File: inca.pyw 1 #!/usr/bin/python3 2 3 # The MIT License (MIT) 4 # 5 # Copyright © 2024 pacman64 6 # 7 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 8 # of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal 9 # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 10 # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 11 # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 12 # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 13 # 14 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 15 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 16 # 17 # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 18 # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 19 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 20 # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 21 # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 22 # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE 23 # SOFTWARE. 24 25 26 # inca.pyw 27 # 28 # INteger-input CAlculator is a GUI app which live-evaluates the python 29 # expression currently in its single-line input, re-running it as it changes 30 # for each value in the integer range defined by 2 more expressions. 31 32 33 from json import dumps 34 35 import math 36 from math import \ 37 acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, ceil, comb, \ 38 copysign, cos, cosh, degrees, dist, e, erf, erfc, exp, expm1, \ 39 fabs, factorial, floor, fmod, frexp, fsum, gamma, gcd, hypot, inf, \ 40 isclose, isfinite, isinf, isnan, isqrt, lcm, ldexp, lgamma, log, \ 41 log10, log1p, log2, modf, nan, nextafter, perm, pi, pow, prod, \ 42 radians, remainder, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, tau, trunc, ulp 43 try: 44 from math import cbrt, exp2 45 except Exception: 46 pass 47 48 from random import \ 49 betavariate, choice, choices, expovariate, gammavariate, gauss, \ 50 getrandbits, getstate, lognormvariate, normalvariate, paretovariate, \ 51 randbytes, randint, random, randrange, sample, seed, setstate, \ 52 shuffle, triangular, uniform, vonmisesvariate, weibullvariate 53 54 from statistics import \ 55 bisect_left, bisect_right, fmean, \ 56 geometric_mean, harmonic_mean, mean, median, \ 57 median_grouped, median_high, median_low, mode, multimode, pstdev, \ 58 pvariance, quantiles, stdev, variance 59 try: 60 from statistics import \ 61 correlation, covariance, linear_regression, mul, reduce 62 except Exception: 63 pass 64 65 from tkinter.ttk import Treeview 66 from tkinter.messagebox import showerror 67 from tkinter import Entry, Frame, Label, StringVar, Tk, END, LEFT 68 69 70 # some convenience aliases to various funcs from the python stdlib 71 geomean = geometric_mean 72 harmean = harmonic_mean 73 sd = stdev 74 popsd = pstdev 75 var = variance 76 popvar = pvariance 77 randbeta = betavariate 78 randexp = expovariate 79 randgamma = gammavariate 80 randlognorm = lognormvariate 81 randnorm = normalvariate 82 randweibull = weibullvariate 83 84 # some occasionally-useful values 85 kb = 1024 86 mb = 1024 * kb 87 gb = 1024 * mb 88 tb = 1024 * gb 89 pb = 1024 * tb 90 mole = 602214076000000000000000 91 mol = mole 92 93 # quick guide for the treeview-specific api 94 # 95 96 97 def update() -> None: 98 'Evaluates the current formula, then updates the bottom table.' 99 100 # try to get the range of input values 101 try: 102 start = int(eval(fromnum.get())) 103 stop = int(eval(tonum.get())) 104 except Exception: 105 return 106 107 # clear the output 108 for c in out.get_children(): 109 out.delete(c) 110 111 # update output rows 112 j = 0 # the actual row-insertion index 113 src = inp.get() 114 115 for i, n in enumerate(range(start, stop + 1)): 116 if i >= 1000: 117 # avoid hanging the GUI, so quit after calculating 1000 rows 118 break 119 120 # visually-separate groups of 5 rows by adding an empty one 121 if i > 0 and i % 5 == 0: 122 out.insert('', j, text='') 123 j += 1 124 125 # calculate formula-result for the current value 126 try: 127 x = n # allow x in formulas, as an alias for n 128 y = eval(src) 129 except Exception as e: 130 val = [f'{n}', f'{e}'] 131 out.insert('', j, text=f'{i + 1}', values=val) 132 133 # make it obvious an error just occurred and return 134 inp.config(bg='darkred', fg='white') 135 out.heading('result', text='f(n)') 136 return 137 138 # insert row with the current result 139 if isinstance(y, int) or isinstance(y, float): 140 val = [f'{n}', f'{y:,.6f}'] 141 else: 142 val = [f'{n}', str(y)] 143 out.insert('', j, text=f'{i + 1}', values=val) 144 j += 1 145 146 out.heading('result', text=src) 147 # reset style to indicate success 148 inp.config(bg='white', fg='black') 149 150 151 try: 152 win = Tk() 153 win.title('INteger-input CAlculator') 154 win.bind('<Escape>', lambda _: win.quit()) 155 156 # top of window: formula and integer-range inputs 157 top = Frame(win) 158 Label(top, text='f(n) = ', font=30).grid(row=0, column=0, padx=0) 159 inp = Entry(top, text=StringVar(value='n'), width=32, borderwidth=1) 160 inp.select_range(0, END) 161 inp.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=0, sticky='e') 162 inp.bind('<KeyRelease>', lambda _: update()) 163 inp.focus_set() 164 Label(top, text='n = ', font=20).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10) 165 fromnum = Entry(top, text=StringVar(value=1), width=6, borderwidth=1) 166 fromnum.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=2, sticky='e') 167 fromnum.bind('<KeyRelease>', lambda _: update()) 168 Label(top, text=' .. ', font=20).grid(row=0, column=4, padx=0) 169 tonum = Entry(top, text=StringVar(value=40), width=6, borderwidth=1) 170 tonum.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=2, sticky='e') 171 tonum.bind('<KeyRelease>', lambda _: update()) 172 top.pack(padx=1, pady=1, anchor='e') 173 174 # bottom of window only has results table 175 bottom = Frame(win) 176 out = Treeview(bottom, column=['n', 'result'], height=48) 177 out.heading('#0', text='#') 178 out.column('#0', width=80) 179 out.heading('n', text='n') 180 out.column('n', width=80, anchor='e') 181 out.heading('result', text='f(n)') 182 out.column('result', width=360, anchor='e') 183 out.pack() 184 bottom.pack(side=LEFT, padx=1, pady=1) 185 186 # show results and run gui 187 update() 188 win.mainloop() 189 except Exception as e: 190 showerror('Error', str(e)) 191 win.quit()