Screenshot of various tools piped together top-files | tl ... | ... Screenshot of the COunt BYtes script ... | largs coby | ... Screenshot of the HOrizontal Tables app (1st part) hot ... | less -KiCRS Screenshot of the HOrizontal Tables app (2nd part) hot ... | less -KiCRS Screenshot of the PODcast FEED app podfeed feeds.txt | si Screenshot of the HAndy Tools app hat | sbs ... | less ... Screenshot of the CAnadian EXchange app cadex 50_000 Screenshot of the HEXadecimal viewer app hex ... | sbs 2 | less ... Screenshot of the File INFO app finfo ... | vida ... Screenshot of the VIew DAta app in ANSI mode vida -tiles -n ... Screenshot of the VIew DAta app in HTML mode vida -n -to=html ... | si Screenshot of the CHange Units app chu ... Screenshot of the Function Heatmapper app fh ... | si Screenshot of the Function Heatmapper app fh ... | si Screenshot of the Function Heatmapper app fh ... | si Screenshot of the Wave Output app waveout -h 2>&1 | ... Screenshot of the Flat Regular Expression Printer app frep ... Screenshot of the Nice Numbers app nn Screenshot of the Expressions COloring LInes app seq 1500 | ecoli ... | sbs 30 Screenshot of the Query Tables app qt -port 1234 ... Screenshot of the VIew Pictures app vip photo-15*.webp | sbs 3 Screenshot of the VIew Pictures app vip ... world-map.jpg Screenshot of the VIew Pictures app curl ... | vip ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -h 2>&1 | sbs ... | ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf ... https://... Screenshot of Json Formulas the app jf ... | less -KiCRS Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -from=null -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -to=live ... Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -t ... | si Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -t ... | si Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -from null -t ... | si Screenshot of the Json Formulas app jf -t ... | si