]
 519     if !ok {
 520         return nil, errors.New(`no style named ` + name)
 521     }
 522     return style, nil
 523 }
 525 func requireInteger(args []string) (int, error) {
 526     if len(args) != 1 {
 527         n := strconv.Itoa(len(args))
 528         m := `expected 1 integer-like argument, instead of ` + n + ` args`
 529         return 0, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 530     }
 532     n, err := parseInteger(args[0])
 533     if err != nil {
 534         return n, wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
 535     }
 536     return n, nil
 537 }
 539 func requireLeadingNumber(args []string) (float64, []string, error) {
 540     if len(args) == 0 {
 541         const m = `expected at least 1 number-like argument`
 542         return 0, args, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 543     }
 545     rest := args[1:]
 546     f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 547     if err != nil {
 548         return f, rest, wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
 549     }
 550     if math.IsNaN(f) || math.IsInf(f, 0) {
 551         return f, rest, wrongToolArgs{`invalid number`, ``}
 552     }
 553     return f, rest, nil
 554 }
 556 func requireNumber(args []string) (float64, error) {
 557     if len(args) != 1 {
 558         n := strconv.Itoa(len(args))
 559         m := `expected 1 number-like argument, instead of ` + n + ` args`
 560         return 0, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 561     }
 563     f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 564     if err != nil {
 565         return f, wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
 566     }
 567     if math.IsNaN(f) || math.IsInf(f, 0) {
 568         return f, wrongToolArgs{`invalid number`, ``}
 569     }
 570     return f, nil
 571 }
 573 func requireString(args []string) (string, error) {
 574     if len(args) != 1 {
 575         n := strconv.Itoa(len(args))
 576         m := `expected 1 argument, instead of ` + n + ` args`
 577         return ``, wrongToolArgs{m, ``}
 578     }
 580     return args[0], nil
 581 }

     File: box/main_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "io"
   6     "testing"
   7 )
   9 type emptyReader struct{}
  11 func (er emptyReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
  12     return 0, io.EOF
  13 }
  15 func TestToolAliases(t *testing.T) {
  16     for name, alias := range toolAliases {
  17         if _, ok := name2tool[alias]; !ok {
  18             t.Fatalf(`%s: not a tool alias`, name)
  19             return
  20         }
  21     }
  22 }
  24 func TestToolTypes(t *testing.T) {
  25     bw := bufio.NewWriter(io.Discard)
  26     for name := range name2tool {
  27         err := dispatch(bw, emptyReader{}, []string{name})
  28         if _, bad := err.(unsupportedTool); bad {
  29             t.Fatalf(`%s: unsupported tool type`, name)
  30             return
  31         }
  32     }
  33 }

     File: box/mimetypes.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "unicode"
   6 )
   8 // all the MIME types used/recognized in this package
   9 const (
  10     aiff     = `audio/aiff`
  11     au       = `audio/basic`
  12     avi      = `video/avi`
  13     avif     = `image/avif`
  14     bmp      = `image/x-bmp`
  15     caf      = `audio/x-caf`
  16     cur      = `image/`
  17     css      = `text/css`
  18     csvMIME  = `text/csv`
  19     djvu     = `image/x-djvu`
  20     elf      = `application/x-elf`
  21     exe      = `application/`
  22     flac     = `audio/x-flac`
  23     gif      = `image/gif`
  24     gzMIME   = `application/gzip`
  25     heic     = `image/heic`
  26     htm      = `text/html`
  27     html     = `text/html`
  28     ico      = `image/x-icon`
  29     iso      = `application/octet-stream`
  30     jpg      = `image/jpeg`
  31     jpeg     = `image/jpeg`
  32     js       = `application/javascript`
  33     jsonMIME = `application/json`
  34     m4a      = `audio/aac`
  35     m4v      = `video/x-m4v`
  36     mid      = `audio/midi`
  37     mov      = `video/quicktime`
  38     mp4      = `video/mp4`
  39     mp3      = `audio/mpeg`
  40     mpg      = `video/mpeg`
  41     ogg      = `audio/ogg`
  42     opus     = `audio/opus`
  43     pdf      = `application/pdf`
  44     png      = `image/png`
  45     ps       = `application/postscript`
  46     psd      = `image/vnd.adobe.photoshop`
  47     rtf      = `application/rtf`
  48     sqlite3  = `application/x-sqlite3`
  49     svg      = `image/svg+xml`
  50     text     = `text/plain`
  51     tiff     = `image/tiff`
  52     tsvMIME  = `text/tsv`
  53     wasm     = `application/wasm`
  54     wav      = `audio/x-wav`
  55     webp     = `image/webp`
  56     webm     = `video/webm`
  57     xml      = `application/xml`
  58     zip      = `application/zip`
  59     zst      = `application/zstd`
  60 )
  62 var mimeAliases = map[string]string{
  63     `aif`:       aiff,
  64     `aiff`:      aiff,
  65     `au`:        au,
  66     `avi`:       avi,
  67     `avif`:      avif,
  68     `bmp`:       bmp,
  69     `caf`:       caf,
  70     `cur`:       cur,
  71     `css`:       css,
  72     `csv`:       csvMIME,
  73     `elf`:       elf,
  74     `exe`:       exe,
  75     `flac`:      flac,
  76     `geojson`:   jsonMIME,
  77     `gif`:       gif,
  78     `gz`:        gzMIME,
  79     `heic`:      heic,
  80     `htm`:       htm,
  81     `html`:      html,
  82     `ico`:       ico,
  83     `iso`:       iso,
  84     `jpg`:       jpg,
  85     `jpeg`:      jpeg,
  86     `js`:        js,
  87     `json`:      jsonMIME,
  88     `m4a`:       m4a,
  89     `m4v`:       m4v,
  90     `mp4`:       mp4,
  91     `mid`:       mid,
  92     `mov`:       mov,
  93     `mp3`:       mp3,
  94     `mpg`:       mpg,
  95     `png`:       png,
  96     `ogg`:       ogg,
  97     `opus`:      opus,
  98     `pdf`:       pdf,
  99     `plain`:     text,
 100     `plaintext`: text,
 101     `ps`:        ps,
 102     `psd`:       psd,
 103     `rtf`:       rtf,
 104     `sqlite3`:   sqlite3,
 105     `svg`:       svg,
 106     `text`:      text,
 107     `tiff`:      tiff,
 108     `tsv`:       tsvMIME,
 109     `txt`:       text,
 110     `wasm`:      wasm,
 111     `wav`:       wav,
 112     `wave`:      wav,
 113     `webm`:      webm,
 114     `webp`:      webp,
 115     `xml`:       xml,
 116     `zip`:       zip,
 117     `zst`:       zst,
 118 }
 120 // formatDescriptor ties a file-header pattern to its data-format type
 121 type formatDescriptor struct {
 122     Header []byte
 123     Type   string
 124 }
 126 // can be anything: ensure this value differs from all other literal bytes
 127 // in the generic-headers table: failing that, its value could cause subtle
 128 // type-misdetection bugs
 129 const cba = 0xFD // 253, which is > 127, the highest-valued ascii symbol
 131 // dash-streamed m4a format
 132 var m4aDash = []byte{
 133     cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'd', 'a', 's', 'h',
 134     000, 000, 000, 000, 'i', 's', 'o', '6', 'm', 'p', '4', '1',
 135 }
 137 // format markers with leading wildcards, which should be checked before the
 138 // normal ones: this is to prevent mismatches with the latter types, even
 139 // though you can make probabilistic arguments which suggest these mismatches
 140 // should be very unlikely in practice
 141 var specialHeaders = []formatDescriptor{
 142     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', '4', 'A', ' '}, m4a},
 143     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', '4', 'A', 000}, m4a},
 144     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', 'S', 'N', 'V'}, mp4},
 145     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'i', 's', 'o', 'm'}, mp4},
 146     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'm', 'p', '4', '2'}, m4v},
 147     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'q', 't', ' ', ' '}, mov},
 148     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'h', 'e', 'i', 'c'}, heic},
 149     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'a', 'v', 'i', 'f'}, avif},
 150     {m4aDash, m4a},
 151 }
 153 // sqlite3 database format
 154 var sqlite3db = []byte{
 155     'S', 'Q', 'L', 'i', 't', 'e', ' ',
 156     'f', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'a', 't', ' ', '3',
 157     000,
 158 }
 160 // windows-variant bitmap file-header, which is followed by a byte-counter for
 161 // the 40-byte infoheader which follows that
 162 var winbmp = []byte{
 163     'B', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, 40,
 164 }
 166 // deja-vu document format
 167 var djv = []byte{
 168     'A', 'T', '&', 'T', 'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'D', 'J', 'V',
 169 }
 171 var doctypeHTML = []byte{
 172     '<', '!', 'D', 'O', 'C', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', ' ', 'h', 't', 'm', 'l', '>',
 173 }
 175 // hdrDispatch groups format-description-groups by their first byte, thus
 176 // shortening total lookups for some data header: notice how the `ftyp` data
 177 // formats aren't handled here, since these can start with any byte, instead
 178 // of the literal value of the any-byte markers they use
 179 var hdrDispatch = [256][]formatDescriptor{
 180     {
 181         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 0xBA}, mpg},
 182         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 0xB3}, mpg},
 183         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 000}, ico},
 184         {[]byte{000, 000, 002, 000}, cur},
 185         {[]byte{000, 'a', 's', 'm'}, wasm},
 186     }, // 0
 187     nil, // 1
 188     nil, // 2
 189     nil, // 3
 190     nil, // 4
 191     nil, // 5
 192     nil, // 6
 193     nil, // 7
 194     nil, // 8
 195     nil, // 9
 196     nil, // 10
 197     nil, // 11
 198     nil, // 12
 199     nil, // 13
 200     nil, // 14
 201     nil, // 15
 202     nil, // 16
 203     nil, // 17
 204     nil, // 18
 205     nil, // 19
 206     nil, // 20
 207     nil, // 21
 208     nil, // 22
 209     nil, // 23
 210     nil, // 24
 211     nil, // 25
 212     {
 213         {[]byte{0x1A, 0x45, 0xDF, 0xA3}, webm},
 214     }, // 26
 215     nil, // 27
 216     nil, // 28
 217     nil, // 29
 218     nil, // 30
 219     {
 220         // {[]byte{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08, 0x08}, gzMIME},
 221         {[]byte{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08}, gzMIME},
 222     }, // 31
 223     nil, // 32
 224     nil, // 33 !
 225     nil, // 34 "
 226     {
 227         {[]byte{'#', '!', ' '}, text},
 228         {[]byte{'#', '!', '/'}, text},
 229     }, // 35 #
 230     nil, // 36 $
 231     {
 232         {[]byte{'%', 'P', 'D', 'F'}, pdf},
 233         {[]byte{'%', '!', 'P', 'S'}, ps},
 234     }, // 37 %
 235     nil, // 38 &
 236     nil, // 39 '
 237     {
 238         {[]byte{0x28, 0xB5, 0x2F, 0xFD}, zst},
 239     }, // 40 (
 240     nil, // 41 )
 241     nil, // 42 *
 242     nil, // 43 +
 243     nil, // 44 ,
 244     nil, // 45 -
 245     {
 246         {[]byte{'.', 's', 'n', 'd'}, au},
 247     }, // 46 .
 248     nil, // 47 /
 249     nil, // 48 0
 250     nil, // 49 1
 251     nil, // 50 2
 252     nil, // 51 3
 253     nil, // 52 4
 254     nil, // 53 5
 255     nil, // 54 6
 256     nil, // 55 7
 257     {
 258         {[]byte{'8', 'B', 'P', 'S'}, psd},
 259     }, // 56 8
 260     nil, // 57 9
 261     nil, // 58 :
 262     nil, // 59 ;
 263     {
 264         // func checkDoc is better for these, since it's case-insensitive
 265         {doctypeHTML, html},
 266         {[]byte{'<', 's', 'v', 'g'}, svg},
 267         {[]byte{'<', 'h', 't', 'm', 'l', '>'}, html},
 268         {[]byte{'<', 'h', 'e', 'a', 'd', '>'}, html},
 269         {[]byte{'<', 'b', 'o', 'd', 'y', '>'}, html},
 270         {[]byte{'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l'}, xml},
 271     }, // 60 <
 272     nil, // 61 =
 273     nil, // 62 >
 274     nil, // 63 ?
 275     nil, // 64 @
 276     {
 277         {djv, djvu},
 278     }, // 65 A
 279     {
 280         {winbmp, bmp},
 281     }, // 66 B
 282     nil, // 67 C
 283     nil, // 68 D
 284     nil, // 69 E
 285     {
 286         {[]byte{'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'I', 'F', 'F'}, aiff},
 287         {[]byte{'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'I', 'F', 'C'}, aiff},
 288     }, // 70 F
 289     {
 290         {[]byte{'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '7', 'a'}, gif},
 291         {[]byte{'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '9', 'a'}, gif},
 292     }, // 71 G
 293     nil, // 72 H
 294     {
 295         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 2}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 296         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 3}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 297         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 4}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 298         {[]byte{'I', 'I', '*', 000}, tiff},
 299     }, // 73 I
 300     nil, // 74 J
 301     nil, // 75 K
 302     nil, // 76 L
 303     {
 304         {[]byte{'M', 'M', 000, '*'}, tiff},
 305         {[]byte{'M', 'T', 'h', 'd'}, mid},
 306         {[]byte{'M', 'Z', cba, 000, cba, 000}, exe},
 307         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 0x90, 000, 003, 000}, exe},
 308         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 0x78, 000, 001, 000}, exe},
 309         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 'P', 000, 002, 000}, exe},
 310     }, // 77 M
 311     nil, // 78 N
 312     {
 313         {[]byte{'O', 'g', 'g', 'S'}, ogg},
 314     }, // 79 O
 315     {
 316         {[]byte{'P', 'K', 003, 004}, zip},
 317     }, // 80 P
 318     nil, // 81 Q
 319     {
 320         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'W', 'E', 'B', 'P'}, webp},
 321         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'}, wav},
 322         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' '}, avi},
 323     }, // 82 R
 324     {
 325         {sqlite3db, sqlite3},
 326     }, // 83 S
 327     nil, // 84 T
 328     nil, // 85 U
 329     nil, // 86 V
 330     nil, // 87 W
 331     nil, // 88 X
 332     nil, // 89 Y
 333     nil, // 90 Z
 334     nil, // 91 [
 335     nil, // 92 \
 336     nil, // 93 ]
 337     nil, // 94 ^
 338     nil, // 95 _
 339     nil, // 96 `
 340     nil, // 97 a
 341     nil, // 98 b
 342     {
 343         {[]byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'f', 000, 001, 000, 000}, caf},
 344     }, // 99 c
 345     nil, // 100 d
 346     nil, // 101 e
 347     {
 348         {[]byte{'f', 'L', 'a', 'C'}, flac},
 349     }, // 102 f
 350     nil, // 103 g
 351     nil, // 104 h
 352     nil, // 105 i
 353     nil, // 106 j
 354     nil, // 107 k
 355     nil, // 108 l
 356     nil, // 109 m
 357     nil, // 110 n
 358     nil, // 111 o
 359     nil, // 112 p
 360     nil, // 113 q
 361     nil, // 114 r
 362     nil, // 115 s
 363     nil, // 116 t
 364     nil, // 117 u
 365     nil, // 118 v
 366     nil, // 119 w
 367     nil, // 120 x
 368     nil, // 121 y
 369     nil, // 122 z
 370     {
 371         {[]byte{'{', '\\', 'r', 't', 'f'}, rtf},
 372     }, // 123 {
 373     nil, // 124 |
 374     nil, // 125 }
 375     nil, // 126
 376     {
 377         {[]byte{127, 'E', 'L', 'F'}, elf},
 378     }, // 127
 379     nil, // 128
 380     nil, // 129
 381     nil, // 130
 382     nil, // 131
 383     nil, // 132
 384     nil, // 133
 385     nil, // 134
 386     nil, // 135
 387     nil, // 136
 388     {
 389         {[]byte{0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A}, png},
 390     }, // 137
 391     nil, // 138
 392     nil, // 139
 393     nil, // 140
 394     nil, // 141
 395     nil, // 142
 396     nil, // 143
 397     nil, // 144
 398     nil, // 145
 399     nil, // 146
 400     nil, // 147
 401     nil, // 148
 402     nil, // 149
 403     nil, // 150
 404     nil, // 151
 405     nil, // 152
 406     nil, // 153
 407     nil, // 154
 408     nil, // 155
 409     nil, // 156
 410     nil, // 157
 411     nil, // 158
 412     nil, // 159
 413     nil, // 160
 414     nil, // 161
 415     nil, // 162
 416     nil, // 163
 417     nil, // 164
 418     nil, // 165
 419     nil, // 166
 420     nil, // 167
 421     nil, // 168
 422     nil, // 169
 423     nil, // 170
 424     nil, // 171
 425     nil, // 172
 426     nil, // 173
 427     nil, // 174
 428     nil, // 175
 429     nil, // 176
 430     nil, // 177
 431     nil, // 178
 432     nil, // 179
 433     nil, // 180
 434     nil, // 181
 435     nil, // 182
 436     nil, // 183
 437     nil, // 184
 438     nil, // 185
 439     nil, // 186
 440     nil, // 187
 441     nil, // 188
 442     nil, // 189
 443     nil, // 190
 444     nil, // 191
 445     nil, // 192
 446     nil, // 193
 447     nil, // 194
 448     nil, // 195
 449     nil, // 196
 450     nil, // 197
 451     nil, // 198
 452     nil, // 199
 453     nil, // 200
 454     nil, // 201
 455     nil, // 202
 456     nil, // 203
 457     nil, // 204
 458     nil, // 205
 459     nil, // 206
 460     nil, // 207
 461     nil, // 208
 462     nil, // 209
 463     nil, // 210
 464     nil, // 211
 465     nil, // 212
 466     nil, // 213
 467     nil, // 214
 468     nil, // 215
 469     nil, // 216
 470     nil, // 217
 471     nil, // 218
 472     nil, // 219
 473     nil, // 220
 474     nil, // 221
 475     nil, // 222
 476     nil, // 223
 477     nil, // 224
 478     nil, // 225
 479     nil, // 226
 480     nil, // 227
 481     nil, // 228
 482     nil, // 229
 483     nil, // 230
 484     nil, // 231
 485     nil, // 232
 486     nil, // 233
 487     nil, // 234
 488     nil, // 235
 489     nil, // 236
 490     nil, // 237
 491     nil, // 238
 492     nil, // 239
 493     nil, // 240
 494     nil, // 241
 495     nil, // 242
 496     nil, // 243
 497     nil, // 244
 498     nil, // 245
 499     nil, // 246
 500     nil, // 247
 501     nil, // 248
 502     nil, // 249
 503     nil, // 250
 504     nil, // 251
 505     nil, // 252
 506     nil, // 253
 507     nil, // 254
 508     {
 509         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF}, jpg},
 510         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xF3, 0x48, 0xC4, 0x00}, mp3},
 511         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xFB}, mp3},
 512     }, // 255
 513 }
 515 // guessMIME guesses the first appropriate MIME type from the first few
 516 // data bytes given: 24 bytes are enough to detect all supported types
 517 func guessMIME(b []byte) (mimeType string, ok bool) {
 518     // empty data, so there's no way to detect anything
 519     if len(b) == 0 {
 520         return ``, false
 521     }
 523     // check for plain-text web-document formats case-insensitively
 524     kind, ok := checkDoc(b)
 525     if ok {
 526         return kind, true
 527     }
 529     // check data formats which allow any byte at the start
 530     kind, ok = checkSpecial(b)
 531     if ok {
 532         return kind, true
 533     }
 535     // check all other supported data formats
 536     headers := hdrDispatch[b[0]]
 537     for _, t := range headers {
 538         if hasPrefixPattern(b[1:], t.Header[1:], cba) {
 539             return t.Type, true
 540         }
 541     }
 543     // unrecognized data format
 544     return ``, false
 545 }
 547 // checkDoc tries to guess if the bytes given are the start of HTML, SVG,
 548 // XML, or JSON data
 549 func checkDoc(b []byte) (kind string, ok bool) {
 550     const (
 551         json = `application/json`
 552         svg  = `image/svg+xml`
 553         xml  = `application/xml`
 554     )
 556     // ignore leading whitespaces
 557     b = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(b, unicode.IsSpace)
 559     // can't detect anything with empty data
 560     if len(b) == 0 {
 561         return ``, false
 562     }
 564     // handle HTML/SVG/XML documents
 565     if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == '<' {
 566         if hasPrefixFold(b, []byte{'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l'}) {
 567             if bytes.Contains(b, []byte{'<', 's', 'v', 'g'}) {
 568                 return svg, true
 569             }
 570             return xml, true
 571         }
 573         headers := hdrDispatch['<']
 574         for _, v := range headers {
 575             if hasPrefixFold(b, v.Header) {
 576                 return v.Type, true
 577             }
 578         }
 579         return ``, false
 580     }
 582     // handle JSON with top-level arrays
 583     if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == '[' {
 584         // match [", or [[, or [{, ignoring spaces between
 585         b = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(b[1:], unicode.IsSpace)
 586         if len(b) > 0 {
 587             switch b[0] {
 588             case '"', '[', '{':
 589                 return json, true
 590             }
 591         }
 592         return ``, false
 593     }
 595     // handle JSON with top-level objects
 596     if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == '{' {
 597         // match {", ignoring spaces between: after {, the only valid syntax
 598         // which can follow is the opening quote for the expected object-key
 599         b = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(b[1:], unicode.IsSpace)
 600         if len(b) > 0 && b[0] == '"' {
 601             return json, true
 602         }
 603         return ``, false
 604     }
 606     // checking for a quoted string, any of the JSON keywords, or even a
 607     // number seems too ambiguous to declare the data valid JSON
 609     // no web-document format detected
 610     return ``, false
 611 }
 613 // checkSpecial handles special file-format headers, which should be checked
 614 // before the normal file-type headers, since the first-byte dispatch algo
 615 // doesn't work for these
 616 func checkSpecial(b []byte) (kind string, ok bool) {
 617     if len(b) >= 8 && bytes.Index(b, []byte{'f', 't', 'y', 'p'}) == 4 {
 618         for _, t := range specialHeaders {
 619             if hasPrefixPattern(b[4:], t.Header[4:], cba) {
 620                 return t.Type, true
 621             }
 622         }
 623     }
 624     return ``, false
 625 }
 627 // hasPrefixPattern works like bytes.HasPrefix, except it allows for a special
 628 // value to signal any byte is allowed on specific spots
 629 func hasPrefixPattern(what []byte, pat []byte, wildcard byte) bool {
 630     // if the data are shorter than the pattern to match, there's no match
 631     if len(what) < len(pat) {
 632         return false
 633     }
 635     // use a slice which ensures the pattern length is never exceeded
 636     what = what[:len(pat)]
 638     for i, x := range what {
 639         y := pat[i]
 640         if x != y && y != wildcard {
 641             return false
 642         }
 643     }
 644     return true
 645 }

     File: box/mimetypes_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "testing"
   5 )
   7 func TestCheckDoc(t *testing.T) {
   8     const (
   9         lf       = "\n"
  10         crlf     = "\r\n"
  11         tab      = "\t"
  12         xmlIntro = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>`
  13     )
  15     tests := []struct {
  16         Input    string
  17         Expected string
  18     }{
  19         {``, ``},
  20         {`{"abc":123}`, jsonMIME},
  21         {`[` + lf + ` {"abc":123}`, jsonMIME},
  22         {`[` + lf + `  {"abc":123}`, jsonMIME},
  23         {`[` + crlf + tab + `{"abc":123}`, jsonMIME},
  25         {``, ``},
  26         {`<?xml?>`, xml},
  27         {`<?xml?><records>`, xml},
  28         {`<?xml?>` + lf + `<records>`, xml},
  29         {`<?xml?><svg>`, svg},
  30         {`<?xml?>` + crlf + `<svg>`, svg},
  31         {xmlIntro + lf + `<svg`, svg},
  32         {xmlIntro + crlf + `<svg`, svg},
  33     }
  35     for _, tc := range tests {
  36         t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
  37             res, _ := checkDoc([]byte(tc.Input))
  38             if res != tc.Expected {
  39                 t.Fatalf(`got %v, expected %v instead`, res, tc.Expected)
  40             }
  41         })
  42     }
  43 }
  45 func TestHasPrefixPattern(t *testing.T) {
  46     var (
  47         data = []byte{
  48             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0xf0, 0xba, 0xc8, 0x2b, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  49         }
  50         pat = []byte{
  51             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  52         }
  53     )
  55     if !hasPrefixPattern(data, pat, cba) {
  56         t.Fatal(`wildcard pattern not working`)
  57     }
  58 }

     File: box/mit-license.txt
   1 The MIT License (MIT)
   3 Copyright © 2024 pacman64
   5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
   6 this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
   7 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
   8 use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
   9 of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
  10 so, subject to the following conditions:
  12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  13 copies or substantial portions of the Software.

     File: box/nn.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "io"
   6 )
   8 // nn is the `nice numbers` tool, which alternates ANSI-styles over long
   9 // sequences of ASCII digits, making them easier for people to read/parse
  10 func nn(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  11     style, err := pickStyle(args, `gray`)
  12     if err != nil {
  13         return err
  14     }
  16     if bytes.Equal(style, []byte("\x1b[0m")) {
  17         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
  18             return lines(w, i, line)
  19         })
  20     }
  22     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
  23         restyleLine(w, line, style)
  24         return endLine(w)
  25     })
  26 }
  28 // restyleLine is the testable core of func niceNumbers
  29 func restyleLine(w writer, line []byte, style []byte) {
  30     for len(line) > 0 {
  31         i := indexDigit(line)
  32         if i < 0 {
  33             // no (more) digits to style for sure
  34             w.Write(line)
  35             return
  36         }
  38         // some ANSI-style sequences use 4-digit numbers, which are long
  39         // enough for this app to mangle
  40         isANSI := i >= 2 && line[i-2] == '\x1b' && line[i-1] == '['
  42         // emit line before current digit-run
  43         w.Write(line[:i])
  44         // advance to the start of the current digit-run
  45         line = line[i:]
  47         // see where the digit-run ends
  48         j := indexNonDigit(line)
  49         if j < 0 {
  50             // the digit-run goes until the end
  51             if !isANSI {
  52                 restyleDigits(w, line, style)
  53             } else {
  54                 w.Write(line)
  55             }
  56             return
  57         }
  59         // emit styled digit-run... maybe
  60         if !isANSI {
  61             restyleDigits(w, line[:j], style)
  62         } else {
  63             w.Write(line[:j])
  64         }
  66         // skip right past the end of the digit-run
  67         line = line[j:]
  68     }
  69 }
  71 // restyleDigits renders a run of digits as alternating styled/unstyled runs
  72 // of 3 digits, which greatly improves readability, and is the only purpose
  73 // of this app; string is assumed to be all decimal digits
  74 func restyleDigits(w writer, digits []byte, altStyle []byte) {
  75     if len(digits) < 4 {
  76         // digit sequence is short, so emit it as is
  77         w.Write(digits)
  78         return
  79     }
  81     // separate leading 0..2 digits which don't align with the 3-digit groups
  82     i := len(digits) % 3
  83     // emit leading digits unstyled, if there are any
  84     w.Write(digits[:i])
  85     // the rest is guaranteed to have a length which is a multiple of 3
  86     digits = digits[i:]
  88     // start by styling, unless there were no leading digits
  89     style := i != 0
  91     for len(digits) > 0 {
  92         if style {
  93             w.Write(altStyle)
  94             w.Write(digits[:3])
  95             w.Write([]byte{'\x1b', '[', '0', 'm'})
  96         } else {
  97             w.Write(digits[:3])
  98         }
 100         // advance to the next triple: the start of this func is supposed
 101         // to guarantee this step always works
 102         digits = digits[3:]
 104         // alternate between styled and unstyled 3-digit groups
 105         style = !style
 106     }
 107 }

     File: box/overview.txt
   1 This app is an all-in-one mix of command-line tools, some of which are
   2 (arguably) useful, some which are more experimental.
   4 Run the app by giving it a tool name (you can try `help` or `tools`) as its
   5 first argument, to run any specific tool.
   7 Among the main motivations behind such a `busybox/toybox` approach
   8   - keeping several small tools in one place
   9   - minimizing the number of my own custom little apps hanging around
  10   - saving a few MBs on file-size, as go(lang) makes fairly-big apps
  11   - having a few simply-named tools do reasonably-common CLI tasks
  13 The app basically dispatches func calls out of a lookup-table: all funcs
  14 have byte-based IO, some funcs need and/or accept arguments.
  16 The mere idea of file/folder names is practically absent in this app: the
  17 only tools which use FS-type names are the file-lister tools; no other
  18 tools even allow mentioning files/folders by name, relying exclusively on
  19 piped data streams.
  21 Some files are just slightly-adapted copies of other standalone tools I
  22 made previously: some of their own unit-tests weren't copied to this app.
  24 Of particular interest is the concurrent/async `channelling` used in the
  25 `compose` tool: it's most likely the trickiest code in this app, and seems
  26 to work as is. Using io.Pipe from the go(lang) stdlib seems astonishingly
  27 wasteful/inefficient, as most of its writes are literally empty slices,
  28 when used concurrently as part of internal comms across `composed` tools:
  29 its wasteful behavior is apparently deliberate, according to discussions
  30 I read which involved official go(lang) maintainers.
  32 A nice abstraction which seems to work particularly well is the so-called
  33 `lineFlusher` type, a simple wrapper/embedder of a *bufio.Writer which
  34 flushes itself any time line-feeds are written using it. This type is used
  35 seamlessly across this app, and seems to provide a very good trade-off
  36 between efficiency (rarity of writing/flushing) and `liveness` of output,
  37 especially when passing data thru `composed` internal pipes.
  39 Custom error types deal with end-of-output (type `noMoreOutput`; presumably
  40 due to closed stdout pipes), multi-error failures (type `multipleErrors`)
  41 which need no further reporting, or even enable automated unit-testing of
  42 lookup tables, such as type `unsupportedTool`.
  44 Tools related to the last lines from the input, whether it's keeping or
  45 ignoring them, make cute uses of ring-buffers.
  47 I'm considering adding my other cmd-line app `coby` (COunt BYtes) to this
  48 bunch of tools. This app uses channels in interesting ways to limit/bound
  49 concurrent steps in 2 separate ways: one is to upper-limit concurrency on the
  50 data-processing side (counting byte-related stats), the other is to keep the
  51 order implied by the cmd-line args given when presenting final results, while
  52 still presenting any result as soon as it's available.
  54 I like the idea of a `deflac` tool, but it may require too much time to make
  55 that one work.

     File: box/sbs.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "io"
   6     "math"
   7     "strings"
   8     "unicode"
   9     "unicode/utf8"
  10 )
  12 // sbs is the `side by side` tool
  13 func sbs(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  14     ncols, err := optionalInteger(args, 0)
  15     if err != nil {
  16         return err
  17     }
  19     var buf []byte
  20     var lines [][]byte
  21     loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
  22         buf = buf[:0]
  23         line = bytes.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
  24         buf = expandTabs(buf, line, defaultTabstop)
  25         lines = append(lines, append([]byte{}, buf...))
  26         return nil
  27     })
  29     if ncols < 1 {
  30         ncols = chooseNumColumns(lines)
  31     }
  33     cols, maxHeight := splitLines(lines, ncols)
  34     widths := make([]int, 0, len(cols))
  35     for _, c := range cols {
  36         widths = append(widths, findMaxWidth(c))
  37     }
  39     endColumnSeparator := strings.TrimRight(columnSeparator, ` `)
  41     // show columns side by side
  42     for r := 0; r < maxHeight; r++ {
  43         for c := 0; c < len(cols); c++ {
  44             badr := r >= len(cols[c])
  46             // clearly separate columns visually
  47             if c > 0 {
  48                 if c == len(cols)-1 && (badr || cols[c][r] == nil) {
  49                     // avoid unneeded trailing spaces
  50                     w.WriteString(endColumnSeparator)
  51                 } else {
  52                     w.WriteString(columnSeparator)
  53                 }
  54             }
  56             if badr {
  57                 // exceeding items for this (last) column
  58                 continue
  59             }
  61             // pad all columns, except the last
  62             width := 0
  63             if c < len(cols)-1 {
  64                 width = widths[c]
  65             }
  67             // emit maybe-padded column
  68             w.Write(cols[c][r])
  69             writeSpaces(w, width-findWidth(cols[c][r]))
  70         }
  72         // end the line
  73         err := w.WriteByte('\n')
  74         if err != nil {
  75             // probably a pipe was closed
  76             return nil
  77         }
  78     }
  80     return nil
  81 }
  83 // chooseNumColumns implements heuristics to auto-pick the number of columns
  84 // to show: this func is used when the app is using data from standard-input
  85 func chooseNumColumns(lines [][]byte) int {
  86     if len(lines) == 0 {
  87         return 1
  88     }
  90     // sepw is the separator width
  91     sepw := utf8.RuneCountInString(columnSeparator)
  93     // see if lines can even fit a single column
  94     if !columnsCanFit(1, lines, sepw) {
  95         return 1
  96     }
  98     // starting from the max possible columns which may fit, keep trying
  99     // with 1 fewer column, until the columns fit
 100     for ncols := int(maxAutoWidth / sepw); ncols > 1; ncols-- {
 101         if columnsCanFit(ncols, lines, sepw) {
 102             // success: found the most columns which fit
 103             return ncols
 104         }
 105     }
 107     // avoid multiple columns if some lines are too wide
 108     return 1
 109 }
 111 // columnsCanFit checks whether the number of columns given would fit the
 112 // display max-width constant
 113 func columnsCanFit(ncols int, lines [][]byte, gap int) bool {
 114     if ncols < 1 {
 115         // avoid surprises when called with non-sense column counts
 116         return true
 117     }
 119     // stack-allocate the backing-array behind slice maxw
 120     var buf [maxAutoWidth / 2]int
 121     maxw := buf[:0]
 123     // find the column max-height, to chunk lines into columns
 124     h := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(lines)) / float64(ncols)))
 126     // find column max-width by looping over chunks of lines
 127     for len(lines) >= h {
 128         w := findMaxWidth(lines[:h])
 129         maxw = append(maxw, w)
 130         lines = lines[h:]
 131     }
 133     // don't forget the last column
 134     if len(lines) > 0 {
 135         w := findMaxWidth(lines)
 136         maxw = append(maxw, w)
 137     }
 139     // remember to add the gaps/separators between columns, along with
 140     // all the individual column max-widths
 141     w := (ncols - 1) * gap
 142     for _, n := range maxw {
 143         w += n
 144     }
 146     // do the columns fit?
 147     return w <= maxAutoWidth
 148 }
 150 // splitLines turns an array of lines into sub-arrays of lines, so they can
 151 // be shown side by side later on
 152 func splitLines(lines [][]byte, ncols int) (cols [][][]byte, maxheight int) {
 153     n := ncols
 154     hfrac := float64(len(lines)) / float64(n)
 155     h := int(math.Ceil(hfrac))
 157     cols = make([][][]byte, 0, n)
 158     for len(lines) > h {
 159         cols = append(cols, lines[:h])
 160         lines = lines[h:]
 161     }
 162     if len(lines) != 0 {
 163         cols = append(cols, lines)
 164     }
 165     return cols, h
 166 }

     File: box/strings.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "unicode/utf8"
   6 )
   8 // isSymbolASCII helps the `strings` tool do its job quickly
   9 var isSymbolASCII = [256]bool{
  10     false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
  11     false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false,
  12     false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
  13     false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
  14     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  15     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  16     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  17     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  18     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  19     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  20     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  21     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  22     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  23     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  24     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
  25     true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false,
  26 }
  28 // styles turns style-names into the ANSI-code sequences used by some tools
  29 var styles = map[string][]byte{
  30     `b`: []byte("\x1b[38;5;26m"),  // same as `blue`
  31     `g`: []byte("\x1b[38;5;29m"),  // same as `green`
  32     `h`: []byte("\x1b[7m"),        // same as `highlighted`
  33     `o`: []byte("\x1b[38;5;166m"), // same as `orange`
  34     `p`: []byte("\x1b[38;5;99m"),  // same as `purple`
  35     `r`: []byte("\x1b[31m"),       // same as `red`
  36     `u`: []byte("\x1b[4m"),        // same as `underline`
  38     `blue`:        []byte("\x1b[38;5;26m"),
  39     `bold`:        []byte("\x1b[1m"),
  40     `gray`:        []byte("\x1b[38;5;248m"),
  41     `green`:       []byte("\x1b[38;5;29m"),
  42     `highlight`:   []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  43     `highlighted`: []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  44     `hilite`:      []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  45     `hilited`:     []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  46     `inverse`:     []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  47     `inverted`:    []byte("\x1b[7m"),
  48     `orange`:      []byte("\x1b[38;5;166m"),
  49     `plain`:       []byte("\x1b[0m"),
  50     `purple`:      []byte("\x1b[38;5;99m"),
  51     `red`:         []byte("\x1b[31m"),
  52     `underline`:   []byte("\x1b[4m"),
  53     `underlined`:  []byte("\x1b[4m"),
  55     `blueback`:   []byte("\x1b[48;5;26m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  56     `bluebg`:     []byte("\x1b[48;5;26m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  57     `grayback`:   []byte("\x1b[48;5;248m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  58     `graybg`:     []byte("\x1b[48;5;248m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  59     `greenback`:  []byte("\x1b[48;5;29m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  60     `greenbg`:    []byte("\x1b[48;5;29m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  61     `redback`:    []byte("\x1b[41m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  62     `redbg`:      []byte("\x1b[41m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  63     `orangeback`: []byte("\x1b[48;5;166m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  64     `orangebg`:   []byte("\x1b[48;5;166m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  65     `purpleback`: []byte("\x1b[48;5;99m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  66     `purplebg`:   []byte("\x1b[48;5;99m\x1b[38;5;15m"),
  67 }
  69 // uriUnescapedASCII marks which ASCII bytes don't need escaping
  70 var uriUnescapedASCII = [256]bool{
  71     '0': true, '1': true, '2': true, '3': true, '4': true,
  72     '5': true, '6': true, '7': true, '8': true, '9': true,
  74     'A': true, 'B': true, 'C': true, 'D': true, 'E': true, 'F': true,
  75     'G': true, 'H': true, 'I': true, 'J': true, 'K': true, 'L': true,
  76     'M': true, 'N': true, 'O': true, 'P': true, 'Q': true, 'R': true,
  77     'S': true, 'T': true, 'U': true, 'V': true, 'W': true, 'X': true,
  78     'Y': true, 'Z': true,
  80     'a': true, 'b': true, 'c': true, 'd': true, 'e': true, 'f': true,
  81     'g': true, 'h': true, 'i': true, 'j': true, 'k': true, 'l': true,
  82     'm': true, 'n': true, 'o': true, 'p': true, 'q': true, 'r': true,
  83     's': true, 't': true, 'u': true, 'v': true, 'w': true, 'x': true,
  84     'y': true, 'z': true,
  86     '-': true, '_': true, '.': true, '~': true,
  87     '/': true,
  88 }
  90 func advanceSlice(items [][]byte, n int) [][]byte {
  91     if n <= len(items) {
  92         return items[n:]
  93     }
  94     return nil
  95 }
  97 func indexSlice(items [][]byte, i int) []byte {
  98     if i < len(items) {
  99         return items[i]
 100     }
 101     return nil
 102 }
 104 func limitSlice(items [][]byte, n int) [][]byte {
 105     if n <= len(items) {
 106         return items[:n]
 107     }
 108     return items
 109 }
 111 func expandTabs(dest []byte, src []byte, tabstop int) []byte {
 112     if tabstop < 1 {
 113         return append(dest, src...)
 114     }
 116     n := 0
 118     for len(src) > 0 {
 119         r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(src)
 120         src = src[size:]
 122         if r != '\t' {
 123             dest = utf8.AppendRune(dest, r)
 124             n++
 125             continue
 126         }
 128         spaces := tabstop - n%tabstop
 129         n += spaces
 131         for j := 0; j < spaces; j++ {
 132             dest = append(dest, ' ')
 133         }
 134     }
 136     return dest
 137 }
 139 func indexAny(s []byte, t [][]byte) (start int, end int) {
 140     start = -1
 141     end = -1
 143     for _, sep := range t {
 144         i := bytes.Index(s, sep)
 145         if i < 0 {
 146             continue
 147         }
 149         if start > i || start < 0 {
 150             start = i
 151             end = start + len(sep)
 152         }
 153     }
 155     return start, end
 156 }
 158 // splitSliceNonEmpty does what it says, ensuring no subslice in the result
 159 // is empty; empty slices return empty results
 160 func splitSliceNonEmpty(items []string, sep string) [][]string {
 161     cur := items
 162     var res [][]string
 164     for len(cur) > 0 {
 165         // skip all leading separators, also ensuring no empty subslices
 166         // sneak thru the splitting happending below
 167         for len(cur) > 0 && cur[0] == sep {
 168             cur = cur[1:]
 169         }
 171         i := findNext(cur, sep)
 172         // no more subslices, or the very last subslice follows
 173         if i < 0 {
 174             // don't forget trailing subslices, after the last separator
 175             if len(cur) > 0 {
 176                 res = append(res, cur)
 177             }
 178             return res
 179         }
 181         // ignore empty subslices
 182         if i == 0 {
 183             continue
 184         }
 186         res = append(res, cur[:i])
 187         cur = cur[i+1:]
 188     }
 190     return res
 191 }
 193 // findNext finds a string in a string-slice, returning an invalid negative
 194 // index on failure
 195 func findNext(src []string, what string) int {
 196     for i, s := range src {
 197         if s == what {
 198             return i
 199         }
 200     }
 201     return -1
 202 }
 204 func findWidth(s []byte) int {
 205     w := 0
 206     loopPlain(s, func(i int, s []byte) error {
 207         w += utf8.RuneCount(s)
 208         return nil
 209     })
 210     return w
 211 }
 213 func findMaxWidth(items [][]byte) int {
 214     maxw := 0
 215     for _, s := range items {
 216         if w := findWidth(s); maxw < w {
 217             maxw = w
 218         }
 219     }
 220     return maxw
 221 }
 223 // hasPrefixFold is a case-insensitive bytes.HasPrefix
 224 func hasPrefixFold(s []byte, prefix []byte) bool {
 225     n := len(prefix)
 226     return len(s) >= n && bytes.EqualFold(s[:n], prefix)
 227 }
 229 // indexDigit finds the index of the first digit in a string, or -1 when the
 230 // string has no decimal digits
 231 func indexDigit(s []byte) int {
 232     for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
 233         switch s[i] {
 234         case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
 235             return i
 236         }
 237     }
 239     // empty slice, or a slice without any digits
 240     return -1
 241 }
 243 // indexNonDigit finds the index of the first non-digit in a string, or -1
 244 // when the string is all decimal digits
 245 func indexNonDigit(s []byte) int {
 246     for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
 247         switch s[i] {
 248         case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
 249             continue
 250         default:
 251             return i
 252         }
 253     }
 255     // empty slice, or a slice which only has digits
 256     return -1
 257 }

     File: box/strings_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "strings"
   6     "testing"
   7 )
   9 func TestRestyleLine(t *testing.T) {
  10     var (
  11         r = "\x1b[0m"
  12         d = string(styles[`gray`])
  13     )
  15     var tests = []struct {
  16         Input    string
  17         Expected string
  18     }{
  19         {``, ``},
  20         {`abc`, `abc`},
  21         {`  abc 123456 `, `  abc 123` + d + `456` + r + ` `},
  22         {`  123456789 text`, `  123` + d + `456` + r + `789 text`},
  24         {`0`, `0`},
  25         {`01`, `01`},
  26         {`012`, `012`},
  27         {`0123`, `0` + d + `123` + r},
  28         {`01234`, `01` + d + `234` + r},
  29         {`012345`, `012` + d + `345` + r},
  30         {`0123456`, `0` + d + `123` + r + `456`},
  31         {`01234567`, `01` + d + `234` + r + `567`},
  32         {`012345678`, `012` + d + `345` + r + `678`},
  33         {`0123456789`, `0` + d + `123` + r + `456` + d + `789` + r},
  34         {`01234567890`, `01` + d + `234` + r + `567` + d + `890` + r},
  35         {`012345678901`, `012` + d + `345` + r + `678` + d + `901` + r},
  36         {`0123456789012`, `0` + d + `123` + r + `456` + d + `789` + r + `012`},
  38         {`00321`, `00` + d + `321` + r},
  39         {`123.456789`, `123.` + `456` + d + `789` + r},
  40         {`123456.123456`, `123` + d + `456` + r + `.` + `123` + d + `456` + r},
  41     }
  43     for _, tc := range tests {
  44         t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
  45             var b strings.Builder
  46             w := bufio.NewWriter(&b)
  47             restyleLine(lineFlusher{w}, []byte(tc.Input), []byte(d))
  48             // don't forget to flush the buffer, or output may stay empty
  49             w.Flush()
  51             if got := b.String(); got != tc.Expected {
  52                 t.Fatalf(`expected %q, but got %q instead`, tc.Expected, got)
  53             }
  54         })
  55     }
  56 }
  58 func TestExpand(t *testing.T) {
  59     var tests = []struct {
  60         name     string
  61         input    string
  62         tabstop  int
  63         expected string
  64     }{
  65         {`empty`, ``, 4, ``},
  66         {`indent 1`, "\tabc", 4, `    abc`},
  67         {`indent 2`, "\t\tabc", 4, `        abc`},
  68         {`indent 2 (mix tab/space)`, "\t \tabc", 4, `        abc`},
  69     }
  71     for _, tc := range tests {
  72         t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  73             expanded := expandTabs(nil, []byte(tc.input), tc.tabstop)
  75             if got := string(expanded); got != tc.expected {
  76                 const fs = `input %q, tabstop %d: got %q, instead of %q`
  77                 t.Fatalf(fs, tc.input, tc.tabstop, got, tc.expected)
  78             }
  79         })
  80     }
  81 }
  83 func TestFindWidth(t *testing.T) {
  84     var tests = []struct {
  85         name     string
  86         input    string
  87         expected int
  88     }{
  89         {
  90             name:     `empty`,
  91             input:    ``,
  92             expected: 0,
  93         },
  94         {
  95             name:     `no ansi escapes`,
  96             input:    `abc def`,
  97             expected: 7,
  98         },
  99         {
 100             name:     `simple ansi escapes`,
 101             input:    "\x1b[38;5;120mabc def\x1b[0m",
 102             expected: 7,
 103         },
 104     }
 106     for _, tc := range tests {
 107         t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
 108             if got := findWidth([]byte(tc.input)); got != tc.expected {
 109                 const fs = `input %q: got %d, instead of %d`
 110                 t.Fatalf(fs, tc.input, got, tc.expected)
 111             }
 112         })
 113     }
 114 }

     File: box/symbols.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "errors"
   5     "io"
   6     "sort"
   7     "strings"
   8 )
  10 var name2symbol = map[string]string{
  11     `adash`:       `-`,
  12     `aeq`:         `≈`,
  13     `almost`:      `≈`,
  14     `amp`:         `&`,
  15     `ampersand`:   `&`,
  16     `apos`:        `’`,
  17     `apostrophe`:  `’`,
  18     `approx`:      `≅`,
  19     `asterisk`:    `*`,
  20     `atleast`:     `≥`,
  21     `atmost`:      `≤`,
  22     `backquote`:   "`",
  23     `backslash`:   `\`,
  24     `backtick`:    "`",
  25     `ball`:        `●`,
  26     `bang`:        `!`,
  27     `base64`:      `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=`,
  28     `block`:       `█`,
  29     `bquo`:        "`",
  30     `bquote`:      "`",
  31     `bslash`:      `\`,
  32     `bullet`:      `•`,
  33     `caret`:       `^`,
  34     `cdot`:        `·`,
  35     `circle`:      `●`,
  36     `cloud`:       `☁️`,
  37     `colon`:       `:`,
  38     `comma`:       `,`,
  39     `copyright`:   `©`,
  40     `cquote`:      `”`,
  41     `crap`:        `💩`,
  42     `crapface`:    `💩`,
  43     `cross`:       `×`,
  44     `dash`:        `—`,
  45     `deg`:         `°`,
  46     `degree`:      `°`,
  47     `doc`:         `📄`,
  48     `document`:    `📄`,
  49     `dollar`:      `$`,
  50     `dot`:         `.`,
  51     `dquo`:        `"`,
  52     `dquote`:      `"`,
  53     `ellip`:       `…`,
  54     `ellipsis`:    `…`,
  55     `email`:       `@`,
  56     `eq`:          `=`,
  57     `equal`:       `=`,
  58     `equals`:      `=`,
  59     `excl`:        `!`,
  60     `exclam`:      `!`,
  61     `exclamation`: `!`,
  62     `faces`:       `😀😁😂😃😄😅😆😇😈😉😊😋😌😍😎😏😐😑😒😓😔😕😖😗😘😙😚😛😜😝😞😟😠😡😢😣😤😥😦😧😨😩😪😫😬😭😮😯😰😱😲😳😴😵😶😷🙁🙂🙃🙄🧐👶🤓🤐🤑🤒🤔🤕🤗🤠🤡🤢🤣🤤🤥🤧🤨🤩🤪🤫🤬🤭🤮🤯`,
  63     `file`:        `📄`,
  64     `fullmoon`:    `🌕`,
  65     `fullstop`:    `.`,
  66     `geq`:         `≥`,
  67     `greatereq`:   `≥`,
  68     `happy`:       `😀`,
  69     `happyface`:   `😀`,
  70     `heart`:       `❤️`,
  71     `hellip`:      `…`,
  72     `hole`:        `○`,
  73     `hyphen`:      `-`,
  74     `leq`:         `≤`,
  75     `less`:        `<`,
  76     `lesseq`:      `≤`,
  77     `lightning`:   `🌩️`,
  78     `mdash`:       `—`,
  79     `mdot`:        `·`,
  80     `more`:        `>`,
  81     `music`:       `🎵`,
  82     `musicalnote`: `🎵`,
  83     `ndash`:       `–`,
  84     `neq`:         `≠`,
  85     `not`:         `¬`,
  86     `notequal`:    `≠`,
  87     `notequals`:   `≠`,
  88     `oquote`:      `“`,
  89     `period`:      `.`,
  90     `pipe`:        `|`,
  91     `question`:    `?`,
  92     `rain`:        `🌧️`,
  93     `semicolon`:   `;`,
  94     `sharp`:       `#`,
  95     `shit`:        `💩`,
  96     `shitface`:    `💩`,
  97     `slash`:       `/`,
  98     `slasher`:     `⧸`,
  99     `slashier`:    `⧸`,
 100     `smile`:       `🙂`,
 101     `smileface`:   `🙂`,
 102     `smilingface`: `🙂`,
 103     `snow`:        `❄️`,
 104     `square`:      `■`,
 105     `squo`:        `'`,
 106     `squote`:      `'`,
 107     `star`:        `⭐`,
 108     `sun`:         `☀️`,
 109     `tilde`:       `~`,
 110     `vbar`:        `|`,
 111     `vellip`:      `⋮`,
 112     `alpha`:       `α`,
 113     `beta`:        `β`,
 114     `delta`:       `δ`,
 115     `eps`:         `ε`,
 116     `epsilon`:     `ε`,
 117     `gamma`:       `γ`,
 118     `lambda`:      `λ`,
 119     `omega`:       `ω`,
 120     `pi`:          `π`,
 121     `sigma`:       `σ`,
 122     `tau`:         `τ`,
 123     `theta`:       `θ`,
 124     `Alpha`:       `Α`,
 125     `Beta`:        `Β`,
 126     `Delta`:       `Δ`,
 127     `Omega`:       `Ω`,
 128     `Pi`:          `Π`,
 129     `Sigma`:       `Σ`,
 130     `Theta`:       `Θ`,
 132     `alphabet`:       `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`,
 133     `asciiletters`:   `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`,
 134     `digits`:         `0123456789`,
 135     `greek`:          `αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω`,
 136     `hex`:            `0123456789abcdef`,
 137     `hexa`:           `0123456789abcdef`,
 138     `hexadec`:        `0123456789abcdef`,
 139     `hexadecimal`:    `0123456789abcdef`,
 140     `hexdigits`:      `0123456789abcdefABCDEF`,
 141     `inf`:            `∞`,
 142     `infinity`:       `∞`,
 143     `latin`:          `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`,
 144     `letters`:        `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`,
 145     `lower`:          `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`,
 146     `lowercase`:      `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`,
 147     `lowercasegreek`: `αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω`,
 148     `lowergreek`:     `αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω`,
 149     `lowercasehex`:   `0123456789abcdef`,
 150     `lowerhex`:       `0123456789abcdef`,
 151     `math`:           `+-×÷²³±`,
 152     `midascii`:       "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~",
 153     `octal`:          `01234567`,
 154     `octaldigits`:    `01234567`,
 155     `octdigits`:      `01234567`,
 156     `other`:          `✓✗✔❌`,
 157     `plusminus`:      `±`,
 158     `prod`:           `Π`,
 159     `product`:        `Π`,
 160     `punct`:          "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~",
 161     `punctuation`:    "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~",
 162     `sum`:            `Σ`,
 163     `summation`:      `Σ`,
 164     `upper`:          `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`,
 165     `uppercase`:      `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`,
 166     `uppercasegreek`: `ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ`,
 167     `uppergreek`:     `ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ`,
 168     `uppercasehex`:   `0123456789ABCDEF`,
 169     `upperhex`:       `0123456789ABCDEF`,
 171     `aud`:                `A$`,
 172     `brl`:                `R$`,
 173     `cad`:                `C$`,
 174     `chf`:                `CHF`,
 175     `clp`:                `CLP`,
 176     `cny`:                `元`,
 177     `czk`:                `Kč`,
 178     `dkk`:                `DKK`,
 179     `eur`:                `€`,
 180     `gbp`:                `£`,
 181     `hkd`:                `HK$`,
 182     `huf`:                `Ft`,
 183     `idr`:                `Rp`,
 184     `ils`:                `₪`,
 185     `inr`:                `₹`,
 186     `jpy`:                `¥`,
 187     `krw`:                `₩`,
 188     `mxn`:                `MXN`,
 189     `nok`:                `NOK`,
 190     `nzd`:                `NZ$`,
 191     `php`:                `₱`,
 192     `pln`:                `zł`,
 193     `rub`:                `₽`,
 194     `sar`:                `﷼`,
 195     `sek`:                `SEK`,
 196     `sgd`:                `S$`,
 197     `thb`:                `฿`,
 198     `try`:                `₺`,
 199     `twd`:                `NT$`,
 200     `usd`:                `$`,
 201     `zar`:                `R`,
 202     `baht`:               `฿`,
 203     `britishpound`:       `£`,
 204     `cent`:               `¢`,
 205     `cents`:              `¢`,
 206     `euro`:               `€`,
 207     `indianrupee`:        `₹`,
 208     `koruna`:             `Kč`,
 209     `naira`:              `₦`,
 210     `newshekel`:          `₪`,
 211     `philippinepeso`:     `₱`,
 212     `pound`:              `£`,
 213     `poundsterling`:      `£`,
 214     `renminbi`:           `元`,
 215     `riyal`:              `﷼`,
 216     `ruble`:              `₽`,
 217     `rupee`:              `₹`,
 218     `saudiriyal`:         `﷼`,
 219     `shekel`:             `₪`,
 220     `sterling`:           `£`,
 221     `turkishlira`:        `₺`,
 222     `won`:                `₩`,
 223     `yen`:                `¥`,
 224     `zloty`:              `zł`,
 225     `afghanistan`:        `🇦🇫`,
 226     `america`:            `🇺🇸`,
 227     `algeria`:            `🇩🇿`,
 228     `angola`:             `🇦🇴`,
 229     `arabia`:             `🇸🇦`,
 230     `arabemirates`:       `🇦🇪`,
 231     `argentina`:          `🇦🇷`,
 232     `australia`:          `🇦🇺`,
 233     `austria`:            `🇦🇹`,
 234     `bangladesh`:         `🇧🇩`,
 235     `belgium`:            `🇧🇪`,
 236     `brazil`:             `🇧🇷`,
 237     `britain`:            `🇬🇧`,
 238     `canada`:             `🇨🇦`,
 239     `chile`:              `🇨🇱`,
 240     `china`:              `🇨🇳`,
 241     `colombia`:           `🇨🇴`,
 242     `czechia`:            `🇨🇿`,
 243     `czechrepublic`:      `🇨🇿`,
 244     `denmark`:            `🇩🇰`,
 245     `dominicanrepublic`:  `🇩🇴`,
 246     `drc`:                `🇨🇩`,
 247     `drcongo`:            `🇨🇩`,
 248     `ecuador`:            `🇪🇨`,
 249     `egypt`:              `🇪🇬`,
 250     `emirates`:           `🇦🇪`,
 251     `england`:            `🇬🇧`,
 252     `ethiopia`:           `🇪🇹`,
 253     `europe`:             `🇪🇺`,
 254     `europeanunion`:      `🇪🇺`,
 255     `finland`:            `🇫🇮`,
 256     `france`:             `🇫🇷`,
 257     `germany`:            `🇩🇪`,
 258     `ghana`:              `🇬🇭`,
 259     `greatbritain`:       `🇬🇧`,
 260     `greece`:             `🇬🇷`,
 261     `holland`:            `🇳🇱`,
 262     `hungary`:            `🇭🇺`,
 263     `india`:              `🇮🇳`,
 264     `indonesia`:          `🇮🇩`,
 265     `iran`:               `🇮🇷`,
 266     `iraq`:               `🇮🇶`,
 267     `ireland`:            `🇮🇪`,
 268     `israel`:             `🇮🇱`,
 269     `italy`:              `🇮🇹`,
 270     `japan`:              `🇯🇵`,
 271     `kazakhstan`:         `🇰🇿`,
 272     `kenya`:              `🇰🇪`,
 273     `korea`:              `🇰🇷`,
 274     `kuwait`:             `🇰🇼`,
 275     `madagascar`:         `🇲🇬`,
 276     `malaysia`:           `🇲🇾`,
 277     `mexico`:             `🇲🇽`,
 278     `morocco`:            `🇲🇦`,
 279     `mozambique`:         `🇲🇿`,
 280     `myanmar`:            `🇲🇲`,
 281     `nepal`:              `🇳🇵`,
 282     `netherlands`:        `🇳🇱`,
 283     `newzealand`:         `🇳🇿`,
 284     `nigeria`:            `🇳🇬`,
 285     `northkorea`:         `🇰🇵`,
 286     `norway`:             `🇳🇴`,
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 295     `russia`:             `🇷🇺`,
 296     `saudiarabia`:        `🇸🇦`,
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 300     `southkorea`:         `🇰🇷`,
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 310     `uganda`:             `🇺🇬`,
 311     `ukraine`:            `🇺🇦`,
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 314     `unitedemirates`:     `🇦🇪`,
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 350     `bw`:                 `🇧🇼`,
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 463     `mr`:                 `🇲🇷`,
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 472     `ms`:                 `🇲🇸`,
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 506     `rw`:                 `🇷🇼`,
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 546     `to`:                 `🇹🇴`,
 547     `tt`:                 `🇹🇹`,
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 770     `sle`:                `🇸🇱`,
 771     `sgp`:                `🇸🇬`,
 772     `sxm`:                `🇸🇽`,
 773     `svk`:                `🇸🇰`,
 774     `svn`:                `🇸🇮`,
 775     `slb`:                `🇸🇧`,
 776     `som`:                `🇸🇴`,
 777     `zaf`:                `🇿🇦`,
 778     `sgs`:                `🇬🇸`,
 779     `ssd`:                `🇸🇸`,
 780     `esp`:                `🇪🇸`,
 781     `lka`:                `🇱🇰`,
 782     `sdn`:                `🇸🇩`,
 783     `sur`:                `🇸🇷`,
 784     `sjm`:                `🇸🇯`,
 785     `swe`:                `🇸🇪`,
 786     `che`:                `🇨🇭`,
 787     `syr`:                `🇸🇾`,
 788     `twn`:                `🇹🇼`,
 789     `tjk`:                `🇹🇯`,
 790     `tza`:                `🇹🇿`,
 791     `tha`:                `🇹🇭`,
 792     `tls`:                `🇹🇱`,
 793     `tgo`:                `🇹🇬`,
 794     `tkl`:                `🇹🇰`,
 795     `ton`:                `🇹🇴`,
 796     `tto`:                `🇹🇹`,
 797     `tun`:                `🇹🇳`,
 798     `tur`:                `🇹🇷`,
 799     `tkm`:                `🇹🇲`,
 800     `tca`:                `🇹🇨`,
 801     `tuv`:                `🇹🇻`,
 802     `uga`:                `🇺🇬`,
 803     `ukr`:                `🇺🇦`,
 804     `are`:                `🇦🇪`,
 805     `gbr`:                `🇬🇧`,
 806     `uae`:                `🇦🇪`,
 807     `umi`:                `🇺🇲`,
 808     `usa`:                `🇺🇸`,
 809     `ury`:                `🇺🇾`,
 810     `uzb`:                `🇺🇿`,
 811     `vut`:                `🇻🇺`,
 812     `ven`:                `🇻🇪`,
 813     `vnm`:                `🇻🇳`,
 814     `vgb`:                `🇻🇬`,
 815     `vir`:                `🇻🇮`,
 816     `wlf`:                `🇼🇫`,
 817     `esh`:                `🇪🇭`,
 818     `yem`:                `🇾🇪`,
 819     `zmb`:                `🇿🇲`,
 820     `zwe`:                `🇿🇼`,
 821 }
 823 func symbols(w writer, r io.Reader, names []string) error {
 824     if len(names) == 0 {
 825         names = make([]string, 0, len(name2symbol))
 826         for k := range name2symbol {
 827             names = append(names, k)
 828         }
 829         sort.Strings(names)
 831         for _, name := range names {
 832             w.WriteString(name)
 833             w.WriteByte('\t')
 834             w.WriteString(name2symbol[name])
 835             if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 836                 return err
 837             }
 838         }
 839         return nil
 840     }
 842     nerr := 0
 843     for _, name := range names {
 844         key := name
 845         key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, `-`, ``)
 846         key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, `_`, ``)
 848         sym, ok := name2symbol[key]
 849         if !ok {
 850             showError(errors.New(`symbols: no symbol named ` + name))
 851             nerr++
 852             continue
 853         }
 855         w.WriteString(sym)
 856         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 857             return err
 858         }
 859     }
 861     if nerr > 0 {
 862         return multipleErrors{}
 863     }
 864     return nil
 865 }

     File: box/timer.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "io"
   6     "os"
   7     "os/exec"
   8     "os/signal"
   9     "strconv"
  10     "sync"
  11     "time"
  12 )
  14 const (
  15     timerSpaces = `                `
  17     // clear has enough spaces in it to cover any chronograph output
  18     clear = "\r" + timerSpaces + timerSpaces + timerSpaces + "\r"
  19 )
  21 // timer runs a live timer, showing the time elapsed
  22 func timer(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  23     if len(args) > 0 {
  24         return chronoRunTask(w, r, args[0], args[1:])
  25     } else {
  26         return chronograph(w, r, nil)
  27     }
  28 }
  30 // chronoRunTask handles running the timer tool in `subtask-mode`
  31 func chronoRunTask(w writer, r io.Reader, name string, args []string) error {
  32     cmd := exec.Command(name, args...)
  33     cmd.Stdin = r
  35     stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
  36     if err != nil {
  37         return err
  38     }
  39     defer stdout.Close()
  41     stderr, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
  42     if err != nil {
  43         return err
  44     }
  45     defer stderr.Close()
  47     if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
  48         return err
  49     }
  51     if err := chronograph(w, stdout, stderr); err != nil {
  52         return err
  53     }
  55     if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
  56         return err
  57     }
  58     return justQuit{cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()}
  59 }
  61 // readLines is run twice asynchronously, so that both stdin and stderr lines
  62 // are handled independently, which matters when running a subtask
  63 func readLines(r io.Reader, lines chan []byte) error {
  64     defer close(lines)
  66     // when not handling a subtask, this func will be called with a nil
  67     // reader, since without a subtask, there's no stderr to read from
  68     if r == nil {
  69         return nil
  70     }
  72     const gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
  73     sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
  74     sc.Buffer(nil, 8*gb)
  76     for sc.Scan() {
  77         // interesting: trying to filter out needlessly-chatty pipes
  78         // doesn't work as intended when done here, but is fine when
  79         // done at both receiving ends in the big select statement
  80         lines <- sc.Bytes()
  81     }
  82     return sc.Err()
  83 }
  85 // chronograph runs a live chronograph, showing the time elapsed: 2 input
  86 // sources for lines are handled concurrently, one destined for the app's
  87 // stdout, the other for the app's stderr, without interfering with the
  88 // chronograph lines, which also show on stderr
  89 func chronograph(w writer, stdout io.Reader, stderr io.Reader) error {
  90     start := time.Now()
  91     t := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
  92     startChronoLine(start, start)
  94     stopped := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
  95     defer close(stopped)
  96     signal.Notify(stopped, os.Interrupt)
  98     errors := make(chan error)
  99     var waitAllLines sync.WaitGroup
 100     waitAllLines.Add(2)
 102     outLines := make(chan []byte)
 103     go func() {
 104         defer waitAllLines.Done()
 105         errors <- readLines(stdout, outLines)
 106     }()
 108     errLines := make(chan []byte)
 109     go func() {
 110         defer waitAllLines.Done()
 111         errors <- readLines(stderr, errLines)
 112     }()
 114     quit := make(chan struct{})
 115     defer close(quit)
 117     go func() {
 118         waitAllLines.Wait()
 119         close(errors)
 120         quit <- struct{}{}
 121     }()
 123     for {
 124         select {
 125         case now := <-t.C:
 126             os.Stderr.WriteString(clear)
 127             startChronoLine(start, now)
 129         case line := <-outLines:
 130             if line == nil {
 131                 // filter out junk for needlessly-chatty pipes, while still
 132                 // keeping actual empty lines
 133                 continue
 134             }
 136             // write-order of the next 3 steps matters, to avoid mixing
 137             // up lines since stdout and stderr lines can show up together
 138             os.Stderr.WriteString(clear)
 139             w.Write(line)
 140             _, err := w.WriteString("\n")
 141             startChronoLine(start, time.Now())
 142             if err != nil {
 143                 endChronoLine(start)
 144                 return err
 145             }
 147         case line := <-errLines:
 148             if line == nil {
 149                 // filter out junk for needlessly-chatty pipes, while still
 150                 // keeping actual empty lines
 151                 continue
 152             }
 154             // write-order of the next 3 steps matters, to avoid mixing
 155             // up lines since stdout and stderr lines can show up together
 156             os.Stderr.WriteString(clear)
 157             os.Stderr.Write(line)
 158             _, err := os.Stderr.WriteString("\n")
 159             startChronoLine(start, time.Now())
 160             if err != nil {
 161                 endChronoLine(start)
 162                 return err
 163             }
 165         case err := <-errors:
 166             if err == nil {
 167                 continue
 168             }
 169             os.Stderr.WriteString(clear)
 170             showError(err)
 171             startChronoLine(start, time.Now())
 173         case <-quit:
 174             endChronoLine(start)
 175             return justQuit{0}
 177         case <-stopped:
 178             t.Stop()
 179             endChronoLine(start)
 180             return justQuit{255}
 181         }
 182     }
 183 }
 185 func startChronoLine(start, now time.Time) {
 186     var buf [64]byte
 187     dt := now.Sub(start)
 189     os.Stderr.Write(time.Time{}.Add(dt).AppendFormat(buf[:0], `15:04:05`))
 190     os.Stderr.Write([]byte(`    `))
 191     os.Stderr.Write(now.AppendFormat(buf[:0], `2006-01-02 15:04:05 Jan Mon`))
 192 }
 194 func endChronoLine(start time.Time) {
 195     var buf [64]byte
 196     secs := time.Since(start).Seconds()
 198     os.Stderr.Write([]byte(`    `))
 199     os.Stderr.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(buf[:0], secs, 'f', 4, 64))
 200     os.Stderr.Write([]byte(" seconds\n"))
 201 }

     File: box/tools.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "bytes"
   6     "compress/bzip2"
   7     "compress/gzip"
   8     "crypto/rand"
   9     "crypto/sha1"
  10     "crypto/sha256"
  11     "crypto/sha512"
  12     "encoding/base64"
  13     "encoding/csv"
  14     "encoding/hex"
  15     "encoding/json"
  16     "errors"
  17     "hash"
  18     "io"
  19     "io/fs"
  20     "math"
  21     "os"
  22     "os/exec"
  23     "path/filepath"
  24     "regexp"
  25     "runtime"
  26     "sort"
  27     "strconv"
  28     "strings"
  29     "sync"
  30     "time"
  31     "unicode"
  32     "unicode/utf8"
  33 )
  35 func abs(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
  36     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
  37         abs, err := filepath.Abs(string(line))
  38         if err != nil {
  39             return err
  40         }
  42         w.WriteString(abs)
  43         return endLine(w)
  44     })
  45 }
  47 // args emits each string given to it on its own output line, ignoring any
  48 // input
  49 func args(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  50     for _, s := range args {
  51         w.WriteString(s)
  52         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
  53             return err
  54         }
  55     }
  56     return nil
  57 }
  59 func base(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
  60     w.WriteString(filepath.Base(string(line)))
  61     return endLine(w)
  62 }
  64 // base64encode encodes input bytes into a base64-encoded line
  65 func base64encode(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
  66     enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, w)
  67     if _, err := io.Copy(enc, r); err != nil {
  68         return err
  69     }
  70     if err := enc.Close(); err != nil {
  71         return err
  72     }
  73     return endLine(w)
  74 }
  76 // begin emits the few strings given as their own lines, before emitting back
  77 // all input lines
  78 func begin(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  79     for _, s := range args {
  80         w.WriteString(s)
  81         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
  82             return err
  83         }
  84     }
  86     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
  87         return writeln(w, line)
  88     })
  89 }
  91 // beginTSV emits a line of tab-separated values (TSV), before emitting back
  92 // all input lines
  93 func beginTSV(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
  94     for i, s := range args {
  95         if i > 0 {
  96             w.WriteByte('\t')
  97         }
  98         w.WriteString(s)
  99     }
 101     if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 102         return err
 103     }
 105     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 106         return writeln(w, line)
 107     })
 108 }
 110 // book lays out input lines on 2 columns, the same way books do it
 111 func book(w writer, r io.Reader, pageHeight int) error {
 112     if pageHeight < 2 {
 113         return errors.New(`page height must be at least 2`)
 114     }
 116     var buf []byte
 117     var lines [][]byte
 118     loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 119         buf = buf[:0]
 120         line = bytes.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace)
 121         buf = expandTabs(buf, line, defaultTabstop)
 122         lines = append(lines, append([]byte{}, buf...))
 123         return nil
 124     })
 126     var maxWidths [2]int
 127     innerHeight := pageHeight - 1
 129     rest := lines
 130     for len(rest) > 0 {
 131         w := findMaxWidth(limitSlice(rest, innerHeight))
 132         if maxWidths[0] < w {
 133             maxWidths[0] = w
 134         }
 135         rest = advanceSlice(rest, innerHeight)
 137         w = findMaxWidth(limitSlice(rest, innerHeight))
 138         if maxWidths[1] < w {
 139             maxWidths[1] = w
 140         }
 141         rest = advanceSlice(rest, innerHeight)
 142     }
 144     endColumnSeparator := strings.TrimRight(columnSeparator, ` `)
 145     bottom := strings.Repeat(`·`, maxWidths[0]+3+maxWidths[1])
 147     for i := 0; len(lines) > 0; i++ {
 148         if i > 0 {
 149             w.WriteString(bottom)
 150             w.WriteByte('\n')
 151         }
 153         for j, left := range limitSlice(lines, innerHeight) {
 154             w.Write(left)
 155             if bytes.Contains(left, []byte{'\x1b', '['}) {
 156                 w.WriteString("\x1b[0m")
 157             }
 159             writeSpaces(w, maxWidths[0]-findWidth(left))
 161             right := indexSlice(lines, j+innerHeight)
 162             if len(right) > 0 {
 163                 w.WriteString(columnSeparator)
 164             } else {
 165                 w.WriteString(endColumnSeparator)
 166             }
 168             w.Write(right)
 169             if bytes.Contains(right, []byte{'\x1b', '['}) {
 170                 w.WriteString("\x1b[0m")
 171             }
 173             if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 174                 return err
 175             }
 176         }
 178         lines = advanceSlice(lines, 2*innerHeight)
 179     }
 181     return nil
 182 }
 184 // breatheHeader adds an extra empty line after the first one (the header),
 185 // then adds an extra empty line every few
 186 func breatheHeader(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 187     every, err := optionalInteger(args, 5)
 188     if err != nil {
 189         return err
 190     }
 192     if every < 1 {
 193         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 194             if i == 1 {
 195                 w.WriteByte('\n')
 196             }
 197             return writeln(w, line)
 198         })
 199     }
 201     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 202         if (i-1)%every == 0 {
 203             w.WriteByte('\n')
 204         }
 205         return writeln(w, line)
 206     })
 207 }
 209 // breatheLines adds an extra empty line every few
 210 func breatheLines(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 211     every, err := optionalInteger(args, 5)
 212     if err != nil {
 213         return err
 214     }
 216     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 217         if every > 0 && i%every == 0 && i > 0 {
 218             w.WriteByte('\n')
 219         }
 220         return writeln(w, line)
 221     })
 222 }
 224 func byteFreq(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 225     var buf [bufferSize]byte
 226     var tally [256]uint64
 228     for {
 229         got, err := r.Read(buf[:])
 230         for _, b := range buf[:got] {
 231             tally[b]++
 232         }
 234         if err == io.EOF {
 235             break
 236         }
 237         if err != nil {
 238             return err
 239         }
 240     }
 242     w.WriteString("byte\tcount\n")
 243     for i, c := range tally {
 244         writeInt(w, i)
 245         w.WriteByte('\t')
 246         w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], c, 10))
 247         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 248             return err
 249         }
 250     }
 251     return nil
 252 }
 254 // choplf ignores the last line-feed from the input, if present
 255 func choplf(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 256     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 257         if i > 0 {
 258             w.WriteByte('\n')
 259         }
 260         return write(w, line)
 261     })
 262 }
 264 // compose runs a chain of commands asynchronously, but still keeping their
 265 // implied I/O order
 266 func compose(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 267     if len(args) == 0 {
 268         return wrongToolArgs{`expected at least 1 argument`, ``}
 269     }
 271     sep := args[0]
 272     cmds := splitSliceNonEmpty(args[1:], sep)
 273     return composeAsyncRec(w, r, cmds)
 274 }
 276 // composeAsyncRec handles the recursion for the `compose` tool; the code to
 277 // merge the error-channels looks slightly `simplifiable`, but trying to do
 278 // so can lead to ugly concurrency bugs; things seem to work, so keep as is
 279 func composeAsyncRec(w io.Writer, r io.Reader, cmds [][]string) error {
 280     if len(cmds) == 0 {
 281         return nil
 282     }
 284     // check, even if func splitSliceNonEmpty is supposed to prevent this
 285     if len(cmds[0]) == 0 {
 286         return errors.New(`internal error: unexpected empty command-slice`)
 287     }
 289     // handle the last subcommand/tool in the chain
 290     if len(cmds) == 1 {
 291         return run(w, r, cmds[0])
 292     }
 294     // handle the steps along the way, gathering a single error result
 295     errch := make(chan error)
 296     defer close(errch)
 298     go func() {
 299         nextpipe, curpipe := io.Pipe()
 301         curerrch := make(chan error)
 302         defer close(curerrch)
 303         nexterrch := make(chan error)
 304         defer close(nexterrch)
 306         // start the current task asynchronously
 307         go func() {
 308             // directly using io.Pipe can lead to an astonishing number of
 309             // empty/tiny byte-slices being passed around channels, which
 310             // slows things down considerably when dealing with many data
 311             w := bufio.NewWriter(curpipe)
 313             // ensure clean-up in case current tool panics
 314             defer curpipe.Close()
 315             defer w.Flush()
 317             // make sequence of all steps explicit, to ensure things are
 318             // happening in the correct order
 319             err := run(w, r, cmds[0])
 320             w.Flush()
 321             curpipe.Close()
 322             curerrch <- err
 323         }()
 325         // start all later tasks asynchronously, by way of recursion
 326         go func() {
 327             // ensure clean-up in case later tools panic
 328             defer nextpipe.Close()
 330             // make sequence of all steps explicit
 331             err := composeAsyncRec(w, nextpipe, cmds[1:])
 332             nextpipe.Close()
 333             nexterrch <- err
 334         }()
 336         // wait for completion of all tasks, in any order: this is done
 337         // by waiting for 2 tasks, since the latter of these handles all
 338         // later tasks, by way of recursion
 340         select {
 341         case err := <-curerrch:
 342             if err != nil {
 343                 // wait for the later tasks to end, ignoring their error
 344                 <-nexterrch
 346                 // return error from the current task
 347                 errch <- err
 348                 return
 349             }
 351             // wait for later tasks to end, ignoring their error
 352             errch <- <-nexterrch
 353             return
 355         case err := <-nexterrch:
 356             // try to explicitly end the current task sooner; multiple
 357             // closures of io.Pipe `values` are allowed: their Close
 358             // funcs do nothing when called after the first time
 359             curpipe.Close()
 361             if err != nil {
 362                 // wait for current task to end, ignoring its error
 363                 <-curerrch
 365                 // return error from later tasks
 366                 errch <- err
 367                 return
 368             }
 370             // wait for current task to end
 371             errch <- <-curerrch
 372             return
 373         }
 374     }()
 376     // wait for a definitive error/result from the async tasks
 377     return <-errch
 378 }
 380 // datauri encodes input bytes as a base64-encoded data-URI line
 381 func datauri(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 382     mime, err := optionalString(args, ``)
 383     if err != nil {
 384         return err
 385     }
 387     if len(mime) > 0 {
 388         mime = strings.TrimSpace(mime)
 389         mime = strings.ToLower(mime)
 390         if s, ok := mimeAliases[mime]; ok {
 391             mime = s
 392         }
 394         enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, w)
 395         defer enc.Close()
 397         w.WriteString(`data:`)
 398         w.WriteString(mime)
 399         w.WriteString(`;base64,`)
 400         if _, err := io.Copy(enc, r); err != nil {
 401             return noMoreOutput{}
 402         }
 403         return endLine(w)
 404     }
 406     var buf [4 * 1024]byte
 407     n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
 408     if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
 409         return err
 410     }
 412     start := buf[:n]
 413     mime, ok := guessMIME(start)
 414     if !ok {
 415         return errors.New(`can't autodetect the MIME-type`)
 416     }
 418     w.WriteString(`data:`)
 419     w.WriteString(mime)
 420     w.WriteString(`;base64,`)
 422     enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, w)
 423     defer enc.Close()
 425     all := io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(start), r)
 426     if _, err := io.Copy(enc, all); err != nil {
 427         return noMoreOutput{}
 428     }
 429     return endLine(w)
 430 }
 432 // debase64 decodes base64-encoded input data, including data-URIs
 433 func debase64(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 434     var buf [4 * 1024]byte
 435     n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
 436     if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
 437         return err
 438     }
 440     start := buf[:n]
 441     if bytes.HasPrefix(start, []byte{'d', 'a', 't', 'a', ':'}) {
 442         marker := []byte{';', 'b', 'a', 's', 'e', '6', '4', ','}
 443         if i := bytes.Index(start, marker); i >= 0 {
 444             start = start[i+len(marker):]
 445         }
 446     }
 448     all := io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(start), r)
 449     enc := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, all)
 450     _, err = io.Copy(w, enc)
 451     return err
 452 }
 454 // debz decompresses bzip2-encoded input bytes
 455 func debz(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 456     dec := bzip2.NewReader(r)
 457     _, err := w.ReadFrom(dec)
 458     return err
 459 }
 461 // decsv turns CSV data into a JSONS (JSON Strings) array; the only other
 462 // type of value is null, reserved for missing trailing row-items
 463 func decsv(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 464     rr := csv.NewReader(r)
 465     rr.LazyQuotes = true
 466     rr.ReuseRecord = true
 467     rr.FieldsPerRecord = -1
 469     var keys []string
 471     for i := 0; true; i++ {
 472         row, err := rr.Read()
 474         if err == io.EOF {
 475             if i > 1 {
 476                 w.WriteByte(']')
 477                 return endLine(w)
 478             }
 479             return nil
 480         }
 482         if err != nil {
 483             return err
 484         }
 486         if i == 0 {
 487             keys = make([]string, 0, len(row))
 488             for _, s := range row {
 489                 c := string(append([]byte{}, s...))
 490                 keys = append(keys, c)
 491             }
 492             continue
 493         }
 495         if i == 1 {
 496             w.WriteByte('[')
 497         } else {
 498             err = w.WriteByte(',')
 499             if err != nil {
 500                 return noMoreOutput{}
 501             }
 502         }
 504         if len(row) > len(keys) {
 505             return errors.New(`data-row has more items than the header`)
 506         }
 508         w.WriteByte('{')
 509         for i, s := range row {
 510             if i > 0 {
 511                 w.WriteByte(',')
 512             }
 513             w.WriteByte('"')
 514             writeInnerStringJSON(w, keys[i])
 515             w.WriteString(`":"`)
 516             writeInnerStringJSON(w, s)
 517             w.WriteByte('"')
 518         }
 520         for i := len(row); i < len(keys); i++ {
 521             if i > 0 {
 522                 w.WriteByte(',')
 523             }
 524             w.WriteByte('"')
 525             writeInnerStringJSON(w, keys[i])
 526             w.WriteString(`":null`)
 527         }
 528         w.WriteByte('}')
 529     }
 531     return nil
 532 }
 534 // degz decompresses gzip-encoded input bytes
 535 func degz(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 536     dec, err := gzip.NewReader(r)
 537     if err != nil {
 538         return err
 539     }
 540     defer dec.Close()
 541     _, err = w.ReadFrom(dec)
 542     return err
 543 }
 545 // delay waits the given number of seconds before emitting back each line
 546 // from the input
 547 func delay(w writer, r io.Reader, seconds float64) error {
 548     dt := time.Duration(seconds * float64(time.Second))
 549     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 550         defer w.Flush()
 551         time.Sleep(dt)
 552         return writeln(w, line)
 553     })
 554 }
 556 // detab expands tabs using the tabstop count given
 557 func detab(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 558     tabstop, err := optionalInteger(args, defaultTabstop)
 559     if err != nil {
 560         return err
 561     }
 563     var buf []byte
 564     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 565         buf = buf[:0]
 566         buf = expandTabs(buf, line, tabstop)
 567         return writeln(w, buf)
 568     })
 569 }
 571 func dir(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
 572     w.WriteString(filepath.Dir(string(line)))
 573     return endLine(w)
 574 }
 576 // div divides the 2 numbers given to it; if given just 1 number, it shows
 577 // that number's reciprocal
 578 func div(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 579     switch len(args) {
 580     case 1:
 581         x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 582         if err != nil {
 583             return err
 584         }
 585         writeFloat(w, 1/x)
 586         return endLine(w)
 588     case 2:
 589         x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 590         if err != nil {
 591             return err
 592         }
 593         y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[1], 64)
 594         if err != nil {
 595             return err
 596         }
 598         if x > y {
 599             x, y = y, x
 600         }
 602         writeFloat(w, x/y)
 603         endLine(w)
 604         writeFloat(w, y/x)
 605         endLine(w)
 606         writeFloat(w, 1-x/y)
 607         return endLine(w)
 609     default:
 610         return wrongToolArgs{`expected 1 or 2 args`, ``}
 611     }
 612 }
 614 // drop ignores all substring occurrences of all the substrings given, in the
 615 // order given
 616 func drop(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 617     var left []byte
 618     avoid := make([][]byte, 0, len(args))
 619     for _, s := range args {
 620         avoid = append(avoid, []byte(s))
 621     }
 623     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 624         left = left[:0]
 625         left = append(left, line...)
 626         l := left
 628         for _, s := range avoid {
 629             for {
 630                 i := bytes.Index(l, s)
 631                 if i < 0 {
 632                     break
 633                 }
 635                 copy(l[i:len(l)-len(s)], l[i+len(s):])
 636                 l = l[:len(l)-len(s)]
 637             }
 638         }
 640         return writeln(w, l)
 641     })
 642 }
 644 // end emits back all input lines, and then emits the few strings given as
 645 // their own lines
 646 func end(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 647     err := loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 648         return writeln(w, line)
 649     })
 651     if err != nil {
 652         return err
 653     }
 655     for _, s := range args {
 656         w.WriteString(s)
 657         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 658             return err
 659         }
 660     }
 661     return nil
 662 }
 664 // endTSV emits back all input lines, and then emits a line of tab-separated
 665 // values (TSV)
 666 func endTSV(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 667     err := loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 668         return writeln(w, line)
 669     })
 671     if err != nil {
 672         return err
 673     }
 675     for i, s := range args {
 676         if i > 0 {
 677             w.WriteByte('\t')
 678         }
 679         w.WriteString(s)
 680     }
 681     return endLine(w)
 682 }
 684 // folders recursively finds all files in all the folder names given
 685 func files(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 686     return walk(args, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
 687         if err != nil || d.IsDir() {
 688             return err
 689         }
 691         w.WriteString(path)
 692         return endLine(w)
 693     })
 694 }
 696 // folders recursively finds all subfolders in all the folder names given
 697 func folders(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 698     return walk(args, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
 699         if err != nil || !d.IsDir() {
 700             return err
 701         }
 703         w.WriteString(path)
 704         return endLine(w)
 705     })
 706 }
 708 // first limits input up to its first few lines
 709 func first(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 710     max, err := optionalInteger(args, 1)
 711     if err != nil {
 712         return err
 713     }
 715     if max < 1 {
 716         return nil
 717     }
 719     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 720         if i >= max {
 721             return noMoreOutput{}
 722         }
 723         return writeln(w, line)
 724     })
 725 }
 727 // gz gzips input bytes
 728 func gz(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 729     enc := gzip.NewWriter(w)
 730     defer enc.Flush()
 731     if _, err := io.Copy(enc, r); err != nil {
 732         return noMoreOutput{}
 733     }
 734     return nil
 735 }
 737 // hexify turns input bytes into a line of ASCII-valued hexadecimal pairs
 738 func hexify(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 739     enc := hex.NewEncoder(w)
 740     if _, err := io.Copy(enc, r); err != nil {
 741         return noMoreOutput{}
 742     }
 743     return endLine(w)
 744 }
 746 // hold reads all input bytes, holding everything, and starts copying them
 747 // all into the main output only after the last input byte was read
 748 func hold(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 749     all, err := io.ReadAll(r)
 750     if err != nil {
 751         return err
 752     }
 753     w.Write(all)
 754     return nil
 755 }
 757 // identity copies input to its main output verbatim
 758 func identity(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 759     io.Copy(w, r)
 760     return nil
 761 }
 763 // indent adds extra leading spaces to each non-empty input line
 764 func indent(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 765     spaces, err := optionalInteger(args, 2)
 766     if err != nil {
 767         return err
 768     }
 770     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 771         if len(line) == 0 {
 772             return endLine(w)
 773         }
 774         writeSpaces(w, spaces)
 775         return writeln(w, line)
 776     })
 777 }
 779 // items emits all field/word-like items from all input lines, each match
 780 // shown on its own output line
 781 func items(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
 782     if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t'); i >= 0 {
 783         return loopTSV(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
 784             return writeln(w, s)
 785         })
 786     }
 788     return loopItems(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
 789         return writeln(w, s)
 790     })
 791 }
 793 // join emits all input lines into a single output line, using the separator
 794 // given to it between items
 795 func join(w writer, r io.Reader, separator string) error {
 796     empty := true
 797     err := loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
 798         empty = false
 799         if i > 0 {
 800             w.WriteString(separator)
 801         }
 802         return write(w, line)
 803     })
 805     if err != nil {
 806         return err
 807     }
 809     if empty {
 810         return nil
 811     }
 812     return endLine(w)
 813 }
 815 // jsonl turns valid JSON into JSON Lines, a variant of JSON often used for
 816 // logging purposes, as it's very amenable to line-based streaming, and where
 817 // each line is valid JSON on its own
 818 func jsonl(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
 819     dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
 820     dec.UseNumber()
 822     t, err := dec.Token()
 823     if err == io.EOF {
 824         return errInputEarlyEnd
 825     }
 826     if err != nil {
 827         return err
 828     }
 830     if t == json.Delim('[') {
 831         return jsonlTopArray(w, dec)
 832     }
 834     if err := jsonlToken(w, t, dec); err != nil {
 835         return err
 836     }
 837     return endLine(w)
 838 }
 840 // jsonlTopArray handles top-level arrays for func jsonl
 841 func jsonlTopArray(w writer, dec *json.Decoder) error {
 842     for {
 843         t, err := dec.Token()
 844         if err != nil {
 845             return err
 846         }
 848         if t == json.Delim(']') {
 849             return nil
 850         }
 852         if err := jsonlToken(w, t, dec); err != nil {
 853             return err
 854         }
 855         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
 856             return err
 857         }
 858     }
 859 }
 861 // jsonlArray handles non-top-level arrays for func jsonl
 862 func jsonlArray(w writer, dec *json.Decoder) error {
 863     w.WriteByte('[')
 865     for i := 0; true; i++ {
 866         t, err := dec.Token()
 867         if err != nil {
 868             return err
 869         }
 871         if t == json.Delim(']') {
 872             w.WriteByte(']')
 873             return nil
 874         }
 876         if i > 0 {
 877             w.WriteByte(',')
 878         }
 879         if err := jsonlToken(w, t, dec); err != nil {
 880             return err
 881         }
 882     }
 884     return nil
 885 }
 887 // jsonlObject handles objects for func jsonl
 888 func jsonlObject(w writer, dec *json.Decoder) error {
 889     w.WriteByte('{')
 891     for i := 0; true; i++ {
 892         t, err := dec.Token()
 893         if err != nil {
 894             return err
 895         }
 897         if t == json.Delim('}') {
 898             w.WriteByte('}')
 899             return nil
 900         }
 902         s, ok := t.(string)
 903         if !ok {
 904             return errInvalidToken
 905         }
 907         if i > 0 {
 908             w.WriteByte(',')
 909         }
 911         w.WriteByte('"')
 912         writeInnerStringJSON(w, s)
 913         w.WriteString(`":`)
 915         t, err = dec.Token()
 916         if err != nil {
 917             return err
 918         }
 919         if err := jsonlToken(w, t, dec); err != nil {
 920             return err
 921         }
 922     }
 924     return nil
 925 }
 927 // jsonlToken handles values/recursion for func jsonl
 928 func jsonlToken(w writer, t json.Token, dec *json.Decoder) error {
 929     switch t := t.(type) {
 930     case nil:
 931         w.WriteString(`null`)
 932         return nil
 934     case bool:
 935         if t {
 936             w.WriteString(`true`)
 937         } else {
 938             w.WriteString(`false`)
 939         }
 940         return nil
 942     case json.Number:
 943         w.WriteString(t.String())
 944         return nil
 946     case string:
 947         w.WriteByte('"')
 948         writeInnerStringJSON(w, t)
 949         w.WriteByte('"')
 950         return nil
 952     case json.Delim:
 953         switch t {
 954         case json.Delim('['):
 955             return jsonlArray(w, dec)
 956         case json.Delim('{'):
 957             return jsonlObject(w, dec)
 958         default:
 959             return errInvalidToken
 960         }
 962     default:
 963         return errInvalidToken
 964     }
 965 }
 967 // junk emits the number of pseudo-random bytes given
 968 func junk(w writer, r io.Reader, n int) error {
 969     var buf [bufferSize]byte
 971     for n > 0 {
 972         size := n
 973         if size > bufferSize {
 974             size = bufferSize
 975         }
 976         chunk := buf[:size]
 978         got, err := rand.Read(chunk)
 979         if err != nil {
 980             return err
 981         }
 983         _, err = w.Write(chunk)
 984         if err != nil {
 985             return nil
 986         }
 988         n -= got
 989     }
 991     return nil
 992 }
 994 // last limits input up to its last few lines
 995 func last(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 996     max, err := optionalInteger(args, 1)
 997     if err != nil {
 998         return err
 999     }
1001     if max < 1 {
1002         return nil
1003     }
1005     if max == 1 {
1006         empty := true
1007         var last []byte
1009         loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1010             empty = false
1011             last = line
1012             return nil
1013         })
1015         if empty {
1016             return nil
1017         }
1018         return writeln(w, last)
1019     }
1021     index := 0
1022     var last [][]byte
1024     loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1025         if len(last) < max {
1026             last = append(last, line)
1027             return nil
1028         }
1030         last[index] = line
1031         index = (index + 1) % len(last)
1032         return nil
1033     })
1035     if len(last) == 0 {
1036         return nil
1037     }
1039     for _, line := range last[index:] {
1040         if err := writeln(w, line); err != nil {
1041             return err
1042         }
1043     }
1044     for _, line := range last[:index] {
1045         if err := writeln(w, line); err != nil {
1046             return err
1047         }
1048     }
1049     return nil
1050 }
1052 // leak helps debug pipes, by copying all input lines both to stderr, as well
1053 // as its main output
1054 func leak(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1055     style, err := pickStyle(args, `plain`)
1056     if err != nil {
1057         return err
1058     }
1060     if bytes.Equal(style, []byte("\x1b[0m")) {
1061         style = nil
1062     }
1064     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1065         if style == nil {
1066             os.Stderr.Write(line)
1067         } else {
1068             os.Stderr.Write(style)
1069             os.Stderr.Write(line)
1070             os.Stderr.WriteString("\x1b[0m")
1071         }
1072         os.Stderr.Write([]byte{'\n'})
1073         return writeln(w, line)
1074     })
1075 }
1077 // limit caps data to the max number of bytes given
1078 func limit(w writer, r io.Reader, maxBytes int) error {
1079     max := int64(maxBytes)
1080     if _, err := io.Copy(w, io.LimitReader(r, max)); err != nil {
1081         return noMoreOutput{}
1082     }
1083     return nil
1084 }
1086 // lines ignored a leading UTF-8 BOM, if present, turns all CRLF byte-pairs
1087 // into single line-feed bytes, and ensures the final line always ends with
1088 // a line-feed; an empty (0 bytes) input results in an empty output
1089 func lines(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1090     return writeln(w, line)
1091 }
1093 // lineup joins input lines via tabs, up to the number given: whenever that
1094 // number is exceeded, a new output line starts; when not given a number, or
1095 // when that number is 0 or negative, all input lines are tab-joined into a
1096 // single output line
1097 func lineup(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1098     size, err := optionalInteger(args, 0)
1099     if err != nil {
1100         return err
1101     }
1103     empty := true
1104     err = loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1105         empty = false
1106         if i == 0 {
1107             return write(w, line)
1108         }
1110         if i%size == 0 && size > 0 {
1111             w.WriteByte('\n')
1112         } else {
1113             w.WriteByte('\t')
1114         }
1115         return write(w, line)
1116     })
1118     if err != nil {
1119         return err
1120     }
1122     if empty {
1123         return nil
1124     }
1125     return endLine(w)
1126 }
1128 const linksPattern = `https?://[A-Za-z0-9+_.:%-]+(/[A-Za-z0-9+_.%/,#?&=-]*)*`
1130 var linksRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(linksPattern)
1132 // links gets all hyperlink-type substrings from the input, each match shown
1133 // on its own line
1134 func links(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1135     for {
1136         loc := linksRegexp.FindIndex(line)
1137         if loc == nil {
1138             return nil
1139         }
1141         w.Write(line[loc[0]:loc[1]])
1142         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1143             return err
1144         }
1146         line = line[loc[1]:]
1147     }
1148 }
1150 // lower lowercases all symbols in all lines
1151 func lower(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1152     // for len(line) > 0 {
1153     //  r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
1154     //  w.WriteRune(unicode.ToLower(r))
1155     //  line = line[size:]
1156     // }
1157     // return endline(w)
1159     var buf [64]byte
1160     chunk := buf[:0]
1162     for len(line) > 0 {
1163         r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
1164         line = line[size:]
1166         if cap(buf) < len(chunk)+size {
1167             w.Write(chunk)
1168             chunk = buf[:0]
1169         }
1171         chunk = utf8.AppendRune(chunk, unicode.ToLower(r))
1172     }
1174     if len(chunk) > 0 {
1175         w.Write(chunk)
1176     }
1177     return endLine(w)
1178 }
1180 // mimeDetect, when successful, shows the MIME-type auto-detected from the
1181 // first few input bytes
1182 func mimeDetect(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1183     var buf [4 * 1024]byte
1184     n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
1185     if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
1186         return err
1187     }
1189     start := buf[:n]
1190     mime, ok := guessMIME(start)
1191     if !ok {
1192         if n < 24 {
1193             return errors.New(`too few bytes to autodetect the MIME-type`)
1194         }
1195         return errors.New(`can't autodetect the MIME-type`)
1196     }
1198     w.WriteString(mime)
1199     return endLine(w)
1200 }
1202 // n numbers lines using the optional starting counter given, which is 1 by
1203 // default; each output line starts with the current counter, followed by a
1204 // tab, ending with the original input line
1205 func n(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1206     start, err := optionalInteger(args, 1)
1207     if err != nil {
1208         return err
1209     }
1211     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1212         writeInt(w, start+i)
1213         w.WriteByte('\t')
1214         return writeln(w, line)
1215     })
1216 }
1218 // nj stands for `nice json`, and renders JSON data as ANSI-styled text
1219 func nj(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1220     dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
1221     dec.UseNumber()
1223     t, err := dec.Token()
1224     if err != nil {
1225         return err
1226     }
1228     if err := niceJSON(w, dec, t, 0, 0); err != nil {
1229         return err
1230     }
1231     return endLine(w)
1232 }
1234 // niceJSON handles recursion for func nj
1235 func niceJSON(w writer, r *json.Decoder, t json.Token, pre, level int) error {
1236     writeSpaces(w, pre)
1238     switch t := t.(type) {
1239     case nil:
1240         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248mnull\x1b[0m")
1241         return nil
1243     case bool:
1244         if t {
1245             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;74mtrue\x1b[0m")
1246         } else {
1247             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;74mfalse\x1b[0m")
1248         }
1249         return nil
1251     case json.Number:
1252         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;29m")
1253         w.WriteString(t.String())
1254         w.WriteString("\x1b[0m")
1255         return nil
1257     case string:
1258         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m\"\x1b[0m")
1259         // w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m\"\x1b[38;5;24m")
1260         writeInnerStringJSON(w, t)
1261         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m\"\x1b[0m")
1262         return nil
1264     case json.Delim:
1265         switch t {
1266         case json.Delim('['):
1267             return niceArrayJSON(w, r, level)
1268         case json.Delim('{'):
1269             return niceObjectJSON(w, r, level)
1270         default:
1271             return errors.New(`unsupported JSON delimiter`)
1272         }
1274     default:
1275         return errors.New(`unsupported JSON token type`)
1276     }
1277 }
1279 // writeInnerStringJSON helps the `nj` tool JSON-encode strings more quickly
1280 func writeInnerStringJSON(w writer, s string) {
1281     needsEscaping := false
1282     for _, r := range s {
1283         if '#' <= r && r <= '~' && r != '\\' {
1284             continue
1285         }
1286         if r == ' ' || r == '!' || unicode.IsLetter(r) {
1287             continue
1288         }
1290         needsEscaping = true
1291         break
1292     }
1294     if !needsEscaping {
1295         w.WriteString(s)
1296         return
1297     }
1299     outer, err := json.Marshal(s)
1300     if err != nil {
1301         return
1302     }
1303     inner := outer[1 : len(outer)-1]
1304     w.Write(inner)
1305 }
1307 // niceArrayJSON handles arrays for func niceJSON
1308 func niceArrayJSON(w writer, r *json.Decoder, level int) error {
1309     w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m[\x1b[0m")
1311     for i := 0; true; i++ {
1312         t, err := r.Token()
1313         if err != nil {
1314             return err
1315         }
1317         if t == json.Delim(']') {
1318             if i == 0 {
1319                 w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m]\x1b[0m")
1320                 return nil
1321             }
1323             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m,\x1b[0m")
1324             w.WriteByte('\n')
1325             writeSpaces(w, level)
1326             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m]\x1b[0m")
1327             return nil
1328         }
1330         if i > 0 {
1331             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m,\x1b[0m")
1332         }
1334         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1335             return err
1336         }
1338         if err := niceJSON(w, r, t, level+2, level+2); err != nil {
1339             return err
1340         }
1341     }
1343     return nil
1344 }
1346 // niceObjectJSON handles objects for func niceJSON
1347 func niceObjectJSON(w writer, r *json.Decoder, level int) error {
1348     w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m{\x1b[0m")
1350     for i := 0; true; i++ {
1351         t, err := r.Token()
1352         if err != nil {
1353             return err
1354         }
1356         if t == json.Delim('}') {
1357             if i == 0 {
1358                 w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m]\x1b[0m")
1359                 return nil
1360             }
1362             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m,\x1b[0m")
1363             w.WriteByte('\n')
1364             writeSpaces(w, level)
1365             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m}\x1b[0m")
1366             return nil
1367         }
1369         if i > 0 {
1370             w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m,\x1b[0m")
1371         }
1373         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1374             return err
1375         }
1377         writeSpaces(w, level+2)
1378         key, ok := t.(string)
1379         if !ok {
1380             return errors.New(`object key isn't a string`)
1381         }
1382         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m\"\x1b[38;5;99m")
1383         writeInnerStringJSON(w, key)
1384         w.WriteString("\x1b[38;5;248m\":\x1b[0m ")
1386         t, err = r.Token()
1387         if err != nil {
1388             return err
1389         }
1390         if err := niceJSON(w, r, t, 0, level+2); err != nil {
1391             return err
1392         }
1393     }
1395     return nil
1396 }
1398 func noEmpty(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1399     if len(line) == 0 {
1400         return nil
1401     }
1403     w.Write(line)
1404     return endLine(w)
1405 }
1407 // nothing reads nothing and writes nothing, and thus gets nothing done
1408 func nothing(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1409     return nil
1410 }
1412 // now shows the current date, time, month-name, and weekday-name
1413 func now(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1414     var buf [72]byte
1415     s := time.Now().AppendFormat(buf[:0], `2006-01-02 15:04:05 Jan Mon`)
1416     return writeln(w, s)
1417 }
1419 // numbers shows all detected numbers from all input lines, one match per
1420 // output line
1421 func numbers(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1422     handle := func(i int, s []byte) error {
1423         f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(s), 64)
1424         if err != nil || math.IsNaN(f) || math.IsInf(f, 0) {
1425             return nil
1426         }
1427         return writeln(w, s)
1428     }
1430     if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t'); i >= 0 {
1431         return loopTSV(line, handle)
1432     }
1433     return loopItems(line, handle)
1434 }
1436 // plain ignores all ANSI-style sequences
1437 func plain(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1438     err := loopPlain(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
1439         if _, err := w.Write(s); err != nil {
1440             return noMoreOutput{}
1441         }
1442         return nil
1443     })
1445     if err != nil {
1446         return err
1447     }
1448     return endLine(w)
1449 }
1451 // primes shows the first few prime numbers
1452 func primes(w writer, r io.Reader, count int) error {
1453     if count > 0 {
1454         w.WriteString("2\n")
1455         count--
1456     }
1458 next:
1459     for n := uint64(3); count > 0; n += 2 {
1460         max := uint64(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
1461         for div := uint64(3); div <= max; div++ {
1462             if n%div == 0 {
1463                 continue next
1464             }
1465         }
1467         // current value is a prime number
1468         count--
1469         var buf [32]byte
1470         w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf[:0], n, 10))
1471         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1472             return err
1473         }
1474     }
1476     return nil
1477 }
1479 func prun(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1480     var commands []string
1482     err := loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1483         line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
1484         if len(line) > 0 {
1485             commands = append(commands, string(line))
1486         }
1487         return nil
1488     })
1490     if err != nil {
1491         return err
1492     }
1494     if len(commands) == 0 {
1495         return nil
1496     }
1498     errors := 0
1499     var mut sync.Mutex
1500     var done sync.WaitGroup
1501     permissions := make(chan struct{}, runtime.NumCPU())
1503     for _, cmd := range commands {
1504         permissions <- struct{}{}
1505         done.Add(1)
1507         go func(cmd string) {
1508             defer func() {
1509                 done.Done()
1510                 <-permissions
1511             }()
1513             var out bytes.Buffer
1514             var err bytes.Buffer
1515             c := exec.Command(`sh`, `-c`, cmd)
1516             c.Stdin = bytes.NewReader([]byte{})
1517             c.Stdout = &out
1518             c.Stderr = &err
1519             problem := c.Run()
1521             mut.Lock()
1522             defer mut.Unlock()
1524             if problem != nil {
1525                 errors++
1526                 os.Stderr.WriteString("\x1b[31m")
1527                 os.Stderr.WriteString(problem.Error())
1528                 os.Stderr.WriteString("\x1b[0m\n")
1529             }
1531             b := err.Bytes()
1532             os.Stderr.Write(b)
1533             if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] != '\n' {
1534                 os.Stderr.WriteString("\n")
1535             }
1537             b = out.Bytes()
1538             os.Stdout.Write(b)
1539             if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] != '\n' {
1540                 os.Stdout.WriteString("\n")
1541             }
1542         }(cmd)
1543     }
1545     done.Wait()
1547     if errors > 0 {
1548         return multipleErrors{}
1549     }
1550     return nil
1551 }
1553 // rangeLines keeps only the input lines whose 1-based index is between the
1554 // 2 line-numbers given, inclusively
1555 func rangeLines(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1556     switch len(args) {
1557     case 1:
1558         start, err := parseInteger(args[0])
1559         if err != nil {
1560             return wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
1561         }
1562         skip := start - 1
1564         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1565             if i < skip {
1566                 return nil
1567             }
1568             return writeln(w, line)
1569         })
1571     case 2:
1572         start, err := parseInteger(args[0])
1573         if err != nil {
1574             return wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
1575         }
1576         skip := start - 1
1578         stop, err := parseInteger(args[1])
1579         if err != nil {
1580             return wrongToolArgs{err.Error(), ``}
1581         }
1583         if stop < start {
1584             return wrongToolArgs{`"start" number can't be more than "stop"`, ``}
1585         }
1587         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1588             if i >= stop {
1589                 return noMoreOutput{}
1590             }
1591             if i < skip {
1592                 return nil
1593             }
1594             return writeln(w, line)
1595         })
1597     default:
1598         return wrongToolArgs{`expected either 1 or 2 integer-like numbers`, ``}
1599     }
1600 }
1602 // realign realigns all items in all lines, according to each column's widest
1603 // item on any line
1604 func realign(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1605     const gap = 2
1606     var lines [][]byte
1607     var widths []int
1609     loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1610         s := append([]byte{}, line...)
1611         lines = append(lines, s)
1613         loop := loopItems
1614         if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t'); i >= 0 {
1615             loop = loopTSV
1616         }
1618         return loop(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
1619             if i >= len(widths) {
1620                 widths = append(widths, 0)
1621             }
1622             if w := findWidth(s); widths[i] < w {
1623                 widths[i] = w
1624             }
1625             return nil
1626         })
1627     })
1629     for _, line := range lines {
1630         loop := loopItems
1631         if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t'); i >= 0 {
1632             loop = loopTSV
1633         }
1635         prevWidth := 0
1636         loop(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
1637             if i > 0 {
1638                 n := widths[i-1] - prevWidth
1639                 if n < 0 {
1640                     n = 0
1641                 }
1642                 writeSpaces(w, n+gap)
1643             }
1645             w.Write(s)
1646             prevWidth = findWidth(s)
1647             return nil
1648         })
1650         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1651             return err
1652         }
1653     }
1655     return nil
1656 }
1658 // reproseState implements the behavior of func reprose, via its func
1659 // handleLine; it's a good idea to check if the counter is non-zero
1660 // after the last input line is processed, to emit a final line-feed
1661 // when that's the case
1662 type reproseState struct {
1663     // maxw is the maximum line-width as a rune-count
1664     maxw int
1666     // n is the current output line's rune-count
1667     n int
1668 }
1670 // handleLine lets you process a line of text, possibly emitting it over
1671 // multiple output lines
1672 func (rs *reproseState) handleLine(w writer, line []byte) error {
1673     line = bytes.TrimSpace(line)
1674     if len(line) == 0 {
1675         // emit empty(ish) lines as empty lines
1676         return endLine(w)
1677     }
1679     for len(line) > 0 {
1680         i := bytes.IndexByte(line, ' ')
1681         if i < 0 {
1682             // no more spaces/words
1683             return rs.emitWord(w, line)
1684         }
1686         err := rs.emitWord(w, line[:i])
1687         if err != nil {
1688             return err
1689         }
1691         // skip past the space right after the current word
1692         line = line[i+1:]
1694         // ignore all leading spaces
1695         for len(line) > 0 && line[0] == ' ' {
1696             line = line[1:]
1697         }
1698     }
1700     return nil
1701 }
1703 // handleEnd ends the last line, once all input lines have been processed
1704 func (rs *reproseState) handleEnd(w writer) error {
1705     if rs.n > 0 {
1706         rs.n = 0
1707         return endLine(w)
1708     }
1709     return nil
1710 }
1712 // tooMany checks if adding a word with the rune-count given would exceed
1713 // the target max-width for output lines
1714 func (rs reproseState) tooMany(runeCount int) bool {
1715     if rs.n > 0 {
1716         return rs.n+1+runeCount > rs.maxw
1717     }
1718     return rs.n+runeCount > rs.maxw
1719 }
1721 // emitWord is called by func handleLine to emit strings with no spaces
1722 func (rs *reproseState) emitWord(w writer, s []byte) error {
1723     c := findWidth(s)
1724     // c := utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
1726     // end current line if this word in it would exceed the max-rune count
1727     if rs.tooMany(c) {
1728         err := endLine(w)
1729         if err != nil {
1730             return err
1731         }
1732         rs.n = 0
1733     }
1735     // precede all words with a space, except the first one of its line
1736     if rs.n > 0 {
1737         rs.n++
1738         w.WriteString(` `)
1739     }
1741     // put current word in its own line, if it exceeds the max-rune count
1742     // by itself
1743     if c > rs.maxw {
1744         rs.n = 0
1745         w.Write(s)
1746         return endLine(w)
1747     }
1749     // word fits in the current line, so update the rune-counter
1750     rs.n += c
1751     w.Write(s)
1752     return nil
1753 }
1755 // reprose reflows lines of plain-text prose, trying to emit lines not wider
1756 // than the rune-count given, even if that's not always possible, depending
1757 // on the input lines being processed; when not given a rune-count, the
1758 // default is 80 runes max per line
1759 func reprose(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1760     width, err := optionalInteger(args, 80)
1761     if err != nil {
1762         return err
1763     }
1765     var rs reproseState
1766     rs.maxw = width
1768     err = loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1769         return rs.handleLine(w, line)
1770     })
1772     if err != nil {
1773         return err
1774     }
1776     return rs.handleEnd(w)
1777 }
1779 // restyle starts each input line with an ANSI-style appropriate for the
1780 // style/color-name given to it, then ends each line with an ANSI-style reset
1781 func restyle(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1782     if len(args) == 0 {
1783         return wrongToolArgs{`no style name given`, ``}
1784     }
1786     style, err := pickStyle(args, `plain`)
1787     if err != nil {
1788         return err
1789     }
1791     if bytes.Equal(style, []byte("\x1b[0m")) {
1792         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1793             return plain(w, i, line)
1794         })
1795     }
1797     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1798         w.Write(style)
1799         w.Write(line)
1800         w.WriteString("\x1b[0m")
1801         return endLine(w)
1802     })
1803 }
1805 // reuse gives the same input bytes to all its tools in its `compose`-like
1806 // pipe/chain of commands: unlike the `compose` tool, steps in this tool's
1807 // chain are run in sequence, with no overlap
1808 func reuse(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1809     if len(args) == 0 {
1810         return wrongToolArgs{`expected at least 1 argument`, ``}
1811     }
1813     sep := args[0]
1814     cmds := splitSliceNonEmpty(args[1:], sep)
1816     input, err := io.ReadAll(r)
1817     if err != nil {
1818         return err
1819     }
1821     for _, cmd := range cmds {
1822         if err := run(w, bytes.NewReader(input), cmd); err != nil {
1823             return err
1824         }
1825     }
1826     return nil
1827 }
1829 // sha1encode turns input bytes into a ASCII-hex SHA-1 checksum line
1830 func sha1encode(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1831     return hashencode(w, r, sha1.New())
1832 }
1834 // sha256encode turns input bytes into a ASCII-hex SHA-256 checksum line
1835 func sha256encode(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1836     return hashencode(w, r, sha256.New())
1837 }
1839 // sha512encode turns input bytes into a ASCII-hex SHA-512 checksum line
1840 func sha512encode(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1841     return hashencode(w, r, sha512.New())
1842 }
1844 // hashencode is the common logic for several checksum-type tools
1845 func hashencode(w writer, r io.Reader, h hash.Hash) error {
1846     if _, err := io.Copy(h, r); err != nil {
1847         return noMoreOutput{}
1848     }
1849     enc := hex.NewEncoder(w)
1850     enc.Write(h.Sum(nil))
1851     return endLine(w)
1852 }
1854 // size counts input bytes
1855 func size(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1856     n, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, r)
1857     if err != nil {
1858         return err
1859     }
1860     writeInt(w, int(n))
1861     return endLine(w)
1862 }
1864 // skip ignores up to the first given number of input lines
1865 func skip(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1866     skip, err := optionalInteger(args, 1)
1867     if err != nil {
1868         return err
1869     }
1871     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1872         if i < skip {
1873             return nil
1874         }
1875         return writeln(w, line)
1876     })
1877 }
1879 // skipLast ignores the last few lines
1880 func skipLast(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1881     max, err := optionalInteger(args, 1)
1882     if err != nil {
1883         return err
1884     }
1886     if max < 1 {
1887         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1888             return writeln(w, line)
1889         })
1890     }
1892     index := 0
1893     var last [][]byte
1895     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1896         if len(last) < max {
1897             last = append(last, line)
1898             return nil
1899         }
1901         if err := writeln(w, last[index]); err != nil {
1902             return err
1903         }
1905         last[index] = line
1906         index = (index + 1) % len(last)
1907         return nil
1908     })
1909 }
1911 func soak(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
1912     var all []byte
1913     var chunk [bufferSize]byte
1915     for {
1916         got, err := r.Read(chunk[:])
1917         if err == io.EOF {
1918             all = append(all, chunk[:got]...)
1919             break
1920         }
1922         if err != nil {
1923             return err
1924         }
1926         all = append(all, chunk[:got]...)
1927     }
1929     w.Write(all)
1930     return nil
1931 }
1933 func split(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
1934     if len(args) == 0 {
1935         return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1936             return items(w, i, line)
1937         })
1938     }
1940     seps := make([][]byte, 0, len(args))
1941     for _, a := range args {
1942         seps = append(seps, []byte(a))
1943     }
1945     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
1946         for len(line) > 0 {
1947             i, j := indexAny(line, seps)
1949             if i < 0 {
1950                 if len(line) == 0 {
1951                     return nil
1952                 }
1953                 w.Write(line)
1954                 return endLine(w)
1955             }
1957             if i < j {
1958                 w.Write(line[:i])
1959                 if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
1960                     return err
1961                 }
1962             }
1964             line = line[j:]
1965         }
1967         return nil
1968     })
1969 }
1971 func splitAny(w writer, r io.Reader, seps string) error {
1972     return split(w, r, strings.Split(seps, ``))
1973 }
1975 // squeeze aggressively trims input lines, even turning runs of multiple
1976 // spaces into single spaces
1977 func squeeze(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
1978     for len(line) > 0 {
1979         line = bytes.TrimLeftFunc(line, func(r rune) bool {
1980             return r == ' '
1981         })
1983         i := bytes.IndexAny(line, " \t")
1984         if i < 0 {
1985             break
1986         }
1988         w.WriteByte(line[i])
1989         if err := write(w, line[:i]); err != nil {
1990             return err
1991         }
1993         line = line[i+1:]
1994     }
1996     // handle the last item in its line
1997     return writeln(w, line)
1998 }
2000 // stomp ignores leading/trailing empty lines, and turns runs of empty lines
2001 // into single empty lines
2002 func stomp(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
2003     nlines := 0
2004     empty := false
2006     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
2007         if len(line) == 0 {
2008             empty = true
2009             return nil
2010         }
2012         if empty && nlines > 0 {
2013             w.WriteByte('\n')
2014         }
2015         empty = false
2017         nlines++
2018         return writeln(w, line)
2019     })
2020 }
2022 // stringsTool detects all ASCII-type byte sequences from the input bytes,
2023 // whether those were intended as ASCII or not
2024 func stringsTool(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
2025     ascii := false
2026     var buf [bufferSize]byte
2028     for {
2029         n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
2030         if n < 1 {
2031             if err == io.EOF {
2032                 err = nil
2033             }
2034             if ascii {
2035                 if err == nil {
2036                     return endLine(w)
2037                 }
2038                 endLine(w)
2039             }
2040             return err
2041         }
2043         for _, b := range buf[:n] {
2044             if isSymbolASCII[b] {
2045                 ascii = true
2046                 w.WriteByte(b)
2047                 continue
2048             }
2050             if ascii {
2051                 ascii = false
2052                 if b == '\n' {
2053                     continue
2054                 }
2055                 if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
2056                     return err
2057                 }
2058             }
2059         }
2060     }
2061 }
2063 // tally keeps counts of each distinct input-line value, emitting the result
2064 // at the end as TSV lines sorted in reverse order, commonest lines first
2065 func tally(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
2066     tally := make(map[string]int)
2067     loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
2068         s := string(line)
2069         tally[s] += 1
2070         return nil
2071     })
2073     keys := make([]string, 0, len(tally))
2074     for k := range tally {
2075         keys = append(keys, k)
2076     }
2077     sort.SliceStable(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
2078         return tally[keys[j]] < tally[keys[i]]
2079     })
2081     w.WriteString("tally\tvalue\n")
2082     for _, k := range keys {
2083         writeInt(w, tally[k])
2084         w.WriteByte('\t')
2085         w.WriteString(k)
2086         if err := endLine(w); err != nil {
2087             return err
2088         }
2089     }
2090     return nil
2091 }
2093 // teletype simulates the cadence of old teletype machines
2094 func teletype(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2095     defer w.Flush()
2097     // make runs of empty lines go by very quickly
2098     if len(line) == 0 {
2099         return endLine(w)
2100     }
2102     // type symbols quickly
2103     for len(line) > 0 {
2104         r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
2105         line = line[size:]
2106         time.Sleep(15 * time.Millisecond)
2107         w.WriteRune(r)
2108         w.Flush()
2109     }
2111     // line-feeds from non-empty lines hang on for a bit, for suspense
2112     time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
2113     return endLine(w)
2114 }
2116 // today shows a line with the current date, including the names of both the
2117 // current month and the current weekday
2118 func today(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
2119     var buf [32]byte
2120     s := time.Now().AppendFormat(buf[:0], `2006-01-02 Jan Mon`)
2121     return writeln(w, s)
2122 }
2124 // title makes the first symbol in each line uppercase, lowercasing the rest
2125 func title(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2126     if len(line) == 0 {
2127         return endLine(w)
2128     }
2130     // uppercase leading symbol, and lowercase all later ones
2131     r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
2132     w.WriteRune(unicode.ToUpper(r))
2133     return lower(w, i, line[size:])
2134 }
2136 // topfiles finds all top/surface-level files in all the folder names given
2137 func topfiles(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
2138     return walktop(args, func(e fs.DirEntry) error {
2139         if e.IsDir() {
2140             return nil
2141         }
2142         w.WriteString(e.Name())
2143         return endLine(w)
2144     })
2145 }
2147 // topfiles finds all top/surface-level folders in all the folder names given
2148 func topfolders(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
2149     return walktop(args, func(e fs.DirEntry) error {
2150         if !e.IsDir() {
2151             return nil
2152         }
2153         w.WriteString(e.Name())
2154         return endLine(w)
2155     })
2156 }
2158 // trim ignores leading/trailing whitespace-type symbols in all lines
2159 func trim(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2160     return writeln(w, bytes.TrimSpace(line))
2161 }
2163 // trim ignores trailing whitespace-type symbols in all lines
2164 func trimend(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2165     return writeln(w, bytes.TrimRightFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace))
2166 }
2168 // tsv emits all tab-separated values from all input lines, each item shown
2169 // on its own output line
2170 func tsv(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2171     return loopTSV(line, func(i int, s []byte) error {
2172         return writeln(w, s)
2173     })
2174 }
2176 // unique avoids emitting the same input line more than once
2177 func unique(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
2178     got := make(map[string]struct{})
2180     return loopLines(r, func(i int, line []byte) error {
2181         s := string(line)
2182         if _, ok := got[s]; ok {
2183             return nil
2184         }
2186         got[s] = struct{}{}
2187         return writeln(w, line)
2188     })
2189 }
2191 // urify URI-encodes each input line
2192 func urify(w writer, i int, line []byte) error {
2193     // s := url.PathEscape(string(line))
2194     // w.WriteString(s)
2195     // return endLine(w)
2197     for len(line) > 0 {
2198         r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(line)
2199         line = line[size:]
2201         if r < 128 && uriUnescapedASCII[r] {
2202             w.WriteByte(byte(r))
2203             continue
2204         }
2206         const hex = `0123456789ABCDEF`
2207         const l = byte(len(hex))
2208         w.WriteByte('%')
2209         w.WriteByte(hex[byte(r)/l])
2210         w.WriteByte(hex[byte(r)%l])
2211     }
2213     return endLine(w)
2214 }
2216 // wait waits the given number of seconds, before running the tool given
2217 func wait(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
2218     sec, rest, err := requireLeadingNumber(args)
2219     if err != nil {
2220         return err
2221     }
2223     dt := time.Duration(sec * float64(time.Second))
2224     time.Sleep(dt)
2226     if len(rest) == 0 {
2227         return nil
2228     }
2229     return run(w, r, rest)
2230 }

     File: box/utf8.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "io"
   6     "unicode/utf16"
   7 )
   9 // readBytePairBE gets you a pair of bytes in big-endian (original) order
  10 func readBytePairBE(br *bufio.Reader) (byte, byte, error) {
  11     a, err := br.ReadByte()
  12     if err != nil {
  13         return a, 0, err
  14     }
  15     b, err := br.ReadByte()
  16     return a, b, err
  17 }
  19 // readBytePairLE gets you a pair of bytes in little-endian order
  20 func readBytePairLE(br *bufio.Reader) (byte, byte, error) {
  21     a, b, err := readBytePairBE(br)
  22     return b, a, err
  23 }
  25 // utf8Tool turns UTF-16 bytes (both kinds) and BOMed UTF-8 bytes into
  26 // proper UTF-8 bytes: this is one of the few text-related tools which
  27 // keeps CRLF sequences verbatim
  28 func utf8Tool(w writer, r io.Reader) error {
  29     br := bufio.NewReader(r)
  31     a, err := br.ReadByte()
  32     if err == io.EOF {
  33         return nil
  34     }
  35     if err != nil {
  36         return err
  37     }
  39     b, err := br.ReadByte()
  40     if err == io.EOF {
  41         w.WriteByte(a)
  42         return nil
  43     }
  44     if err != nil {
  45         return err
  46     }
  48     // handle potential leading UTF-8 BOM
  49     if a == 0xEF && b == 0xBB {
  50         c, err := br.ReadByte()
  51         if err == io.EOF {
  52             w.WriteByte(a)
  53             w.WriteByte(b)
  54             return nil
  55         }
  57         if err != nil {
  58             return err
  59         }
  61         if c != 0xBF {
  62             w.WriteByte(a)
  63             w.WriteByte(b)
  64             w.WriteByte(c)
  65         }
  67         if _, err := io.Copy(w, br); err != nil {
  68             return noMoreOutput{}
  69         }
  70     }
  72     // handle leading UTF-16 big-endian BOM
  73     if a == 0xFE && b == 0xFF {
  74         return deUTF16(w, br, readBytePairBE)
  75     }
  77     // handle leading UTF-16 little-endian BOM
  78     if a == 0xFF && b == 0xFE {
  79         return deUTF16(w, br, readBytePairLE)
  80     }
  82     // handle lack of leading UTF-16 BOM
  83     sym := rune(256*int(b) + int(a))
  85     if utf16.IsSurrogate(sym) {
  86         a, b, err := readBytePairLE(br)
  87         if err == io.EOF {
  88             return nil
  89         }
  90         if err != nil {
  91             return err
  92         }
  94         next := rune(256*int(a) + int(b))
  95         sym = utf16.DecodeRune(sym, next)
  96     }
  98     w.WriteRune(sym)
  99     return deUTF16(w, br, readBytePairLE)
 100 }
 102 // readPairFunc narrows source-code lines for func deUTF16
 103 type readPairFunc func(*bufio.Reader) (byte, byte, error)
 105 // deUTF16 is used by func utf8Tool
 106 func deUTF16(w writer, br *bufio.Reader, readPair readPairFunc) error {
 107     for {
 108         a, b, err := readPair(br)
 109         if err == io.EOF {
 110             return nil
 111         }
 112         if err != nil {
 113             return err
 114         }
 116         r := rune(256*int(a) + int(b))
 117         if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
 118             a, b, err := readPair(br)
 119             if err == io.EOF {
 120                 return nil
 121             }
 122             if err != nil {
 123                 return err
 124             }
 126             next := rune(256*int(a) + int(b))
 127             r = utf16.DecodeRune(r, next)
 128         }
 130         if _, err := w.WriteRune(r); err != nil {
 131             return noMoreOutput{}
 132         }
 133     }
 134 }

     File: box/wave.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "encoding/binary"
   5     "errors"
   6     "io"
   7     "math"
   8     "strconv"
   9 )
  11 // aiff header format
  12 //
  13 //
  14 //
  15 // wav header format
  16 //
  17 //
  18 //
  19 //
  21 const (
  22     // maxInt helps convert float64 values into int16 ones
  23     maxInt = 1<<15 - 1
  25     // wavIntPCM declares integer PCM sound-data in a wav header
  26     wavIntPCM = 1
  28     // wavFloatPCM declares floating-point PCM sound-data in a wav header
  29     wavFloatPCM = 3
  30 )
  32 type sampleFormat byte
  34 const (
  35     int16BE   sampleFormat = 1
  36     int16LE   sampleFormat = 2
  37     float32BE sampleFormat = 3
  38     float32LE sampleFormat = 4
  39 )
  41 // emitInt16LE writes a 16-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order
  42 func emitInt16LE(w io.Writer, f float64) (n int, err error) {
  43     // binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, int16(maxInt*f))
  44     var buf [2]byte
  45     binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(buf[:2], uint16(int16(maxInt*f)))
  46     return w.Write(buf[:2])
  47 }
  49 // emitFloat32LE writes a 32-bit float in little-endian byte order
  50 // func emitFloat32LE(w io.Writer, f float64) {
  51 //  var buf [4]byte
  52 //  binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], math.Float32bits(float32(f)))
  53 //  w.Write(buf[:4])
  54 // }
  56 // wavSettings is an item in the type2wavSettings table
  57 type wavSettings struct {
  58     Type          byte
  59     BitsPerSample byte
  60 }
  62 // type2wavSettings encodes values used when emitting wav headers
  63 var type2wavSettings = map[sampleFormat]wavSettings{
  64     int16LE:   {wavIntPCM, 16},
  65     float32LE: {wavFloatPCM, 32},
  66 }
  68 // waveOutputSettings are format-specific settings which are controlled by the
  69 // output-format option on the cmd-line
  70 type waveOutputSettings struct {
  71     Samples sampleFormat
  73     // MaxTime is the play duration of the resulting sound
  74     MaxTime float64
  76     // SampleRate is the number of samples per second for all channels
  77     SampleRate uint32
  79     // NumChannels is the number of output channels, either 1 or 2
  80     NumChannels byte
  81 }
  83 // emitWaveHeader writes the start of a valid .wav file: since it also starts
  84 // the wav data section and emits its size, you only need to write all samples
  85 // after calling this func
  86 func emitWaveHeader(w io.Writer, cfg waveOutputSettings) error {
  87     const fmtChunkSize = 16
  88     duration := cfg.MaxTime
  89     numchan := uint32(cfg.NumChannels)
  90     sampleRate := cfg.SampleRate
  92     ws, ok := type2wavSettings[cfg.Samples]
  93     if !ok {
  94         const pre = `internal error: invalid output-format code `
  95         return errors.New(pre + strconv.Itoa(int(cfg.Samples)))
  96     }
  97     kind := uint16(ws.Type)
  98     bps := uint32(ws.BitsPerSample)
 100     // byte rate
 101     br := sampleRate * bps * numchan / 8
 102     // data size in bytes
 103     dataSize := uint32(float64(br) * duration)
 104     // total file size
 105     totalSize := uint32(dataSize + 44)
 107     // general descriptor
 108     w.Write([]byte(`RIFF`))
 109     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(totalSize))
 110     w.Write([]byte(`WAVE`))
 112     // fmt chunk
 113     w.Write([]byte(`fmt `))
 114     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(fmtChunkSize))
 115     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(kind))
 116     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(numchan))
 117     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(sampleRate))
 118     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(br))
 119     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(bps*numchan/8))
 120     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(bps))
 122     // start data chunk
 123     w.Write([]byte(`data`))
 124     binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(dataSize))
 125     return nil
 126 }
 128 func tone(w writer, r io.Reader, args []string) error {
 129     switch len(args) {
 130     case 0:
 131         return emitTone(w, 2.0, 440)
 133     case 1:
 134         x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 135         if err != nil {
 136             return err
 137         }
 138         return emitTone(w, x, 440)
 140     case 2:
 141         x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
 142         if err != nil {
 143             return err
 144         }
 145         y, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[1], 64)
 146         if err != nil {
 147             return err
 148         }
 149         return emitTone(w, x, y)
 151     default:
 152         return wrongToolArgs{`expected no more than 2 args`, ``}
 153     }
 154 }
 156 func emitTone(w writer, seconds float64, frequency float64) error {
 157     const rate = 48_000
 158     const tau = 2 * math.Pi
 160     badSec := math.IsNaN(seconds) || math.IsInf(seconds, 0)
 161     badFreq := math.IsNaN(frequency) || math.IsInf(frequency, 0)
 162     if badSec || badFreq {
 163         return wrongToolArgs{`invalid numbers`, ``}
 164     }
 166     emitWaveHeader(w, waveOutputSettings{
 167         Samples:     int16LE,
 168         MaxTime:     math.Max(seconds, 0.0),
 169         SampleRate:  rate,
 170         NumChannels: 1,
 171     })
 173     if seconds < 0 {
 174         return nil
 175     }
 177     last := int(seconds * rate)
 178     dt := 1.0 / rate
 179     for i := 0; i < last; i++ {
 180         t := float64(i) * dt
 181         _, err := emitInt16LE(w.Writer, math.Sin(frequency*tau*t))
 182         if err != nil {
 183             return noMoreOutput{}
 184         }
 185     }
 186     return nil
 187 }