File: si/config.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "flag"
   5     "fmt"
   6     "strings"
   7 )
   9 // config is the result of parsing all cmd-line arguments the app was given
  10 type config struct {
  11     // From is an optional hint for the source data format, and disables
  12     // type-autodetection when it's non-empty
  13     From string
  15     // Autoplay autoplays audio/video data from stdin
  16     Autoplay bool
  17 }
  19 const (
  20     fromUsage = `` +
  21         `declare MIME-type, disabling type-autodetection; ` +
  22         `use when MIME-type autodetection fails, or to use a ` +
  23         `charset different from UTF-8`
  25     mimeUsage     = `alias for option -from`
  26     playUsage     = `alias for option -autoplay`
  27     autoplayUsage = `autoplay; useful only when stdin has audio/video data`
  28 )
  30 // parseFlags is the constructor for type config
  31 func parseFlags(usage string) config {
  32     flag.Usage = func() {
  33         fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), "%s\n\nOptions\n\n", usage)
  34         flag.PrintDefaults()
  35     }
  37     var cfg config
  38     flag.StringVar(&cfg.From, `from`, cfg.From, fromUsage)
  39     flag.StringVar(&cfg.From, `mime`, cfg.From, mimeUsage)
  40     flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Autoplay, `play`, cfg.Autoplay, playUsage)
  41     flag.BoolVar(&cfg.Autoplay, `autoplay`, cfg.Autoplay, autoplayUsage)
  42     flag.Parse()
  44     cfg.From = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(cfg.From))
  45     if mime, ok := nameToMIME(cfg.From); ok {
  46         cfg.From = mime
  47     }
  48     return cfg
  49 }
  51 // serveConfig has all details func serveOnce needs
  52 type serveConfig struct {
  53     // ContentType is the MIME type of what's being served
  54     ContentType string
  56     // ContentLength is the byte-count of what's being served; negative
  57     // values are ignored
  58     ContentLength int
  60     // Autoplay autoplays audio/video data from stdin
  61     Autoplay bool
  62 }

     File: si/data.go
   1 package main
   3 // all the MIME types used/recognized in this package
   4 const (
   5     aiff    = `audio/aiff`
   6     au      = `audio/basic`
   7     avi     = `video/avi`
   8     avif    = `image/avif`
   9     bmp     = `image/x-bmp`
  10     caf     = `audio/x-caf`
  11     cur     = `image/`
  12     css     = `text/css`
  13     csv     = `text/csv`
  14     djvu    = `image/x-djvu`
  15     elf     = `application/x-elf`
  16     exe     = `application/`
  17     flac    = `audio/x-flac`
  18     gif     = `image/gif`
  19     gz      = `application/gzip`
  20     heic    = `image/heic`
  21     htm     = `text/html`
  22     html    = `text/html`
  23     ico     = `image/x-icon`
  24     iso     = `application/octet-stream`
  25     jpg     = `image/jpeg`
  26     jpeg    = `image/jpeg`
  27     js      = `application/javascript`
  28     json    = `application/json`
  29     m4a     = `audio/aac`
  30     m4v     = `video/x-m4v`
  31     mid     = `audio/midi`
  32     mov     = `video/quicktime`
  33     mp4     = `video/mp4`
  34     mp3     = `audio/mpeg`
  35     mpg     = `video/mpeg`
  36     ogg     = `audio/ogg`
  37     opus    = `audio/opus`
  38     pdf     = `application/pdf`
  39     png     = `image/png`
  40     ps      = `application/postscript`
  41     psd     = `image/vnd.adobe.photoshop`
  42     rtf     = `application/rtf`
  43     sqlite3 = `application/x-sqlite3`
  44     svg     = `image/svg+xml`
  45     text    = `text/plain`
  46     tiff    = `image/tiff`
  47     tsv     = `text/tsv`
  48     wasm    = `application/wasm`
  49     wav     = `audio/x-wav`
  50     webp    = `image/webp`
  51     webm    = `video/webm`
  52     xml     = `application/xml`
  53     zip     = `application/zip`
  54     zst     = `application/zstd`
  55 )
  57 // type2mime turns dotless format-names into MIME types
  58 var type2mime = map[string]string{
  59     `aiff`:    aiff,
  60     `wav`:     wav,
  61     `avi`:     avi,
  62     `jpg`:     jpg,
  63     `jpeg`:    jpeg,
  64     `m4a`:     m4a,
  65     `mp4`:     mp4,
  66     `m4v`:     m4v,
  67     `mov`:     mov,
  68     `png`:     png,
  69     `avif`:    avif,
  70     `webp`:    webp,
  71     `gif`:     gif,
  72     `tiff`:    tiff,
  73     `psd`:     psd,
  74     `flac`:    flac,
  75     `webm`:    webm,
  76     `mpg`:     mpg,
  77     `zip`:     zip,
  78     `gz`:      gz,
  79     `zst`:     zst,
  80     `mp3`:     mp3,
  81     `opus`:    opus,
  82     `bmp`:     bmp,
  83     `mid`:     mid,
  84     `ogg`:     ogg,
  85     `html`:    html,
  86     `htm`:     htm,
  87     `svg`:     svg,
  88     `xml`:     xml,
  89     `rtf`:     rtf,
  90     `pdf`:     pdf,
  91     `ps`:      ps,
  92     `au`:      au,
  93     `ico`:     ico,
  94     `cur`:     cur,
  95     `caf`:     caf,
  96     `heic`:    heic,
  97     `sqlite3`: sqlite3,
  98     `elf`:     elf,
  99     `exe`:     exe,
 100     `wasm`:    wasm,
 101     `iso`:     iso,
 102     `txt`:     text,
 103     `css`:     css,
 104     `csv`:     csv,
 105     `tsv`:     tsv,
 106     `js`:      js,
 107     `json`:    json,
 108     `geojson`: json,
 109 }
 111 // formatDescriptor ties a file-header pattern to its data-format type
 112 type formatDescriptor struct {
 113     Header []byte
 114     Type   string
 115 }
 117 // can be anything: ensure this value differs from all other literal bytes
 118 // in the generic-headers table: failing that, its value could cause subtle
 119 // type-misdetection bugs
 120 const cba = 0xFD // 253, which is > 127, the highest-valued ascii symbol
 122 // dash-streamed m4a format
 123 var m4aDash = []byte{
 124     cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'd', 'a', 's', 'h',
 125     000, 000, 000, 000, 'i', 's', 'o', '6', 'm', 'p', '4', '1',
 126 }
 128 // format markers with leading wildcards, which should be checked before the
 129 // normal ones: this is to prevent mismatches with the latter types, even
 130 // though you can make probabilistic arguments which suggest these mismatches
 131 // should be very unlikely in practice
 132 var specialHeaders = []formatDescriptor{
 133     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', '4', 'A', ' '}, m4a},
 134     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', '4', 'A', 000}, m4a},
 135     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'M', 'S', 'N', 'V'}, mp4},
 136     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'i', 's', 'o', 'm'}, mp4},
 137     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'm', 'p', '4', '2'}, m4v},
 138     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'q', 't', ' ', ' '}, mov},
 139     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'h', 'e', 'i', 'c'}, heic},
 140     {[]byte{cba, cba, cba, cba, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'a', 'v', 'i', 'f'}, avif},
 141     {m4aDash, m4a},
 142 }
 144 // sqlite3 database format
 145 var sqlite3db = []byte{
 146     'S', 'Q', 'L', 'i', 't', 'e', ' ',
 147     'f', 'o', 'r', 'm', 'a', 't', ' ', '3',
 148     000,
 149 }
 151 // windows-variant bitmap file-header, which is followed by a byte-counter for
 152 // the 40-byte infoheader which follows that
 153 var winbmp = []byte{
 154     'B', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, cba, 40,
 155 }
 157 // deja-vu document format
 158 var djv = []byte{
 159     'A', 'T', '&', 'T', 'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'D', 'J', 'V',
 160 }
 162 var doctypeHTML = []byte{
 163     '<', '!', 'D', 'O', 'C', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', ' ', 'h', 't', 'm', 'l', '>',
 164 }
 166 // hdrDispatch groups format-description-groups by their first byte, thus
 167 // shortening total lookups for some data header: notice how the `ftyp` data
 168 // formats aren't handled here, since these can start with any byte, instead
 169 // of the literal value of the any-byte markers they use
 170 var hdrDispatch = [256][]formatDescriptor{
 171     {
 172         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 0xBA}, mpg},
 173         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 0xB3}, mpg},
 174         {[]byte{000, 000, 001, 000}, ico},
 175         {[]byte{000, 000, 002, 000}, cur},
 176         {[]byte{000, 'a', 's', 'm'}, wasm},
 177     }, // 0
 178     nil, // 1
 179     nil, // 2
 180     nil, // 3
 181     nil, // 4
 182     nil, // 5
 183     nil, // 6
 184     nil, // 7
 185     nil, // 8
 186     nil, // 9
 187     nil, // 10
 188     nil, // 11
 189     nil, // 12
 190     nil, // 13
 191     nil, // 14
 192     nil, // 15
 193     nil, // 16
 194     nil, // 17
 195     nil, // 18
 196     nil, // 19
 197     nil, // 20
 198     nil, // 21
 199     nil, // 22
 200     nil, // 23
 201     nil, // 24
 202     nil, // 25
 203     {
 204         {[]byte{0x1A, 0x45, 0xDF, 0xA3}, webm},
 205     }, // 26
 206     nil, // 27
 207     nil, // 28
 208     nil, // 29
 209     nil, // 30
 210     {
 211         // {[]byte{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08, 0x08}, gz},
 212         {[]byte{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08}, gz},
 213     }, // 31
 214     nil, // 32
 215     nil, // 33 !
 216     nil, // 34 "
 217     {
 218         {[]byte{'#', '!', ' '}, text},
 219         {[]byte{'#', '!', '/'}, text},
 220     }, // 35 #
 221     nil, // 36 $
 222     {
 223         {[]byte{'%', 'P', 'D', 'F'}, pdf},
 224         {[]byte{'%', '!', 'P', 'S'}, ps},
 225     }, // 37 %
 226     nil, // 38 &
 227     nil, // 39 '
 228     {
 229         {[]byte{0x28, 0xB5, 0x2F, 0xFD}, zst},
 230     }, // 40 (
 231     nil, // 41 )
 232     nil, // 42 *
 233     nil, // 43 +
 234     nil, // 44 ,
 235     nil, // 45 -
 236     {
 237         {[]byte{'.', 's', 'n', 'd'}, au},
 238     }, // 46 .
 239     nil, // 47 /
 240     nil, // 48 0
 241     nil, // 49 1
 242     nil, // 50 2
 243     nil, // 51 3
 244     nil, // 52 4
 245     nil, // 53 5
 246     nil, // 54 6
 247     nil, // 55 7
 248     {
 249         {[]byte{'8', 'B', 'P', 'S'}, psd},
 250     }, // 56 8
 251     nil, // 57 9
 252     nil, // 58 :
 253     nil, // 59 ;
 254     {
 255         // func checkDoc is better for these, since it's case-insensitive
 256         {doctypeHTML, html},
 257         {[]byte{'<', 's', 'v', 'g'}, svg},
 258         {[]byte{'<', 'h', 't', 'm', 'l', '>'}, html},
 259         {[]byte{'<', 'h', 'e', 'a', 'd', '>'}, html},
 260         {[]byte{'<', 'b', 'o', 'd', 'y', '>'}, html},
 261         {[]byte{'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l'}, xml},
 262     }, // 60 <
 263     nil, // 61 =
 264     nil, // 62 >
 265     nil, // 63 ?
 266     nil, // 64 @
 267     {
 268         {djv, djvu},
 269     }, // 65 A
 270     {
 271         {winbmp, bmp},
 272     }, // 66 B
 273     nil, // 67 C
 274     nil, // 68 D
 275     nil, // 69 E
 276     {
 277         {[]byte{'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'I', 'F', 'F'}, aiff},
 278         {[]byte{'F', 'O', 'R', 'M', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'I', 'F', 'C'}, aiff},
 279     }, // 70 F
 280     {
 281         {[]byte{'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '7', 'a'}, gif},
 282         {[]byte{'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '9', 'a'}, gif},
 283     }, // 71 G
 284     nil, // 72 H
 285     {
 286         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 2}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 287         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 3}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 288         {[]byte{'I', 'D', '3', 4}, mp3}, // ID3-format metadata
 289         {[]byte{'I', 'I', '*', 000}, tiff},
 290     }, // 73 I
 291     nil, // 74 J
 292     nil, // 75 K
 293     nil, // 76 L
 294     {
 295         {[]byte{'M', 'M', 000, '*'}, tiff},
 296         {[]byte{'M', 'T', 'h', 'd'}, mid},
 297         {[]byte{'M', 'Z', cba, 000, cba, 000}, exe},
 298         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 0x90, 000, 003, 000}, exe},
 299         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 0x78, 000, 001, 000}, exe},
 300         // {[]byte{'M', 'Z', 'P', 000, 002, 000}, exe},
 301     }, // 77 M
 302     nil, // 78 N
 303     {
 304         {[]byte{'O', 'g', 'g', 'S'}, ogg},
 305     }, // 79 O
 306     {
 307         {[]byte{'P', 'K', 003, 004}, zip},
 308     }, // 80 P
 309     nil, // 81 Q
 310     {
 311         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'W', 'E', 'B', 'P'}, webp},
 312         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E'}, wav},
 313         {[]byte{'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' '}, avi},
 314     }, // 82 R
 315     {
 316         {sqlite3db, sqlite3},
 317     }, // 83 S
 318     nil, // 84 T
 319     nil, // 85 U
 320     nil, // 86 V
 321     nil, // 87 W
 322     nil, // 88 X
 323     nil, // 89 Y
 324     nil, // 90 Z
 325     nil, // 91 [
 326     nil, // 92 \
 327     nil, // 93 ]
 328     nil, // 94 ^
 329     nil, // 95 _
 330     nil, // 96 `
 331     nil, // 97 a
 332     nil, // 98 b
 333     {
 334         {[]byte{'c', 'a', 'f', 'f', 000, 001, 000, 000}, caf},
 335     }, // 99 c
 336     nil, // 100 d
 337     nil, // 101 e
 338     {
 339         {[]byte{'f', 'L', 'a', 'C'}, flac},
 340     }, // 102 f
 341     nil, // 103 g
 342     nil, // 104 h
 343     nil, // 105 i
 344     nil, // 106 j
 345     nil, // 107 k
 346     nil, // 108 l
 347     nil, // 109 m
 348     nil, // 110 n
 349     nil, // 111 o
 350     nil, // 112 p
 351     nil, // 113 q
 352     nil, // 114 r
 353     nil, // 115 s
 354     nil, // 116 t
 355     nil, // 117 u
 356     nil, // 118 v
 357     nil, // 119 w
 358     nil, // 120 x
 359     nil, // 121 y
 360     nil, // 122 z
 361     {
 362         {[]byte{'{', '\\', 'r', 't', 'f'}, rtf},
 363     }, // 123 {
 364     nil, // 124 |
 365     nil, // 125 }
 366     nil, // 126
 367     {
 368         {[]byte{127, 'E', 'L', 'F'}, elf},
 369     }, // 127
 370     nil, // 128
 371     nil, // 129
 372     nil, // 130
 373     nil, // 131
 374     nil, // 132
 375     nil, // 133
 376     nil, // 134
 377     nil, // 135
 378     nil, // 136
 379     {
 380         {[]byte{0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A}, png},
 381     }, // 137
 382     nil, // 138
 383     nil, // 139
 384     nil, // 140
 385     nil, // 141
 386     nil, // 142
 387     nil, // 143
 388     nil, // 144
 389     nil, // 145
 390     nil, // 146
 391     nil, // 147
 392     nil, // 148
 393     nil, // 149
 394     nil, // 150
 395     nil, // 151
 396     nil, // 152
 397     nil, // 153
 398     nil, // 154
 399     nil, // 155
 400     nil, // 156
 401     nil, // 157
 402     nil, // 158
 403     nil, // 159
 404     nil, // 160
 405     nil, // 161
 406     nil, // 162
 407     nil, // 163
 408     nil, // 164
 409     nil, // 165
 410     nil, // 166
 411     nil, // 167
 412     nil, // 168
 413     nil, // 169
 414     nil, // 170
 415     nil, // 171
 416     nil, // 172
 417     nil, // 173
 418     nil, // 174
 419     nil, // 175
 420     nil, // 176
 421     nil, // 177
 422     nil, // 178
 423     nil, // 179
 424     nil, // 180
 425     nil, // 181
 426     nil, // 182
 427     nil, // 183
 428     nil, // 184
 429     nil, // 185
 430     nil, // 186
 431     nil, // 187
 432     nil, // 188
 433     nil, // 189
 434     nil, // 190
 435     nil, // 191
 436     nil, // 192
 437     nil, // 193
 438     nil, // 194
 439     nil, // 195
 440     nil, // 196
 441     nil, // 197
 442     nil, // 198
 443     nil, // 199
 444     nil, // 200
 445     nil, // 201
 446     nil, // 202
 447     nil, // 203
 448     nil, // 204
 449     nil, // 205
 450     nil, // 206
 451     nil, // 207
 452     nil, // 208
 453     nil, // 209
 454     nil, // 210
 455     nil, // 211
 456     nil, // 212
 457     nil, // 213
 458     nil, // 214
 459     nil, // 215
 460     nil, // 216
 461     nil, // 217
 462     nil, // 218
 463     nil, // 219
 464     nil, // 220
 465     nil, // 221
 466     nil, // 222
 467     nil, // 223
 468     nil, // 224
 469     nil, // 225
 470     nil, // 226
 471     nil, // 227
 472     nil, // 228
 473     nil, // 229
 474     nil, // 230
 475     nil, // 231
 476     nil, // 232
 477     nil, // 233
 478     nil, // 234
 479     nil, // 235
 480     nil, // 236
 481     nil, // 237
 482     nil, // 238
 483     nil, // 239
 484     nil, // 240
 485     nil, // 241
 486     nil, // 242
 487     nil, // 243
 488     nil, // 244
 489     nil, // 245
 490     nil, // 246
 491     nil, // 247
 492     nil, // 248
 493     nil, // 249
 494     nil, // 250
 495     nil, // 251
 496     nil, // 252
 497     nil, // 253
 498     nil, // 254
 499     {
 500         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF}, jpg},
 501         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xF3, 0x48, 0xC4, 0x00}, mp3},
 502         {[]byte{0xFF, 0xFB}, mp3},
 503     }, // 255
 504 }

     File: si/data_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "strconv"
   5     "testing"
   6 )
   8 func TestData(t *testing.T) {
   9     t.Run(`could-be-anything constant`, func(t *testing.T) {
  10         if len(hdrDispatch[cba]) != 0 {
  11             const fs = `chosen constant %d collides with header entries`
  12             t.Fatalf(fs, cba)
  13         }
  14     })
  16     for i, v := range hdrDispatch {
  17         t.Run(`dispatch @ `+strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
  18             const fs = `expected leading byte to be %d, but got %d instead`
  19             for _, e := range v {
  20                 if e.Header[0] != byte(i) {
  21                     t.Fatalf(fs, i, e.Header[0])
  22                     return
  23                 }
  24             }
  25         })
  26     }
  27 }

     File: si/filetypes.go
   1 package main
   3 import "bytes"
   5 // nameToMIME tries to match a MIME type to a filename, dotted file extension,
   6 // or a dot-less filetype/extension given
   7 func nameToMIME(fname string) (mimeType string, ok bool) {
   8     // handle dotless file types and filenames alike
   9     kind, ok := type2mime[makeDotless(fname)]
  10     return kind, ok
  11 }
  13 // detectMIME guesses the first appropriate MIME type from the first few
  14 // data bytes given: 24 bytes are enough to detect all supported types
  15 func detectMIME(b []byte) (mimeType string, ok bool) {
  16     t, ok := detectType(b)
  17     if ok {
  18         return t, true
  19     }
  20     return ``, false
  21 }
  23 // detectType guesses the first appropriate file type for the data given:
  24 // here the type is a a filename extension without the leading dot
  25 func detectType(b []byte) (dotlessExt string, ok bool) {
  26     // empty data, so there's no way to detect anything
  27     if len(b) == 0 {
  28         return ``, false
  29     }
  31     // check for plain-text web-document formats case-insensitively
  32     kind, ok := checkDoc(b)
  33     if ok {
  34         return kind, true
  35     }
  37     // check data formats which allow any byte at the start
  38     kind, ok = checkSpecial(b)
  39     if ok {
  40         return kind, true
  41     }
  43     // check all other supported data formats
  44     headers := hdrDispatch[b[0]]
  45     for _, t := range headers {
  46         if hasPrefixPattern(b[1:], t.Header[1:], cba) {
  47             return t.Type, true
  48         }
  49     }
  51     // unrecognized data format
  52     return ``, false
  53 }
  55 // checkDoc tries to guess if the bytes given are the start of HTML, SVG,
  56 // XML, or JSON data
  57 func checkDoc(b []byte) (kind string, ok bool) {
  58     // ignore leading whitespaces
  59     b = trimLeadingWhitespace(b)
  61     // can't detect anything with empty data
  62     if len(b) == 0 {
  63         return ``, false
  64     }
  66     // handle HTML/SVG/XML documents
  67     if hasPrefixByte(b, '<') {
  68         if hasPrefixFold(b, []byte{'<', '?', 'x', 'm', 'l'}) {
  69             if bytes.Contains(b, []byte{'<', 's', 'v', 'g'}) {
  70                 return svg, true
  71             }
  72             return xml, true
  73         }
  75         headers := hdrDispatch['<']
  76         for _, v := range headers {
  77             if hasPrefixFold(b, v.Header) {
  78                 return v.Type, true
  79             }
  80         }
  81         return ``, false
  82     }
  84     // handle JSON with top-level arrays
  85     if hasPrefixByte(b, '[') {
  86         // match [", or [[, or [{, ignoring spaces between
  87         b = trimLeadingWhitespace(b[1:])
  88         if len(b) > 0 {
  89             switch b[0] {
  90             case '"', '[', '{':
  91                 return json, true
  92             }
  93         }
  94         return ``, false
  95     }
  97     // handle JSON with top-level objects
  98     if hasPrefixByte(b, '{') {
  99         // match {", ignoring spaces between: after {, the only valid syntax
 100         // which can follow is the opening quote for the expected object-key
 101         b = trimLeadingWhitespace(b[1:])
 102         if hasPrefixByte(b, '"') {
 103             return json, true
 104         }
 105         return ``, false
 106     }
 108     // checking for a quoted string, any of the JSON keywords, or even a
 109     // number seems too ambiguous to declare the data valid JSON
 111     // no web-document format detected
 112     return ``, false
 113 }
 115 // checkSpecial handles special file-format headers, which should be checked
 116 // before the normal file-type headers, since the first-byte dispatch algo
 117 // doesn't work for these
 118 func checkSpecial(b []byte) (kind string, ok bool) {
 119     if len(b) >= 8 && bytes.Index(b, []byte{'f', 't', 'y', 'p'}) == 4 {
 120         for _, t := range specialHeaders {
 121             if hasPrefixPattern(b[4:], t.Header[4:], cba) {
 122                 return t.Type, true
 123             }
 124         }
 125     }
 126     return ``, false
 127 }
 129 // hasPrefixPattern works like bytes.HasPrefix, except it allows for a special
 130 // value to signal any byte is allowed on specific spots
 131 func hasPrefixPattern(what []byte, pat []byte, wildcard byte) bool {
 132     // if the data are shorter than the pattern to match, there's no match
 133     if len(what) < len(pat) {
 134         return false
 135     }
 137     // use a slice which ensures the pattern length is never exceeded
 138     what = what[:len(pat)]
 140     for i, x := range what {
 141         y := pat[i]
 142         if x != y && y != wildcard {
 143             return false
 144         }
 145     }
 146     return true
 147 }

     File: si/filetypes_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "testing"
   6 )
   8 func TestCheckDoc(t *testing.T) {
   9     const (
  10         lf       = "\n"
  11         crlf     = "\r\n"
  12         tab      = "\t"
  13         xmlIntro = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>`
  14     )
  16     tests := []struct {
  17         Input    string
  18         Expected string
  19     }{
  20         {``, ``},
  21         {`{"abc":123}`, json},
  22         {`[` + lf + ` {"abc":123}`, json},
  23         {`[` + lf + `  {"abc":123}`, json},
  24         {`[` + crlf + tab + `{"abc":123}`, json},
  26         {``, ``},
  27         {`<?xml?>`, xml},
  28         {`<?xml?><records>`, xml},
  29         {`<?xml?>` + lf + `<records>`, xml},
  30         {`<?xml?><svg>`, svg},
  31         {`<?xml?>` + crlf + `<svg>`, svg},
  32         {xmlIntro + lf + `<svg`, svg},
  33         {xmlIntro + crlf + `<svg`, svg},
  34     }
  36     for _, tc := range tests {
  37         t.Run(tc.Input, func(t *testing.T) {
  38             res, _ := checkDoc([]byte(tc.Input))
  39             if res != tc.Expected {
  40                 t.Fatalf(`got %v, expected %v instead`, res, tc.Expected)
  41             }
  42         })
  43     }
  44 }
  46 func TestHasPrefixPattern(t *testing.T) {
  47     var (
  48         data = []byte{
  49             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0xf0, 0xba, 0xc8, 0x2b, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  50         }
  51         pat = []byte{
  52             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  53         }
  54     )
  56     if !hasPrefixPattern(data, pat, cba) {
  57         t.Fatal(`wildcard pattern not working`)
  58     }
  59 }
  61 func BenchmarkHasPrefixMatch(b *testing.B) {
  62     var (
  63         data = []byte{
  64             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0xf0, 0xba, 0xc8, 0x2b, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  65         }
  66         pat = []byte{
  67             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  68         }
  69     )
  71     b.ReportAllocs()
  72     b.ResetTimer()
  74     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  75         if !bytes.HasPrefix(data, pat) {
  76             b.Fatal(`pattern was specifically chosen to match, but didn't`)
  77         }
  78     }
  79 }
  81 func BenchmarkHasPrefixPatternMatch(b *testing.B) {
  82     var (
  83         data = []byte{
  84             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0xf0, 0xba, 0xc8, 0x2b, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  85         }
  86         pat = []byte{
  87             'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', cba, cba, cba, cba, 'A', 'V', 'I', ' ',
  88         }
  89     )
  91     b.ReportAllocs()
  92     b.ResetTimer()
  94     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  95         if !hasPrefixPattern(data, pat, cba) {
  96             b.Fatal(`pattern was specifically chosen to match, but didn't`)
  97         }
  98     }
  99 }

     File: si/go.mod
   1 module si
   3 go 1.18

     File: si/http.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bufio"
   5     "encoding/base64"
   6     "fmt"
   7     "io"
   8     "net"
   9 )
  11 const (
  12     // maxbufsize is the max capacity the HTTP-protocol line-scanners are
  13     // allowed to reach
  14     maxbufsize = 128 * 1024
  16     // beforeAudio starts HTML webpage with just an audio player
  17     beforeAudio = `<!DOCTYPE html>
  18 <html>
  19 <head>
  20   <meta charset="UTF-8">
  21   <link rel="icon" href="data:,">
  22   <title>wave sound</title>
  23   <style>
  24     body { margin: 2rem auto; width: 90vw; }
  25     audio { margin: auto; width: 100%; }
  26   </style>
  27 </head>
  28 <body>
  29   <audio controls autofocus src="`
  31     // beforeAutoplayAudio starts HTML webpage with just an audio player
  32     // in autoplay mode
  33     beforeAutoplayAudio = `<!DOCTYPE html>
  34     <html>
  35     <head>
  36       <meta charset="UTF-8">
  37       <link rel="icon" href="data:,">
  38       <title>wave sound</title>
  39       <style>
  40         body { margin: 2rem auto; width: 90vw; }
  41         audio { margin: auto; width: 100%; }
  42       </style>
  43     </head>
  44     <body>
  45       <audio controls autofocus autoplay src="`
  47     // afterAudio ends HTML webpage with just an audio player
  48     afterAudio = "\"></audio>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
  50     // beforeBitmap starts HTML webpage with just an image
  51     beforeBitmap = `<!DOCTYPE html>
  52 <html>
  53 <head>
  54   <meta charset="UTF-8">
  55   <link rel="icon" href="data:,">
  56   <title>bitmap image</title>
  57   <style>
  58     body { margin: 0.5rem auto; width: 90vw; }
  59     img { margin: auto; width: 100%; }
  60   </style>
  61 </head>
  62 <body>
  63   <img src="`
  65     // afterBitmap ends HTML webpage with just an image
  66     afterBitmap = "\"></img>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
  67 )
  69 // serveOnce literally serves a single web request and no more
  70 func serveOnce(start []byte, rest io.Reader, cfg serveConfig) error {
  71     // pick a random port from the currently-available ones
  72     srv, err := net.Listen(`tcp`, ``)
  73     if err != nil {
  74         return err
  75     }
  76     defer srv.Close()
  78     // open a new browser tab for that localhost port
  79     err = showURI(fmt.Sprintf(`http://%s`, srv.Addr().String()))
  80     if err != nil {
  81         return err
  82     }
  84     // accept first connection: no need for async as the server quits after
  85     // its first response
  86     conn, err := srv.Accept()
  87     if err != nil {
  88         return err
  89     }
  90     defer conn.Close()
  92     respond(conn, start, rest, cfg)
  93     return nil
  94 }
  96 // respond reads/ignores all request headers, and then replies with some
  97 // content given, quitting immediately after
  98 func respond(conn net.Conn, start []byte, rest io.Reader, cfg serveConfig) {
  99     sc := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
 100     sc.Buffer(nil, maxbufsize)
 101     for sc.Scan() && sc.Text() != `` {
 102         // ignore all request headers
 103     }
 105     switch cfg.ContentType {
 106     case `audio/wav`, `audio/wave`, `audio/x-wav`, `audio/aiff`, `audio/x-aiff`:
 107         // force browser to play wave and aiff sounds, instead of showing
 108         // a useless download-file option; encode audio bytes as data-URI
 109         // in an intermediate buffer
 111         writePreludeHTTP(conn, `text/html; charset=UTF-8`, -1)
 112         // emit opening HTML right until <audio controls src="
 113         if cfg.Autoplay {
 114             fmt.Fprint(conn, beforeAutoplayAudio)
 115         } else {
 116             fmt.Fprint(conn, beforeAudio)
 117         }
 118         // emit the data-URI
 119         writeBase64(conn, cfg.ContentType, start, rest)
 120         // emit closing HTML after data-URI audio
 121         fmt.Fprint(conn, afterAudio)
 122         return
 124     case `image/bmp`, `image/x-bmp`:
 125         // force browser to show bitmap pictures, instead of showing a
 126         // useless download-file option; encode picture bytes as data-URI
 127         // in an intermediate buffer
 129         writePreludeHTTP(conn, `text/html; charset=UTF-8`, -1)
 130         // emit opening HTML right until <img src="
 131         fmt.Fprint(conn, beforeBitmap)
 132         // emit the data-URI
 133         writeBase64(conn, cfg.ContentType, start, rest)
 134         // emit closing HTML after data-URI image
 135         fmt.Fprint(conn, afterBitmap)
 136         return
 138     default:
 139         writePreludeHTTP(conn, cfg.ContentType, cfg.ContentLength)
 140         // send the starting bytes used to auto-detect the content-type
 141         conn.Write(start)
 142         // send rest of payload at light-speed
 143         io.Copy(conn, rest)
 144     }
 145 }
 147 func writePreludeHTTP(conn net.Conn, contentType string, contentLength int) {
 148     // respond right after the first empty line, which always follows the
 149     // request's headers
 150     fmt.Fprint(conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
 151     fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", contentType)
 152     if contentLength > 0 {
 153         fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", contentLength)
 154     }
 156     // prevent download-dialog or auto-download from the browser's part
 157     fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n")
 158     // tell browser this is the last request
 159     fmt.Fprint(conn, "Connection: close\r\n")
 160     // payload starts right after an empty line
 161     fmt.Fprint(conn, "\r\n")
 162 }
 164 func writeBase64(conn net.Conn, mimeType string, start []byte, rest io.Reader) {
 165     // send the data-URI intro
 166     fmt.Fprintf(conn, `data:%s;base64,`, mimeType)
 167     enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, conn)
 168     // base64-encode the starting bytes used to auto-detect the input type
 169     enc.Write(start)
 170     // base64-encode the rest of the input
 171     io.Copy(enc, rest)
 172     enc.Close()
 173 }

     File: si/info.txt
   1 si [filenames/URIs...]
   3 This app (Show It) shows data using your default web browser by auto-opening
   4 tabs. When reading from stdin, the content-type is auto-detected: data are
   5 then sent right away to the browser via localhost, using a random port among
   6 the available ones.
   8 The localhost connection is available only until all data are transferred:
   9 this means refreshing your browser tab will lose your content, replacing it
  10 with a server-not-found message page.
  12 When given filenames and/or URIs, the browser tabs will point their paths, so
  13 accidentally reloading them doesn't make them disappear, unless those files
  14 are actually deleted between reloads.
  16 Dozens of common data-formats are recognized when piped from stdin, such as
  17   - HTML (web pages)
  18   - PDF
  19   - pictures (PNG, JPEG, SVG, WEBP, GIF)
  20   - audio (AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, AU, MIDI)
  21   - video (MP4, MOV, WEBM, MKV, AVI)
  22   - JSON
  23   - generic UTF-8 plain-text
  25 Base64-encoded data URIs are auto-detected and decoded appropriately.

     File: si/main.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "encoding/base64"
   6     "errors"
   7     "flag"
   8     "fmt"
   9     "io"
  10     "os"
  11     "os/exec"
  12     "path/filepath"
  13     "runtime"
  14     "strings"
  16     _ "embed"
  17 )
  19 //go:embed info.txt
  20 var usage string
  22 func main() {
  23     cfg := parseFlags(usage)
  24     narg := flag.NArg()
  26     // show all filenames/URIs given by opening new browser tabs for each
  27     nerr := 0
  28     for i := 0; i < narg; i++ {
  29         s := strings.TrimSpace(flag.Arg(i))
  30         if err := handle(s, cfg); err != nil {
  31             fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
  32             nerr++
  33         }
  34     }
  36     // quit in failure if any input clearly failed to show up
  37     if nerr > 0 {
  38         os.Exit(1)
  39     }
  41     // serve from stdin only if no filenames were given
  42     if narg == 0 {
  43         if err := handleInput(os.Stdin, cfg); err != nil {
  44             fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
  45             os.Exit(1)
  46         }
  47     }
  48 }
  50 // handle shows a filename/URI by operning a new browser tab for it
  51 func handle(s string, cfg config) error {
  52     // open a new browser window for each URI
  53     if strings.HasPrefix(s, `https://`) || strings.HasPrefix(s, `http://`) {
  54         return showURI(s)
  55     }
  57     // handle data-URIs
  58     if strings.HasPrefix(s, `data:`) && strings.Contains(s, `;base64,`) {
  59         if err := showURI(s); err != nil {
  60             return err
  61         }
  62         return handleInput(strings.NewReader(s), cfg)
  63     }
  65     // the browser needs full paths when showing local files
  66     fpath, err := filepath.Abs(s)
  67     if err != nil {
  68         return err
  69     }
  71     // open a new browser tab for each full-path filename
  72     return showURI(fmt.Sprintf(`file:///%s`, fpath))
  73 }
  75 // showURI tries to open the file/url given using the host operating system's
  76 // defaults
  77 func showURI(what string) error {
  78     const fph = `url.dll,FileProtocolHandler`
  80     switch runtime.GOOS {
  81     case `windows`:
  82         return exec.Command(`rundll32`, fph, what).Run()
  83     case `darwin`:
  84         return exec.Command(`open`, what).Run()
  85     default:
  86         return exec.Command(`xdg-open`, what).Run()
  87     }
  88 }
  90 // handleInput specifically handles stdin and data-URIs
  91 func handleInput(r io.Reader, cfg config) error {
  92     if cfg.From != `` {
  93         return serveOnce(nil, r, serveConfig{
  94             ContentType:   cfg.From,
  95             ContentLength: -1,
  96             Autoplay:      cfg.Autoplay,
  97         })
  98     }
 100     // before starting the single-request server, try to detect the MIME type
 101     // by inspecting the first bytes of the stream and matching known filetype
 102     // starting patterns
 103     var buf [64]byte
 104     n, err := r.Read(buf[:])
 105     if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
 106         return err
 107     }
 108     start := buf[:n]
 110     // handle data-URI-like inputs
 111     if bytes.HasPrefix(start, []byte(`data:`)) {
 112         if bytes.Contains(start, []byte(`;base64,`)) {
 113             return handleDataURI(start, r, cfg)
 114         }
 115     }
 117     // handle regular data, trying to auto-detect its MIME type using
 118     // its first few bytes
 119     mime, ok := detectMIME(start)
 120     if !ok {
 121         mime = cfg.From
 122     }
 123     if mime == `` {
 124         mime = `text/plain`
 125     }
 127     // remember to precede the partly-used reader with the starting bytes;
 128     // give a negative/invalid filesize hint, since stream is single-use
 129     return serveOnce(start, r, serveConfig{
 130         ContentType:   mime,
 131         ContentLength: -1,
 132         Autoplay:      cfg.Autoplay,
 133     })
 134 }
 136 // handleDataURI handles data-URIs for func handleInput
 137 func handleDataURI(start []byte, r io.Reader, cfg config) error {
 138     if !bytes.HasPrefix(start, []byte(`data:`)) {
 139         return errors.New(`invalid data-URI`)
 140     }
 142     i := bytes.Index(start, []byte(`;base64,`))
 143     if i < 0 {
 144         return errors.New(`invalid data-URI`)
 145     }
 147     // force browser to play wave and aiff sounds, instead of
 148     // showing a useless download-file option
 149     switch mime := string(start[len(`data:`):i]); mime {
 150     case `audio/wav`, `audio/wave`, `audio/x-wav`, `audio/aiff`, `audio/x-aiff`:
 151         before := beforeAudio
 152         if cfg.Autoplay {
 153             before = beforeAutoplayAudio
 154         }
 156         // surround URI-encoded audio data with a web page only having
 157         // a media player in it: this is necessary for wave and aiff
 158         // sounds, since web browsers may insist on a useless download
 159         // option for those media types
 160         r = io.MultiReader(
 161             strings.NewReader(before),
 162             bytes.NewReader(start),
 163             r,
 164             strings.NewReader(afterAudio),
 165         )
 167         return serveOnce(nil, r, serveConfig{
 168             ContentType:   `text/html; charset=UTF-8`,
 169             ContentLength: -1,
 170             Autoplay:      cfg.Autoplay,
 171         })
 173     case `image/bmp`, `audio/x-bmp`:
 174         // surround URI-encoded bitmap data with a web page only having
 175         // an image element in it: this is necessary for bitmap pictures,
 176         // since web browsers may insist on a useless download option for
 177         // that media type
 178         r = io.MultiReader(
 179             strings.NewReader(beforeBitmap),
 180             bytes.NewReader(start),
 181             r,
 182             strings.NewReader(afterBitmap),
 183         )
 185         return serveOnce(nil, r, serveConfig{
 186             ContentType:   `text/html; charset=UTF-8`,
 187             ContentLength: -1,
 188             Autoplay:      cfg.Autoplay,
 189         })
 191     default:
 192         start = start[i+len(`;base64,`):]
 193         r = io.MultiReader(bytes.NewReader(start), r)
 194         dec := base64.NewDecoder(base64.URLEncoding, r)
 196         // give a negative/invalid filesize hint, since stream is single-use
 197         return serveOnce(nil, dec, serveConfig{
 198             ContentType:   mime,
 199             ContentLength: -1,
 200             Autoplay:      cfg.Autoplay,
 201         })
 202     }
 203 }

     File: si/mit-license.txt
   1 The MIT License (MIT)
   3 Copyright © 2024 pacman64
   5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
   6 this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
   7 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
   8 use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
   9 of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
  10 so, subject to the following conditions:
  12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  13 copies or substantial portions of the Software.

     File: si/strings.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "strings"
   6 )
   8 // makeDotless is similar to filepath.Ext, except its results never start
   9 // with a dot
  10 func makeDotless(s string) string {
  11     i := strings.LastIndexByte(s, '.')
  12     if i >= 0 {
  13         return s[(i + 1):]
  14     }
  15     return s
  16 }
  18 // hasPrefixByte is a simpler, single-byte version of bytes.HasPrefix
  19 func hasPrefixByte(b []byte, prefix byte) bool {
  20     return len(b) > 0 && b[0] == prefix
  21 }
  23 // hasPrefixFold is a case-insensitive bytes.HasPrefix
  24 func hasPrefixFold(s []byte, prefix []byte) bool {
  25     n := len(prefix)
  26     return len(s) >= n && bytes.EqualFold(s[:n], prefix)
  27 }
  29 // trimLeadingWhitespace ignores leading space-like symbols: this is useful
  30 // to handle text-based data formats more flexibly
  31 func trimLeadingWhitespace(b []byte) []byte {
  32     for len(b) > 0 {
  33         switch b[0] {
  34         case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
  35             b = b[1:]
  36         default:
  37             return b
  38         }
  39     }
  41     // an empty slice is all that's left, at this point
  42     return nil
  43 }

     File: si/strings_test.go
   1 package main
   3 import (
   4     "bytes"
   5     "testing"
   6 )
   8 func TestHasPrefixByte(t *testing.T) {
   9     var tests = []struct {
  10         Data     []byte
  11         Prefix   byte
  12         Expected bool
  13     }{
  14         {nil, 'x', false},
  15         {[]byte(`x`), 'x', true},
  16         {[]byte(` x`), 'x', false},
  17         {[]byte(`xyz`), 'a', false},
  18         {[]byte(`abcxyz`), 'a', true},
  19     }
  21     for _, tc := range tests {
  22         t.Run(string(tc.Data), func(t *testing.T) {
  23             got := hasPrefixByte(tc.Data, tc.Prefix)
  24             if got != tc.Expected {
  25                 const fs = `expected %v, but got %v instead`
  26                 t.Fatalf(fs, tc.Expected, got)
  27             }
  28         })
  29     }
  30 }
  32 func TestHasPrefixFold(t *testing.T) {
  33     var tests = []struct {
  34         Data     []byte
  35         Prefix   []byte
  36         Expected bool
  37     }{
  38         {[]byte("<!docTYPE html>\n<html>"), []byte(`<!doctype HTML`), true},
  39     }
  41     for _, tc := range tests {
  42         t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
  43             got := hasPrefixFold(tc.Data, tc.Prefix)
  44             if got != tc.Expected {
  45                 const fs = `expected %v, but got %v instead`
  46                 t.Fatalf(fs, tc.Expected, got)
  47             }
  48         })
  49     }
  50 }
  52 func TestTrimLeadingWhitespaces(t *testing.T) {
  53     var tests = []struct {
  54         Data     []byte
  55         Expected []byte
  56     }{
  57         {[]byte(`abc`), []byte(`abc`)},
  58         {[]byte(" \t"), nil},
  59         {[]byte("  \tabc"), []byte(`abc`)},
  60         {[]byte("\r\nabc"), []byte(`abc`)},
  61     }
  63     for _, tc := range tests {
  64         t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
  65             got := trimLeadingWhitespace(tc.Data)
  66             if !bytes.Equal(got, tc.Expected) {
  67                 const fs = `expected %#v, but got %#v instead`
  68                 t.Fatalf(fs, tc.Expected, got)
  69             }
  70         })
  71     }
  72 }

     File: si/type-headers.txt
   1 Sources
   2 =======
   4 Got the file-type signatures from
   8 The latter site has info to detect various variants of mp4 files, as well as
   9 mov files.
  12 File Signatures
  13 ===============
  15 png
  16 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
  18 gif
  19 47 49 46 38 39 61
  21 jpg
  22 FF D8 FF E0
  23 FF D8 FF E1
  25 wav (riff wave)
  26 52 49 46 46 ?? ?? ?? ?? 57 41 56 45
  28 avi (riff avi)
  29 52 49 46 46 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 56 49 20
  31 webp (riff webp)
  32 52 49 46 46 ?? ?? ?? ?? 57 45 42 50
  34 mp3
  35 FF FB
  36 49 44 33
  38 bmp
  39 42 4D
  41 flac
  42 66 4C 61 43
  44 aiff
  45 46 4F 52 4D ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 49 46 46
  47 webm / mkv
  48 1A 45 DF A3
  50 tiff
  51 49 49 2A 00
  52 4D 4D 00 2A
  54 rtf
  55 7B 5C 72 74 66
  57 pdf
  58 25 50 44 46
  60 djvu
  61 41 54 26 54 46 4F 52 4D ?? ?? ?? ?? 44 4A 56
  63 zip
  64 50 4B 03 04
  66 mpg
  67 00 00 01 BA
  68 00 00 01 B3
  70 mp4
  71 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 79 70 4D 53 4E 56
  72 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 79 70 69 73 6F 6D
  74 m4a
  75 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 79 70 4D 34 41 20
  77 m4v
  78 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 79 70 6D 70 34 32
  80 mov
  81 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 74 79 70 71 74 20 20